I received the list of those teacher retirements and layoffs approved by the Decatur School Board at its last meeting from District spokesman, Gary Pellico.
Cathy Burns ----------- DILC/Blue -----------5th Grade Teacher
Larry Grubb -----------DILC/Gold -----------Technology Teacher
Mary Bellner -----------LW -------------------3rd Grade Teacher
Linda Rather -----------LW -------------------3rd Grade Teacher
Carol Winkler ----------LW -------------------1st Grade Teacher
Pam Herman -----------LW/SD ---------------Media Specialist
Sondra Fenoglio --------VM -------------------4th Grade Teacher
Janet Spencer ----------VM -------------------Special Education Teacher
Wanda Brinkerhoff -----MS -------------------8th Grade Science Teacher
Marilyn Bunner --------MS -------------------8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Greg Dillon -------------MS -------------------7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Mike Gillin -------------MS -------------------Physical Education Teacher
Marsha Hedgeman -----MS -------------------8th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Maureen Madden ------MS -------------------8th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Linda Ryan ------------MS --------------------8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Bruce Simon -----------MS --------------------8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Donna Duhamell -------HS/Q&I ---------------Language Arts Teacher
Janet Lambert ---------HS/ICE ---------------Business Teacher
Robert McCoy ---------HS/Q&I ---------------Mathematics Teacher
Donna Uhlenhake ------HS/ICE ---------------Science Teacher
"The following teachers are recommended for contractual cancellation (semi-permanent and permanent staff): "
Dean Adler------------ HS ---------------------Industrial Technology Teacher
Kristina Criswell -------HS ---------------------Spanish Teacher
Michelle Misurac -------HS ---------------------Science Teacher
Jo Ann Moore ----------HS ------------------Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Kristen Pineda ---------HS ---------------------Art Teacher
Amanda Skobel --------HS ---------------------Special Education Teacher
Quincy Wallace ---------HS ---------------------Physical Education Teacher
Mary Ann O’Neal ------DDA --------------------Special Education Teacher
Kristi Hodges ----------DILC/Blue --------------Special Education Teacher
Kristina Langley -------DILC/Blue --------------6th Grade Teacher
Cheryl Smyth ----------DILC/Blue --------------Art Teacher
Mary Davey -----------DILC/Gold --------------6th Grade Teacher
Megan Johnson --------DILC/Gold --------------5th Grade Teacher
Megan Mathew --------DILC/Gold --------------Physical Education Teacher
Megan Murrell ---------DILC/Gold -------------5th Grade Teacher
Elaina Gibbs -----------LW ---------------------2nd Grade Teacher
Michelle Kite -----------SD --------------------- 3rd Grade Teacher
Allison Hite ------------VM ---------------------3rd Grade Teacher
Ashley Lipps -----------VM ---------------------1st Grade Teacher
Erin Mould -------------VM ---------------------1st Grade Teacher
Rachel Slagle -----------VM ---------------------Physical Education Teacher
Molly Newland ---------WN ----------------------2nd Grade Teacher
Melissa Abernathy -----ECC ---------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Kelsey Bales -----------ECC ----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Thomas Dennis --------ECC ----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Ashley Dyck -----------ECC ----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Anne Foster -----------ECC ----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Anne Gothe ------------ECC ----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Ashley Klassen ---------ECC ---------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Rachael Many ---------ECC ----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
Cassandra Nichols ------ECC ---------------------Special Education Teacher
Lisa Schwedler ---------ECC ---------------------Kindergarten Teacher
"The following teachers are recommended for contractual non-renewal (non-permanent staff): "
Heather Beach ---------HS/Q&I -----------------English Teacher
Justin Dixson ----------HS/New Tech ------------Social Studies Teacher
Kyle Enright -----------HS/New Tech -----------English Teacher
Erin Gettinger ---------HS/Choice ---------------Special Ed Teacher
Jeremy Griffith --------HS/Choice ---------------Social Studies Teacher
Karen Harwood --------HS/ICE ------------------Mathematics Teacher
Chris Hutchison --------HS/Q&I ------------------Mathematics Teacher
John Kirtland ----------HS/Choice ---------------English Teacher
Elizabeth Carpenter-Wilson ---DDA --------------Art Facilitator
Lisa Carroll ------------DDA ---------------------Spanish Teacher
