The Baldwin County School Board of Education has a Special Board Meeting scheduled at 8:00 AM, June 1, 2010.
They presumably will select their new Superintendent at that time.
Click here for District web page where the agenda may be posted once the meeting is completed.
Why Economic Ignorance Matters
3 hours ago
I am thankful for the citizens of this country that have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have the freedom to voice our opinions about things on places like this blog.
Please remember what today is really about.
Stinson has been chosen.
Unanimous huh? Interesting.
Poor Debbie Sullivan and Susan Adams...left to mind the store.
This school board got exactly what they deserve. They'll hire the search team from Ball State; that will cost us about a quarter of a million. They will have a couple of candidates from outside and probably one from inside (Debbie Sulivan). They'll do it behind closed doors; absolutely zero input from the community. Remember, they know best for us right? When the dust settles; it will be Debbie Sulivan. Anyone want to place your bets?
Off topic, but does anyone know if there is a list of the teachers building assignments for next school year? It seems the majority of the teachers are moving to different elementaries - is that information made public?
According to one of the posters in Alabama, Stinson will be paid $200,000 per year. When combined with his monstrous Indiana retirement he will be paid VERY WELL. Let us hope the students in Alabama continue to prosper academically.
Farewell Donald Stinson.
Decatur consituents have been heard through this blog and MUST continue to speak. There are no excuses allowed starting with the next school board meeting - a public meeting where the board may not answer questions but the public is allowed to speak and ask questions. The public has learned so many "little secrets" over the past few months. The horses got out of the barn and many, many have gone to new pastures (retirements, Alabama, etc.). Today - the sun is shining.
To Anon 10:24-
You nailed it on the head !!!!!
These people (school board, nodding head building administrators, even some teachers)don't get that the programs- Everyday Math, Literacy Collaborative, haven't worked. They just give them an excuse to have another layer of coaches/adminstrators to pass the buck to and keep teachers out of the classroom. These people cost money. Put that money into more teachers hired back to lower class sizes.
Test scores aren't up since these programs started. Students don't understand math. They are still years behind in reading levels. These programs are all forced down teachers throats in the name of "collaboration". With Sullivan
it will be more of the same. Let's take the next "Journey" together.
Students don't understand math. They are still years behind in reading levels.
This is an understatement.
Need to STOP the current reinvention NOW. Enough is enough. The teachers need to insist that they will elect representatives to interview the superintendent candidates along with representatives from the board, the custodians, the bus drivers, the secretaries, the parents, and the community-at-large, There should be open public forums for any one to come and listen to the answers from the candidates. Before these people interview candidates everyone needs to know what is the superintendent's benefit package and the new superintendent should be given the chance to name his assistants and directors in the office. Those picked by Stinson might be chosen or they might be moved somewhere else. It is a new day for everyone (students and adults). Certain behaviors may no longer be allowed. The new superintendent needs to live in the school district (Sullivan lives outside Marion County - will Stinson live outside Baldwin Coundty?).
According to the Alabama press reports, Stinson will be there July 1 so there is more money to be saved in Decatur starting July 1 if the board does not hire someone new to the district. There are MANY administrators with "time" to do the work if they know how to do the work??????????
Everyday Math is a complete joke. I have a 4th grader and we have had nothing but headaches with Everyday Math. In first grade, we were told not to "carry" your number on a double digit addition problem. So you have 4 or 5 line answers. Then 3rd grade, they are taught lattice graphs to do a multiplication problem. Which, if you ever see how that works, it'll raise a big WTF! What was so wrong with the old way? I'm quite sure in Everyday Life, we are not going to draw a huge lattice graph for a multiplication problem. Several teachers I have spoken with don't understand the Everyday Math concept and have admitted it's difficulty as they try to teach it to themselves before teaching the kids. And several 5th and 6th grade teachers revert to old school math because by the time kids make it to them, they are waaaayy lost. And our test scores are confirming the problem!
Who makes the decision to change on this type of issue?
It certainly isn't the teachers !! Those programs and decisions are made at Central Office then made to look like there is collaboration by all "stakeholders". It is sad that many of the parents on this blog believe that teachers have a say in this. Teachers are told what and how to teach. Those programs -Literacy Coll. and Everday Math are called "non-negotiables" by the Principals.They are forced on teachers.No, they haven't worked, but they have kept many people employed in this district who don't care to be around children anymore.
Teachers don't get to decide on retention of students either. It doesn't matter how far behind a student is, most administrators won't let a student be retained. In fact, the Decatur Township retintion policy's first requiement is "The student must be at or above average academic ability". When you have a ridiculous guideline like that, it tells you all you need to know about MSD Decatur.
We need an outside of Decatur C.O. pilot for our next "Journey". This journey has just taken us backwards.
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