Faithful readers of this blog will remember the ''fiscal restructuring" that MSD Decatur Township went through this past spring. Teachers laid off, one elementary school closed entirely, other employees let go, hours cut back, and health insurance benefits cut. You will remember the back and forth between Superintendent Don Stinson and his ever faithful rubber stamping Board of Education. Stinson said, 'please cut my salary by 20% as a sign of solidarity with our new fiscal reality'. The ever faithful Board replied, 'but, Don, its just too much of a reduction. Can you live with a 15% cut?' And Stinson thought about it for a second and said, 'why, yes. Yes, I think I can.'
Now if you'd like to guess what Stinson's salary reduction was and what his new base salary weighs in on, don't scroll down yet. His base for the last school year was $189,287. So, a 15% cut would amount to $28,393 for a final base salary of $160,894. When you are ready with your guess at his new base salary, scroll down.
Superintendent Don Stinson's new base salary for the 2010-2011 school year is (drum roll, please), $275,539. He didn't get any 15% pay cut. He enjoyed a whopping $86,252 INCREASE. That amounts to a 45.6% RAISE.
I have posted his old contract and new contract on GoogleDocs. If you can't access them and would like me to email you copies, please contact me at
You can fool all of the people some of the time - some of the people all of the time - but, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
[edited to add: For those of you who are interested, Stinson's base salary alone translates into $1331 per day actually worked. That is a 260 day contract minus the holidays, personal days, vacation, etc. Its far more money in pocket when you add in the rest of the perks, like $19,812 cash instead of health insurance, a $27,106 contributed to an annuity, $12,000 vehicle allowance, $6500 incentives, and $20,000 bonus. These items alone add another $85,418 a year or $412 a day.]
Why Economic Ignorance Matters
16 hours ago
Where did you obtain the new contract?
I got it from confidential source who obtained it from the school district through an open records request.
Have you shared this information with the media?
Was the contract sent to one person only through the open records request?
There are lies...DAMN lies.......and DWI Don Stinson. That red-nosed fire chief and his party-hearty pals on the Board, the only way you can tell the're lying is when you see their lips moving. I can't wait til the next time I see them sliming around in public.
Anonymous said...
Was the contract sent to one person only through the open records request?
January 5, 2011 2:45 PM
Is that you Random Robin? :)
Anon 2:45 -- A woman has to have her secrets. You can stop fishing now.
Awww...c'mon now, HEI. You can't blame poor Robin for fishing. If she wants to keep her seat on the "Stinson Sweet-Life Special" gravy train there at central admin office, she better keep her line in the water. Besides, if you make her mad, she'll remind you that this blog is being MONITORED.
Yes, there are privileges that bloggers must keep or no one would share information with us.
This is shocking, Pat. This makes far...the highest paid super in the state.
Name calling ("dwi don" and "random robin") will get you nothing. So will trying to find out who "obtain the new contract". What does it matter? One of 30,000 residents of the township can LEGALLY request and obtain it. What's the big secret? Who cares who obtained it?
BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: THE TRUTH HURTS! Did this school board really do this? I think this has to be a mistake. Please, research this further. As a matter of fact, i'm going to request the contract myself to make sure it's not been altered here! Something not right with this. ask who "obtain the new contract"? I will tomorrow morning when the MSD decatur central office opens.
Random Robin must be practicing her ventriloquist act here. I remember the 'good ole dayz' when Pellico would get hysterical in his support of DWI Don, and type 'LOL' in after sneering at us. I wonder if the dummy Random Robin uses in her act is bald and belches beer after asking everyone to forgive him?
Fly away, fly away, Random Robin. The adults are angry with you and your dummy, and you're being a bother. Go fill the office candy dish or the wine cooler. Which ever is getting low.
Central Office wrote:
"I think this has to be a mistake. Please, research this further. As a matter of fact, i'm going to request the contract myself to make sure it's not been altered here! Something not right with this. ask who "obtain the new contract"? I will tomorrow morning when the MSD decatur central office opens.
