Let’s Talk About “Merit”
16 hours ago
We need to elect good, intelligent, thoughtful people to office. How do we get there given the entrenched interests that normally overrule the public interest? What's gone right recently? What's gone wrong recently? How do we improve our government by improving our choices for public office?
Hello I am a parent of 3 children in this township was ashamed tonight that all the outcries on this board went unnoticed when only about 40 or so people showed up to make our voices heard. Myself who have never attended a board meeting found time to go and hear what was said.. It was a sad day to hear what is happening in our community. Teachers are our part of our families yet we failed to stand up for them.... The most important topic this evening was not our teachers but transportation they are cutting over 700,000 to start with on the budget so what does that tell you... Did you know Stinson offered a 20% pay decrease and the board denied it?? Also they knew this was going to happen so why build a brand new High School when they could have remodeled and used the money towards are teachers who teach and care for our children monday thru friday everyday... Imagine having to pay for day care for 3 kids because they arent old enough to stay home alone now think about how much how teachers really do....They become our kids home away from home....My kids love their teachers and although they maybe young they still worry about whether they will be there next year and get upset just thinking about it...
Did the board members acknowledge the comments by Decatur patrons?
I recall at a prior meeting Wiseman arrogantly targeted a teacher for speaking in her end of the night comments.
The previous post was incorrect. I personally hand counted and there were only 90ish there. 56 chairs; all full and standing room in the back and sides. 90sish; no more than 100. SHAMEFUL! Hide behind the computer and post but not get involved. It's kind of like the person that doesn't vote and still gripes and moans about the politicians.....
With that said, here's the factual problem with this Administraion. Somehow, $730,000.00 was cut from the transportation budget tonight. 4 distinct things were voted on; what WERE those things that saved us almost 3/4 of a million dollars? Was it bad or was it good? There was nothing discussed about the changes. Once again, the bus drivers will suffer because they don't have a clue what was voted on tonight!
Keep up the good work with this blog. The Super and board members stated (rather loudly) that they don't appreciate this blog and the negativity being reported. HEY SUPER and BOARD...read the above! What the heck did you do tonight!? NO ONE KNOWS! You voted on something that will affect many people yet we don't know what it is! Get a grip.
And Huffman. Gag. Yes Don, we know there was no budget. Yes Don, we know that the state has been cutting funding for years. You didn't have to let the public (voters) know how smart you are. So are you admitting that you KNEW you didn't have the money yet you spent a million dollars on the football field? Guess what. You really WON'T be getting my vote next go-round.
And PEOPLE! WAKE UP and KNOW HOW TO CONDUCT YOURSELVES at a public meeting. If you want to speak, SIGN IN. They don't tell you this, you have to know it. Once the meeting starts you CAN NOT SPEAK. Mr. Henson rather rudely let a patron know this evening that he couldn't. May I qoute you Mr. Henson "NO YOU MAY NOT". I'll be glad when the election is over and you'll be gone.
Suggestion for Board Members and Administration: Ok; you're mad that people are talking about what's going on. You say (rather loudly) that you don't like the rumours and name calling. HAVE A TOWN HALL MEETING and QUIT BEING SO SECRETIVE! Again, what did you do tonight to save money? You have to be more open and communicate! At least post it on your website! You have to communicate!
Last word: GET INVOLVED. Blogs are fun but you have to get involved. Take a couple of hours out of your month and go to a meeting.
It was rather hard to hear the patron comments, board members and administrative staff with the distractions from the gallery. People in the back were rudely talking and several cell phones were ringing. It's all about courtesty during a public meeting.
They don't like the blog and they don't like the facts that have exposed. They obviously do not have a guilty conscience in them. Should not be surprised. Though it is really a Peyton Place the blog has not disclosed the factual details that need to be revealed because they must not think that character and morals are necessary for leadership of schools. Glad they are reading the blog so need to keep writing.
Was there any media in attendance? They WERE called!
From what I could tell, the only media present was Mooresville/Decatur Times reporting on the Bowling team's accomplishments.
Bobby Hire, new school board candidate was also in attendance and greeting people. Way to go Bobby!
I learned one thing all the people commenting on the plog sure didn't face up tonight and show up at the meeting. It was really sad to see that that's all the people that care in this township.Its no wonder our kids act the way they do and our schools are falling apart we have parents that don't give a shit. This township will never improve cause we don't stick together.
If you want to know what happened at the School Board Meeting, you should have come to find out yourself asd we did! Best way to know the real information first hand, instead of through this blog or heresay. :-)
To 9:31....Please expand on the comment about Wiseman....was that Nan Wiseman the principal or Kathy Wiseman a board member?
