The MSD Decatur Township School Board will meet this Tuesday, January 11, first in Executive Session at 5:30 pm, followed by the regular meeting at 7:00 pm. The usual, uninformative, agenda can be found here. The Mooresville Decatur Times has indicated that the Executive Session will include discussion of Superintendent Don Stinson's DUI and possible penalties.
The Board has also scheduled a work session for Thursday night, beginning at 6:30 pm. An equally uninformative agenda (here) states only one item, "1. Facility Rental".
2 hours ago
Is there a dinner before the meeting?
Yes, but it's B.Y.O.B. since the "incident" in Plainfield.
DumpCake sounds good for Tuesday's dessert.
Instead of meeting about "facility rental," which used to be job security for Susan Adams, maybe the board should figure out how much they are paying Mr. Stinson, Susan and the re-employed retirees. Once they figure this out, a small RIF of these unneeded administrators would probably save many more dollars than charging township residents to use the same facilities our tax dollars have paid for! How is that for an idea?
Maybe they're really meeting to discuss renting out something to Stinson for him to live in so he doesn't have to drive to work.
Stinson may be wanted by a charter school - he has many life experiences to share.
Ch 6 said something about a superintendent's fate decided tonight at 11pm.
Channel 6 has a report on their website. It says: "Stinson left the board meeting as soon as it was over and refused to answer 6News' questions.
"I think anytime you have a devastating experience in your life, you have to look at it as an opportunity and don't go off and hide," Stinson said to the board at the end of the meeting."
If he is not hiding, why didn't he talk with Channel 6? It says in the report that he produced a stack of letters in his support. I guess he doesn't understand that people who don't support him are afraid to write a letter. He doesn't have a license for 6 months and the board thinks he needs a $1000 a month car???????
Ok,the board has decided at this moment not to suspend the car and petrol allowance...Is there a record of how this allowance is being spent during the duration of his license suspension?
Is it within the bounds of the public to request a copy of said record?
Is there a monetary cost for a copy of said record?
If so,what is the proper procedure of acquiring the record(s)?
What are my options if the administration refuses to honor the request?
I'm willing to request this record from the township in person. I don't want to make this request until Stinson is eligible to receive his probationary license. I'd like to know how the allowance was spent from the day after the arrest until approximately the day he received the probationary license.
And,FWIW...if anyone is afraid of asking the administration for any records,I would be willing to request them.
One more thing...I often read about teachers buying school supplies with their own money...If there are any members of the faculty reading this blog, I'd be curious as to how often they're doing this,and how much they've spent. There's absolutely no reason for teachers to be spending their own monies when this township continues to pay its non-driving superintendent a $1,000 a month in automobile allowance plus any costs of fuel.
The $350,000.41 plus a year salary notwithstanding.
Last night the news showed that a jury of his peers (the school board drunkards) basically let him off the hook. You will probably never see documentation of him actually accomplishing the trivial(slap on the hands) punishments he was given. The praise from school board president Wiseman about having to make a negative into a positive by talking to all the students is crap. I particularly do not need for him to discuss it with my children at all. Thats like using everyones children to redeem yourself. I can't believe so many people wrote letters of support and to sit there and for him to hold them up like it was such an accomplishment is sickening. Him and the school board have done nothing but put on a show for the media. I hope it all backfires on them. It's a disgrace to use the children of this township in a way to redeem yourself. I guess its just another way for him to insure his million dollar retirement fund off the back of our children and the taxes of this township. Its disgusting.
The letters of support were probably written by people who were asked by his loyal followers to write them. He didn't offer to have anyone read them. It wouldn't be the first time that the public doesn't have all the information. Is he planning to read these to students?
has anyone heard anything about someone at central office quitting on tuesday. was it the new guy who took baers place i think his name was harris
Anon 10:41: I will respond to your rambling hate filled responses. Yes, I am a long time teacher in the township. Of course I buy supplies yearly! It's part of my life. I also get donations from local businesses such as CVS and Walgreens. Again, part of my job.
It's not Mr. Stinson's job to get school supplies for me. His job is to be the best superintendant this school system ever saw! He is an absolute genius, brilliant and wonderful man. What he did is probably what most of you hate filled hicks have done in the past. Are you without sin? Can you not cast a stone? Are you really that stupid that you come on the internet and ask how to obtain a public document?
I read what you "people" post on this blog. After reading, I wash my eyes out because it's such hate and stupidity. Don't you have anything else to do with your life? Let our Administrators administrate....let our school board do what they do. Leave them alone! Why are you trying to undo 14 years of the best history of Decatur Township? I know these board members personally and they are the absolute cream of the crop. I would rank them as the greatest school board in the United States!
Quit making something out of nothing. Grow up and get a life.
Sorry; one more thing I thought about after I hit PUBLISH. Read this blog; look at the mentality of people that live in Decatur Township. That's why I won't even consider living in Decatur. Every day when school lets out, I can't wait to get away from here.
Anon 1:51, 1:54. Don't believe you are a teacher - they don't talk this way - embarassing.
I'm sure Anon @1:51 is probably quite proud of his/herself. You've certainly confirmed what a lot of folks have suspected. I guess times have changed,I was always taught if you didn't know the answer to a question,to ask someone who does. Apparently, I was wrong. The only thing you've accomplished is shown everyone reading your post that your temperament is ostensibly less than ideal, and probably not suited for a classroom. You're part of the problem.
I think your contribution is the perfect capstone to this thread. I also think your contribution deserves to be revisited whenever the subject of teacher pay is brought to the township's residents. Congratulations, Long Term Anon Teacher.
Anon 1:51: remember that this blog is being monitored.
No need to worry about that too much right now. Robin hasn't had a lot of extra time for monitoring this blog. She's been too busy covering Don's tracks with the news media, and writing letters of support for Don to wave around at the school board meeting.
Anon 1:51, 1:54. Don't believe you are a teacher - they don't talk this way - embarassing.
January 12, 2011 2:22 PM
Indeed,if we accept the post at face value, it is embarrassing. I would argue it's even more embarrassing than Stinson's arrest. Of course,it could simply just be a lonely troll. Even so,let's not fool ourselves into thinking this type of attitude doesn't exist among some staff/faculty members.
Anon 10:41
Why are you wasting your time reading this if you think so poorly of the people in this township?
If you can't wait to get out of this township when school is over, do it permanently. There are other qualified teachers with good attitudes toward the people in this community waiting to take your place!
A DUI wouldn't do it? Thousands of dollars for retirement packages for several administrators while making cuts everywhere else wouldn't do it? Teachers agreeing to freeze their pay or take a pay cut for an extended contract, while the Supt has two contracts worth what $300k wouldnt do it? Closings an elementary school wouldn't do it? Hiring back several retired administrators as consultants won't do it? Does anyone see poor judgement and timing with any of these decisions? Does anyone care?
Looks like either the legislature or the department of education will have to do it. Just hope innocent victims are not blamed for the mess.
Everyone In the administation Office needs to be investigated. Stinson should have been terminated. Decatur Schools are failing our children, the only schools worth anything are the elementry schools, the middle school and high school is a joke. Decatur cares none about the kids only the apperance of the staff and there buildings. When it comes to there decisions on when to have school on a two hour delay or not to go at all is nuts that is proof the safety of our children is not a concern to them. While working for Decatur I myself have witnessed many many issues that made me walk away from the township.
When Stinson snuck out after the meeting he was in the wrong. If he doesnt want the responsibility of being in the public light then he should have chose a differant career.
ask were the extra pto money goes. Gallagers pizza for pizza and alcohol for the staff.
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