For the second consecutive night, WRTV reporter, Kara Kenney, shone a bright light on the Decatur School District.
Last night's report was based on Department of Education data, which the district submits to the DOE btw, showing MSD Decatur Township spent 11% of its General Fund on Central Office Administrative costs during the last full school year, 2008-2009. Most other districts in Central Indiana spent 1-2% of this fund on such expenses.
Here's the link to the article and video - again not identical.
For this report, Kenney asked School Board candidate, Bobby Hire for his reaction. She also interviewed DOE State Board Administrator, Jeff Zaring, for the piece. MSD Decatur Township superintendent, Don Stinson, was "not in the office" and could not be interviewed.
Another excellent report by Kenney. Just one more thing - a shoutout to one of the many awesome commenters to this blog. It was the sharp eye of anon 8:33 in the blog entry "MSD Decatur Township Administration Play Blame Game in Audit Response" that first brought this extraordinary spending out of the dusty data vaults of the DOE and into our view. So, thank anon 8:33 - great job, too.
Let’s Talk About “Merit”
16 hours ago
Now that so many have done the homework that the board balked at (Cathy Wiseman especially), will they finally do the right thing?
Doubt if all the homework is done. This is "sunny" news because for some the television news reports are their main source of news. For those who have computers HadEnoughIndy made a suggestion that comments be posted on that website also and it also helps to read what those outside of the township are writing.
11% blown on fat-cat administrative expenses? Diamond Don, Shake-em-down Jeff and Susan (Honey) Adams should be boiled in oil for this flagrant robbing from our children. Is is possible to see how much Baer gets in salary and perks on his contract, or will Pellico deny us those public records, too? It would be very interesting to know how much of that 11% is spent on catered-in dinners and other "business expenses" like lunches and motel rooms.
Hey, dude. Go easy on our man Pellico. He's under a lot of stress now busily blocking attempts by the news people and citizens to access the MSD's public records that Stinson and our-version-of-Bill-Clinton Jeff Baer do NOT want us to see. He's so nervous now that I bet he can thread a sewing machine while it's running.
FOLLOW THE MONEY! The School Board, Don Stinson, Jeff Baer, Susan Adams, Candi Baer, Gary Pellico, and the Employees at Central Office have been using School funds to go on "Some business trips." really those were vacation trips. Info on those documents provided to the Department Of Education are listed as "Certain type of expenses" at cost to the Taxpayers. Its like this, the more layers you peel on a onion, the more it stinks!
Time to peel some more onions. There are some administrators who should have red faces and watery eyes.
When looking at the budget it is just like any company. You try to disguise and hide things. The key is to put as many things under one topic so people don't ask questions and see how many catered dinners, company cars, hotel room, etc....
Great Job to Kara Kenney! Please send WRTV 6 a thank you for looking into this!
How's it feel to be a part of this budget mess, Susan? You were instrumental in forcing Perry's superintendent out of office because he wouldn't turn over reports and books to you in a timely manner. You claimed ghost employment and other atrocities were being committed by the administration under the former superintendent of Perry Township. All this while you were involved in the same type of deception that you claimed was occurring in Perry. Sure hope you don't talk the board into buying Decatur's superintendent's contract, like you did Perry's.
Don Stinson, Jeff baer, and Susan Adams are very nervous. They are hoping the Indiana State Police doesn't look into the white collar crimes they have committed over the years to now.
Does anyone know if the Decatur schoolboard receive health insurance? I heard that they do some time ago.
anon 11:21 - the teachers union asked the same question of the administration and the answer came back that the school board does not get health insurance.
If the numbers are correct (and I sincerely hope that there is a reasonable explanation for the huge discrepancy) the problem is even bigger than it appears because some of the administrators are being paid out of other accounts. The following is from a Q&A that the DEA had with administration.
Q. Which positions are paid from various funds?
Teaching (Literacy)Title 1.
General Fund – teacher salary
Susan-Capital projects
Dave Rather construction
Jeff Baer- transportation
1 bldg. level admin. at HS – construction fund
Anna Cook – Title 1
Katie Rogers – Cafeteria fund
Federal Stimulus money – Instrucitonal Coaches, speech teacher, etc.
Tried to pay for administrative costs out of funds other than General Fund.
School bus drivers have to take a cut so they can pay Jeff B ins for the next 10 yrs.......HOW SAD!!!! Out of transportation fund
anon 8:55 -- figures on the DOE website - which I remind everyone, are supplied by the district to the DOE -- include certified salaries for the calendar year 2009 (anyone with a teaching degree) paid from the Capital Projects Fund ($113141)which is likely Susan Adams, Transportation Fund ($152951) likely Jeff Baer,and it has been my understanding that Dave Rather is paid from the High School Bond proceeds, which are not in the report.
anon 11:10 - the public still has not heard how much Baer will make for a pension and from what pots of money he will be paid those sums. School Board meeting minutes show that Doug Greenwald asked for the information and he was told he'd get it after the meeting. Unfortunately, I didn't see it brought up again in the minutes.
So, how might it happen that the decatur admin and the "books" are investigated by legal authorities such as the attorney general or state police or who ever is supposed to?
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