To 9:31....Please expand on the comment about Wiseman....was that Nan Wiseman the principal or Kathy Wiseman a board member?
Go to the meetings if you really care. Did she make a comment or didn't she? You weren't there....
Just because I wasn't there doesn't mean that I don't care. I had other obligations that were already scheduled before this mess got out of control. I still care and want to know how the kids will be affected.
Violin lessons. Balet. Soccer. Karate. Girl scouts. Boy scouts. Cuurch. Band camp. Marching band. Color guard. Helicopter parents. MAKE TIME. I almost agree with the administration when it comes to rumors and false statements. How about this. Ground the helicopter and plan on going to next months board meeting? Make time to go. You know when it is; make the time to go. Find out first hand factual information and show them that you really DO care.
For your information, I tried to rearrange things for tonight, but couldn't. If they had sent an automated message out earlier than Sunday, and if I had found out the info I did from my child's teacher earlier than the day before the meeting, then maybe I could have gone. I have already marked the next one on my calendar don't you worry.
As always the school board meeting was somewhat of a joke. People go to these meetings expecting answers and the school board will try as hard as they can to be as secretive as they can. Anything that was passed was in front of the school board members only on paper or their laptops. They did not explain things or have them posted for everyone to see. Even if we had a problem on what they were approving what can we do about it but sit on our hands and keep our mouths shut. One parent was going to ask a question and they told him "NO". They then had Mr. Pellico take him out in the hall and talk with him. The discussion got very loud the door was shut and they kept him out there the whole time. All the public wants is a question and answer session. I thought that was what the work session was going to be but was wrong. 1 session that anyone can ask any question and there is an actual response or acknowledgement from the school board is all we are asking for. People do not sign up to talk because what good does it do in the end except put a target on your or your kids! As far as the people speaking in the back, what else can people do to show any kind of disapproval on what the school board is doing or approving. I am just waiting for one person to stand up and start asking questions and demanding answers. But it will not happen because they will call security; oops we do not have that they will have to wait on the police.
Yes there is a shortfall. No it is not entirely all Decatur’s fault but it is not all the State's fault either. Everyone knew the property tax caps were coming. Some schools planned for it more than others. On top of that shortfall and having to adjust to it (which Decatur was not prepared to do) then the governor looked around and said why do we need to give the schools this much money to put in things like astro turf or a java cafe. So he did cut more funds so the schools did not continue their excessive spending many of them had gotten out of control with. So yes double whammy they both came the same year. Some of the school systems are releasing money from one fund to move to another to cover where they are short. However, Decatur announced tonight they are short in every fund. How is this possible? They kept saying look at everything we have accomplished, the programs we have, and the great facilities we have built. We have come a long way. But everything costs money. So maybe we should not have done all of those things in the first place. Maybe we should just concentrate on the schools being schools and all the other stuff will start adding after our graduation rate increases, NWEA scores improve, and we see our kids excelling.
I am very active in my children and their education. I try to make it to the school board meetings and I was there tonight. But sometimes I do have other obligations. If I miss a meeting I would not want anyone to say that I do not care!
If you want facts then find out the information and dig for the facts. Yes this is a blog and most of it I have found to be factual. However, just like anything else double check for yourself. You can hear about things here first then start doing the research.
Even though the administration does not care for the blog I really appreciate it!
Thank You
If you know anything about board meetings they have a regular schedule meeting posted at the beginning of each school year. Usually the second Tuesday of the month with the exceptional work sessions.
Shows you do know that much! If you really did care you would have been there!!!! See you next time!
To 10:36...
The most factual information has been coming from the school administration....And if you were present like you said you were and stayed for the whole evening you would have seen the emotion and heart that is put out by the whole Decatur staff(from top to bottom!
They do care very much about the welfare of our children.
The fact even show that the graduation rate has risen and the drop out rate has been lowered. Yes, there are many achievements, but you can't ignore the political press that has been put on all of our schools. Instead, of complaining about what we don't have...why don't you blog Daniels for trying to make our schools private...like he has our road.
Just wait, you'll see that Daniels will pull out another rabbit out of his hat and hit the school one more time fir $$$$$$$$. It's been on the news. The shortfall starts in the big office downtown. The scandals are starting to arise. When will we ever get the &%@& governor out of office.
Balance the budget from his office. Let see if he could run on a shoestring in JAPAN......
I enjoy ever child that comes into my room and know that they learn something from me everyday as I do them.
Let's work together and make this a peaceful situation for the sake of our kids.
