New audits of the books of Marion County School Districts have been posted on the State Board of Accounts website. These include:
MSD Washington Township
MSD Warren Township
MSD Lawrence Township
Let’s Talk About “Merit”
17 hours ago
We need to elect good, intelligent, thoughtful people to office. How do we get there given the entrenched interests that normally overrule the public interest? What's gone right recently? What's gone wrong recently? How do we improve our government by improving our choices for public office?
The article about school board candidates in the Mooresville Times quotes current Decatur school board members as wanting to "finish the job." It might be more accurate to say that they have finished the "job" of ripping off taxpayers and kids in Decatur Township. Huffman is not the only board member who had a family member hired while he was on the board. So did Collins and Wiseman. Since they have consistently refused to take responsibility for the fiscal mess AND have refused to clean up the mess, their job is finished.
Reminder: Be certain you are registered to vote by April 5 (next Monday).
Shame Cathy Wiseman can't be kicked off the Board yet. She's nothing but a trouble maker. I see her a lot down at O'Charleys; I never speak to her because she's such a trouble maker. Nothing but a trouble maker she is. Everyone else knows it too.
Anonymous 7:17 I know what you mean. I know her from the PTA days and she was nothing but a trouble maker then. Funny; I've heard her say others were "trouble makers" and talk bad about ex board members yet she's the biggest of them all. Is she going into her 3rd term on the board? I think she's an excellent reason for TERM LIMITS. This board and her are the reason we're in the mess we're in! TERM LIMITS are needed so people like her can't do any more damage.
don't know about cathy wiseman but i do agree with term limits. what this administration had done to our kids is a example of why they should only be elected to a single term! can you impeech school board members?
Have you received info on Bobby Hire candidacy for the blog? Thank you.
Hope all will read Diana Vice's blog "Dear Diary...." available on this blog site. Very interesting and unfortunately very "telling" about the focus of many (not all) superintendents in Marion couty. It would be very interesting to see Stinson's interoffice memos from the past 8 years!!!! Washington townships shared these interoffice memoes and Decatur can't get official personnel and financial information???????
Gary Pellico's job is to block the public from access to ANY information pertaining to Stinson, Baer, Susan Adams and the rest of their baby-robbing pals. If Pellico can't keep a lid on everything, Diamond Don will fire him and Shake-em-down Jeff Baer will divide Pellico's princely salary and divvy it up among the C.O. cake-eaters as another raise.
The following is from today's online
"For fifth and sixth grades, the intermediate school was too much like middle school," said Valley Mills Elementary Principal Sheila Corbin. "It just wasn't working."
The district also was concerned about population growth near Heartland Crossing in the southwest corner of the district. Class sizes at Valley Mills and West Newton elementary schools were bursting at the seams.
"There is overcrowding and no relief in site," Pellico said. "West Newton is landlocked. It used to be a little country school."
"We're trying to have them be better prepared for non-pencil and paper tasks," Corbin said. "They need to be a team player (and) talk and learn 21st-century skills like learning to collaborate, problem solve, lead and be humble."
Incredible!! The current interim at Valley Mills who was hired at the last board meeting to be the new principal at Valley Mills is now the expert spokesperson for Decatur schools. This was about closing Lynwood - it was not about student achievement. Review the student data on the Indiana Department of Education website.
For sure, Decatur has spent the last eight years being sure that students are not prepared for paper and pencil tasks - check the student data.
Too bad the superintendent and board do not have the 2lst century skils of being able to collaborate, problem solve, lead, and be humble. They also can't do paper and pencil task.
Students deserve better than this!!!!!
Corbin was the academic coach at Lynwood during the decline of ISTEP scores - a paper and pencil test. Academic coaches were a part of the reinvention movement. Academic coaches came into existence when the assistant elementary principals became a thing of the past - Milhon Baer does not think assistant elementary principals are necessary. Corbin is very well connected to the reinvention process - very humbly connected. The paper and pencil SAT test was primary reason reported by Strube to Channel 8 when her daughter (DCHS) was denied admission to IU.
Maybe Tony Bennett is correct - need to change the Indiana school administrator license requirements. Decatur is good example. Intermediate school isn't working??? Current administrator assignments aren't working???? Reinvention needs to be replaced by revolution or maybe return to the Montgomery days or maybe ?????
This is all a mess and we have the school board to thank for letting Stinson and his money grubbing cronies fatten their pocket books at taxpayer expense. They rob our tax dollars from our kids and don't give a damn for anyone but themselves. VOTE THE BUMS OUT IN MAY.
Wiseman can't be voted out! She's the trouble maker; and she can't be voted out!
Wiseman cannot be voted. But no one should vote for her. Vote for 2 candidates only not 3. It will be important for her to receive the least number of votes. Also, do not vote for Collins or Henson. Vote for 2 candidates - not 3. This is IMPORTANT.
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