January 5, 2011 5:41 PM"
You go, Girl. Shouldn't be much of a walk for you being as you work in C.O. Since your reading comprehension is a little slow, please note that Pat has already posted links to DWI Don's new and old contracts. No sign of any 15% pay reduction (as promised by Stinson and his hard partying pals on the school board), just a huge raise in his new contract. No wonder Stinson has martini lunches and is always knocking back a few every evening. Can you blame him for celebrating?
What happened to the 15% pay cut, Robin? WHY WASN'T STINSON'S PAY CUT LIKE YOU PEOPLE PROMISED IT WOULD BE???
It's telling me the document is not available??????
anon 10:42 - send me your email address and I'll forward a copy of either/both contracts.
If the document was sent to only one person, perhaps they can no longer be trusted.
anon 7:00 - I would suggest that the Board members and Stinson are the ones who cannot be trusted.
"If the document was sent to only one person, perhaps they can no longer be trusted.
January 6, 2011 7:00 AM"
I'd say that if someone is riding Stinson's gravy train there at CO, they can no longer be trusted. Besides, you haven't answered the question. WHY WASN'T STINSON'S PAY CUT LIKE YOU PEOPLE PROMISED IT WOULD BE???
Maybe his pay was cut.
$324,000 x .85 = $275,400
So that is his pay after the cut.
But then you have to ask how did he get a raise of about $135,000 when the school has no money.
I would hope the teachers that worked on the new contract feel like crap now for letting the teachers take all the pay cuts so Don could have his raise.
"I would hope the teachers that worked on the new contract feel like crap now for letting the teachers take all the pay cuts so Don could have his raise.J
Anon, January 6, 2011 12:10 PM"
Dont hold your breath. The teachers union is a bunch of eunuchs
Again, I ask why hasn't this been talked about in the REAL media?
If this is of course true, this would be serious business, and the news would be ALL OVER this.
Just playing devil's advocate here.
If this is of course true, this would be serious business, and the news would be ALL OVER this.
Dear Devil's Advocate:
Did you happen to watch Channel 6 News at 6? Maybe you can catch the next segment. The news is ALL OVER this. Are we paying his legal fees too, in addition to a car allowance when his license is suspended?
What a disgrace to our township! Not just DWI Don, but all of the board members who worship him... Don's Cult. None of them can think or comprehend. Don talks, their mouths move then they sign off, right or wrong! If he tries to counsel my kids about the "mistake" he made, they have been instructed to leave immediately. Don, go talk to your pastor. Leave the kids you are supposed to be a role model for, alone. No wonder your wife left such a weak, lying, uncaring thief.
I find Pat's revelation here disturbing, and I think it's absolutely mind boggling.
That said, I know Don Stinson. I can't believe the names he is being called here in this comments section. While I don't defend his actions, I think you all are getting a bit too personal.
If you want to criticize the actions of the board or if you want to have a problem with the DWI arrest, that's fine, but don't get nasty and get very personal when you don't even have the courage to post your name.
Wow, good work on getting this information out! I plan on blogging about it after I'm finished with the series of articles that I'm currently working on. Keep it up!
"Truth ever lovely since the world began; the foe and tyrants and friend of man."
I was interested to see on Channel 6 that ol' DWI Don doesn't have a morals clause in his juicy, fat-cat contract. You know, whatever else you want to say about the guy, you gotta admit that he is SLICK. Slicker than Slick Willie ever thought about being. If he can avoid croaking from cirrhosis of the liver he ought to walk (or stagger, if you prefer) off into a very plush retirement. Courtesy of the tax payers and their hard partying school board members. I just wish that the students got as much out of this school system as Stinson and cronies at the admin building. They ought to call Stinson the Snow Man cause he definitely has everyone snowed!!!
Jon E. Easter said...
That said, I know Don Stinson. I can't believe the names he is being called here in this comments section. While I don't defend his actions, I think you all are getting a bit too personal.
...but don't get nasty and get very personal when you don't even have the courage to post your name.
Hey, Jon Easter. I have kids in this school district who are being screwed over by Stinson the drunk and his new education BS, and his boozer buddies on the board. IT IS PERSONAL because they are MY kids. and dont preach to me about courage when stinson doesn't have the courage to do what's right before our kids and resign.
This district has a history of retribution. I'm not going to use my name to please Stinson's puppets.
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