Here is Mitch Daniel's phone number
In some communities they actually have the board meetings AT A SCHOOL every time. And they provide child care so that people with FAMILIES can attend. I'm sure that some patrons have children...oh, wait...all of them do.
Funny that Stinson got so upset about the blog that he has never actually read. Maybe that's what he needs all those administrators for...to filter through stuff like the blog and give him the highlights.
If this was your first board meeting, welcome. Sorry to tell you that except for the rant at the end, it was business as usual. But please come back and bring your friends AND your kids. It is very hard to keep going to these when it doesn't seem to do any good, but as you could see from tonight, they know we're here and that's a beginning.
I've been to more than one board meeting.
I was there for the whole meeting tonight.
I saw plenty of emotion but didn't believe it. Actions speak louder than words.
I heard Stinson's worn out speech.
I heard the board vote unanimously to cut transportation in some vague categories and not even flinch when told the details would be worked out later.
I heard the board vote unanimously to approve expenditures that the public didn't get to see copies of.
I heard the board put social workers and librarians and others on hold AGAIN.
I could almost SEE the buck being passed around and around...
That was all show tonight and feel sorry for Stinson and Huffman put a little pity too. They said they have the best their is at co (running our schools) yea right, the best at filling their pockets. Some day they will get theirs (hopefully soon)
Anonymous said...
To 9:31....Please expand on the comment about Wiseman....was that Nan Wiseman the principal or Kathy Wiseman a board member? March 16, 2010 10:02 PM
Here's your answer. If you want to plod through Phil Webster's diatribe to see it in context, look at the blog post "MSD Decatur Township Needs New Superintendent".
Anon March 8, 2010 3:45 PM
My gag reflex starts to kick when webster tries to scold everyone for not working with Stinson and the school board. I've been to school board meetings, coach, so don't insult my intelligence with that drivel.
Anyone who goes to a school board meeting wishing to ask questions and get answers from our elected and appointed officials, gets greeted with "sign up if you want to speak" --- "we don't answer questions here, but if you want to speak you have FIVE MINUTES" --- tick, tick, tick...your time's up, siddown and shut up...NEXT". Throughout all this the fire-chief and his fellow board members scowl at us, and Stinson sits there with his mouth open dozing off to sleep. You can feel the contempt of Stinson and the board members, as they disdainfully wait for the meeting to be over so they no longer have to listen to "input" from the unwashed masses who pay the taxes they give to each other in raises and perks. When the meeting is ended they scurry away to avoid waiting TV news reporters if possible, or like Mrs. Wiseman, jeer because someone's public concerns might cause her "homework".
Thanks to everyone for posting details of tonight's meeting. I planned on attending but my daughter was sick today and needed her Mom's presence at home tonight.
As a Mom to children at ECC and West Newton, I have to admit I have never been involved in school board topics before. Earlier this year I heard there were some budget issues so I went out to the website and saw "possible" solutions but never saw any other updates since. Then I went to conferences for my kids Monday night and heard all of these issues going on. I was recommended to this blog and have definitely learned a lot (thanks!)
I guess this is where I am unsure on what action to take next. I am genuinely concerned about my childrens' educational future but feel a bit lost at what do we do next. What are our rights as parents and residents? Can we demand a Questions and Answers Session (maybe flood the school board with requests)?
I appreciate everyone's concerns and compassion expressed here to ensure our children receive the best education possible!
Did they say what fund the cost of all of the buses they are purchasing is coming from? They are cutting all routes to 4 hours then buying buses and adding new drivers. How does this save money?If you are interested, call Rosie O'Brien at 856-8060 to confirm. As for not coming last night, we all know that it puts employees (except teachers who have the union) on the hit list if we even act interested in attending the board meetings. Many people went but were asked to stand in the hallways as the board room was at capacity. Stinson says he doesn't read the blog but sure knew how to take care of crowd control by not moving the a larger venue.
Teachers on here really need to get over blaming Daniels. Not every school district is in the massive upheaval that Decatur is. The primary reason being they anticipated the cuts and PLANNED effectively. Sure those districts are going for early retirements, but those districts also have a smaller hole to fill because they were able to effectively lead their school districts and plan for the future.
From the MSD Decatur web site; School Board link:
There ya go. Enough notice for ya?
Who wants to bet that the next meeting (April 13th for those of you that don't understand) there will be just a handfull of people.
If you really really REALLY want to make a difference, get out from behind the computer and go to a meeting. There's strength in numbers folks! You don't have to speak. Just go. Cram the room. 300 people at Aprils meeting (04/13/2010). 500 people at Mays meeting (05/11/2010).
Get the picture?