Joan Tejchma ---------DDA ----------------------Chemistry/Physics Facilitator
Jane True -------------DDA ----------------------Science/Music Facilitator
Cari Hair ---------------DEC ----------------------Social Studies Teacher
Laurie Sheldrake -------DEC ---------------------Mathematics Teacher
Trisha Corbin ----------MS ----------------------Mathematics Teacher
Howard Esterlin--------DILC/Blue ---------------Special Ed Teacher
Catherine Jones --------DILC/Blue --------------6th Grade Teacher
Rebecca Starnes -------DILC/Blue ---------------6th Grade Teacher
Jennifer Geiger ---------DILC/Gold --------------Special Ed Teacher
Lauren Brake ----------SD -----------------------2nd Grade Teacher
Kate Ferguson ---------SD ------------------------Special Ed Teacher
Katherine McFadden---SD -----------------------2nd Grade Teacher
Janette Mikulsky ------SD ------------------------Special Ed Teacher
Stephanie Werne-------SD ------------------------4th Grade Teacher
Stevie Bruzas ----------VM -----------------------4th Grade Teacher
Brittany Caldwell ------WN -----------------------2nd Grade Teacher
Rebecca Jones ---------WN -----------------------1st Grade Teacher
Erin Whitfield ---------ECC -----------------------Kindergarten Teacher
While Superintendent Don Stinson originally said that there would be one RIFed teacher position saved for every retirment, he is now saying that only 13 RIFed teachers on this list will be reinstated, even though 23 teachers are now retiring. The number of retirees reported here is obviously incomplete, but would be the ones accepted by the Board at their last meeting.
Let’s Talk About “Merit”
17 hours ago
At first it was forty-one Teachers,then forty-five and now sixty-one along with the retirees. Don Stinson and Jeff Baer are playing the blame game on the Governor and the State for their problems. Stinson had stated that Jeff Baer and his wife Candace Baer's retirement would save money, BULL. Don Stinson gave those positions to Susan Adams and someone from Perry Township to take over. Where did they make any cuts in Administration? WHERE!? Susan Adams will get a huge pay raise added to her new position from those laid-off dedicated Teachers salaries.Don Stinson, Jeff Baer, and Susan Adams went over the numbers to see how much they can cheat from the school district. Those thieves, "Stinson, Baer, and Adams" are taking the Taxpayers' monies and cramming in their "pockets" by pockets I mean: their retirement accounts, health insurances, vacation homes, business offers, and salaries.
Looks like we are losing quite a few Special Ed Teachers. These children especially need experienced teachers.I guess nothing is more important than Admin. 'golden parachutes'
Anonymous said...
Tell me Stinson, I no longer use Mr.Stinson since I no longer have any respect left for you.
Which fund are you taking the $9,000.00
out of that you have allocated for catered school board meals in next years budget ?
Is Candace Baer retiring?
anon 10:13 - Candace Baer has been planning on leaving for another job for some time now. They just haven't announced it. That way they still have a slot at the Central Office to move HS Principal Joe Preda. Then they will have a faux interview process for Joe's job where Chris Duzenbery will be determined the winner.
That is purely speculation regarding the high school administrators. There are no facts to support that claim.
Only time will tell!
If they are closing DEC and DDA why do Peterzak and Lineweber still have administrator jobs???? Are they being paid as teachers or administrators next year????? Do they get health insurance added to their salaries?????? There is money to be saved.
Although I hate to see us lose staff, some do need to retire or be removed but not because of the budget. So why isn't Oberle on the retirement list. Why isn't McWilliams on the list to be removed. Or other administrators that constantly allow others outside of our district to attend school here just to play sports. Oh that's right open enrollment allows that to happen.
Stinson said publicly at the retirement dinner that 2 teachers would be hired for each teacher retiring. If you examine the list of retirees compared to those RIFed, you will note a discrepancy. It became obvious when Stinson only rehired 13 teachers after 23 retired. The large majority of those retiring are in content specific positions. It would seem then that those remaining on RIF list after the first recall are not qualified to fill the remaining 10 positions left available by retirees. My prediction is that following the May 11 Board meeting, jobs will be posted as available on the job board for these content specific areas, while many are still sitting on the RIF list. The promise was not to save jobs - only to save "positions".
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