Thanks to all of you who stand up for your sovereignty. You make me feel stronger.
anon 10:02 - it was the Board member, Kathy Wiseman, who rebuked a middle school teacher for 'assigning homework'.
anon 9:49 and all - I now have permission from both challengers for School Board to post contact information on the side panel of this blog. I will do that in just a moment.
Remember that you must be registered to vote if you want to vote on candidates for School Board. The deadline to register is April 5 and the Election is May 4.
This is to help some of you understand a little bit more about property taxes and why I am not for a referendum. I am a Realtor in the area and have easy access to the public tax records.
My house is assessed at $148,800. I have searched all of the surrounding counties to find like homes assessed at the same value. Below I will compare the current taxes. However I will point out how much Decatur twp has gone down due to the 1% cap. All the tax amounts are per year.
Decatur Township - $1908.76 a year (however that is down because in 2008 they were $2,694.16)
Lawrence twp. - $1384
Perry twp - $1408
Wayne twp - $1800
Franklin twp - $1969
Morgan County - $554.60 a year!
Hendricks County - $1296
Hamilton County - $1144
Johnson County - $1122
They were $224 a month and now will be $159 a month. That will save me $100 a month on my house payment. However, we are still the highest around in taxes. What this means if someone is debating between 2 houses one in Decatur and one in another county they will pay more for the house in Decatur every month for taxes. One thing that will sway people one way or another is the schools. Compared to these other schools would you pay more for your child to go to school at Decatur? Will this attract people to move into the area? We are already one of highest taxes around. If we vote a referendum in they would be even higher and that would result in even less people moving in the District. And forget trying to ever sell your home!
I hope that people realize these are facts and I am just trying to help people make sense of some of this mess.
Anon March 17 10:16
Thank you for sharing this factual information.
What a sad world,state,and twp. we live in. It always used to be priority to not cut education. Or the safety of our children. Well, they have both been cut. They will be cut til there is no more. We must make a stand. The worlds future is at stake here. Our students lives are at stake here.
They are cutting teachers. The main source of education. They are cutting schoolbus routes. There would be no school if they couldnt get to school. If the school bus is jambed packed. That is a safety issue. If it takes longer then a half hour for your child to get home on a schoolbus, thats a safety issue. If there is no school security to call for problems. That is a safety issue. Cramming a bunch of kids into a tiny classroom with only one underpaid teacher, Thats a safety issue. If you underpay the teachers and schoolbus drivers. What kinds of education and trans do you think you will get? Decatur Twp. residents please see this is a huge problem. Take a stand at the next meeting. I say we all go there with bells on. And, dont let them say a word. Let them listen. Forget signing in. Let them sign in. We can stand up and fight this. All they want is to fill their pockets. And, take away from the people who live pay check to pay check. And, the people who really care about our students. I dont think any one of the people who get a fat pay check really care about our kids education or safety. They just want everyone who cant afford a pay cut. To go on somewhere. So, they can continue to roll in our twp. money. They dont care about the education of the kids. They are just fighting for that money. Well, they need a huge pay cut. Or they can just go on somewhere. Leave the people who WORK FOR A LIVING alone! Get rid of those buildings and land and the high paid jobs. And, there you go! Duh!
I am so afraid to even ask any questions....I can't believe how we attack one another...we have to come together to help our children not point fingers at one another. Why don't we explain how important it is and make a pledge to attend the next meeting, not withhold the date and time. This is my first child in school, so no, I don't know how everything work or where to find information, being a mother of 4 is pretty busy! I didn't even know about this blog until a couple of days ago...so please don't fault me...just help. People respond to positive reinforcement not negative. So thank you to all who have written information to help educate me and what I can do to help out.
Once again. THE MEETINGS ARE POSTED FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. MAKE PLANS TO GO. Get out from behind the computer and go find out yourself. There's strength in numberss.
Anon 10:16, do you think property taxes are higher here to make up for all the businesses that don't pay taxes? Or what? Thanks for the perspective.
Anon 4:38 You're absolutely right. And welcome to the party!
Anon 8:58 Lay off
Yeah, Anon 8:58 - there may be strength in numbers, but your attitude is the weakest link!
i too am new to this whole "kid in school thing" i had no idea that this was going on but you can be damn sure i am know whats going on now...i am a 2nd generation decaturite and am saddened by the recent decisions, or lack thereof. Everyone that can needs to make arrangements now to be @ the next meeting, i will be, we need to contact the big media,( no offense to M/D times) thats the only way we will get heard and get some answers, let the board sweat a little bit...we are sweating plenty worrying about our childrens futures. The younger teachers ( who recieves the slips) are the ones that will be around for the next 12 years of our childrens education, something needs to be done
Thank you to everyone who has left very valuable information. I, too, am new to this whole situation. I have a 1st grader at West Newton and a pre-schooler at Lynwood.
I appreciate the information and feedback, but simply request that those of you who have been around the school system for a while have patience with those of us who are trying to learn. It is not that we don't care; it is that we are uninformed as to how things work in the world of primary and secondary education.
I have marked the upcoming school board meetings in my planner and will be attending with my husband and young daughters. I think it is important for the school board to look into the faces of the children. They need to know the faces of the children in Decatur Township and understand that the decisions they are making are directly impacting these bright students.
Thank you again to everyone for your information. I'll see you at the next meeting!
March 18: 9:36
I agree. Please talk to other parents because you are in the majority - parents do not know much information.
For West Newton Mom here are some things you should know about School Board meetings:
1. You have one chance to speak; that's at the beginning of the meeting titled "Patrons Comments". In years past, you simply had to raise your hand to be recognized and you spoke from your seat. Now, they require you to sign in as you enter the meeting place. MAKE SURE YOU SIGN IN! Again, there used to be no time limit but now they will limit you to 3 to 5 minutes depending on the number of people signed up to speak. Speak LOUDLY so not only the Board can hear you but the patrons in the gallery.
2. Once the meeting starts; after the Patron Comments, you cannot address the Board. If you have a question or comment you can be ruled out of order and even asked to be removed from the room. It hasn't happened for a while but keep in mind you have zero input from her on out.
3. Even though you speak during Patrons Comments, the Board may or may not respond to you. Usually, they won't.
4. Check the agenda on the MSD Decatur website. It's supposed to be posted before the meeting but lately it hasn't been. You have a right to ask questions about items on the agenda before the meeting but not during. Make sure you allow enough time to call the board members so they can respond to your questions. Here it becomes dicey; they don't have to discuss personnel issues and won't. Anything else is fair game. They should answer your questions. Pat has graciously placed board members phone numbers on her blog; you have a right to call them and ask questions. Remember they won't answer personnel issues.
5. 9 times out of 10, you won't get an answer from anyone beyond the building level. Odds are you'll get a response from Gary Pelico, the Corporation mouthpiece. Stand your ground; tell him you didn't call him you called so-and-so. You want an answer from him/her. Ask for your answer in writing; you legally have that right.
6. Although executive sessions of the Board have to be published as a called meeting, they are expressly prohibited from the public. Usually items discussed by the Board in executive session can't be disclosed to the public legally.
Go to the school board meetings. Sign up to speak. Even if you don't speak GO. There's strength in numbers. The CO board room seats 54 people. Standing room would be double that. Wouldn't it be great to have 500, 600, or even 700 people show up and hold these peoples feet to the fire? Look at them with contempt like they look back at us with contempt....
I would highly recommend that the board/administration hold a town hall format meeting. Remember, you can't ask questions at the board meeting. A town hall format would allow questions and answers in a direct contact. This has to be done; I think it has to be done before the April 13th board meeting. From what I see, April 13th is going to be nasty because they are going to deal with the RIF's. Hopefully this will be the last meeting for 2 of our 3 members because the election will be the following month and we'll have 2 new board members!
GO TO THE MEETINGS! Strength in numbers.....
anon 11:40 - excellent summary - thanks
anon 11:40
Thank you so much for your information! This is *exactly* what I was looking for. It's nice to know how the meeting is conducted (and what to expect) in order to eliminate fears and intimidation. I appreciate your time in helping me learn the ropes!
I am just very excited that more parents are taking an interest and becoming involved. Stinson’s behavior at the last school board meeting might suggest otherwise and also a few people posting on this blog. However, it does not matter when you were made aware of this mess the awesome thing is you are doing something now. If you have any questions, ASK! I wish we could have talked to and reached a few of these parents a month or so ago. We could have had a better chance for 3 new board members. Remember VOTE Natalie Coffey and Bobby Hire for a change to the school board!
Anon March 18 11:40
Which two board members' terms will be up for re-election?
anon 6:00 - Collins and Henson from District 3 and Wiseman from District 1 are up for reelection. The rules are weird - so - there are two non-incumbants running for the seats now occupied by Collins and Henson and nobody is running against Wiseman.
Any voter in Decatur can vote for and candidate in any district - just so long as you do not vote for more than two people from any particular district.
"As for not coming last night, we all know that it puts employees (except teachers who have the union) on the hit list if we even act interested in attending the board meetings."
I think Dave Rather writes down who is attending the meetings - teachers and staff. And teachers don't have much confidence in the protection of the union these days.
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