2 hours ago
We need to elect good, intelligent, thoughtful people to office. How do we get there given the entrenched interests that normally overrule the public interest? What's gone right recently? What's gone wrong recently? How do we improve our government by improving our choices for public office?
I did go to the meeting. I think a lot of people including me did not speak thinking that the decision was made and we were just here for the outcome. The english teacher that spoke did a GREAT job! She said she did not mind giving up pay as long as she knew it was going to the right place. She wanted to make sure it did not go for someone else to get a bonus. Also she requested from the board the % of where the general fund goes. The board emailed her and told her the % of all the money. Except all the % of personal money added up to 100%. Which she looked at and said this is not right becuase there are other things other than personal salaries that come out of the general fund. I want to thank her for speaking she did a very nice job!
I also attended. I leave there with more questions than I had when I arrived. I am trying hard to find someone anyone to run for school board. If they redistrict the schools does this have any effect on the district lines for board members? Also is there anyway to get the voting switched to the top 5 people at the polls get a seat no matter what district they live in as long as they are in Decatur Township?
Why do people from outside the district get to attend the DDA for free? Also the Mitchell building do we own the whole building? Have we been paying Ivy Tech's lease this whole time? If so, Why? I understand the need for this program but is there anyway for the state to fund it? Why does Decatur have to absorb the cost of this school? Also they mentioned if the school needed to be moved to another place they may have to charge the students attending from outside the district a fee of maybe $200-$300. WHAT??? Why would this rate not be more like a charter or private school? We do not get the tax money from these families. So right now it is cheaper for those families than the Decatur families.
I attended the meeting last evening and would like to thank the Music teacher from West Newton and the English teacher from the Middle school for coming forward to speak. The English teacher brought up some very VALID points and requested that the School Board do their homework and give an explanation as to where the money from the general fund goes. At the very end of the meeting (after the English teacher was gone), Cathy Wiseman made the statement that all of the board members had been working very hard and that she did not appreciate the extra homework that was given to her. I felt the comment was extremely RUDE and very unprofessional. If Cathy does not want to put forth the extra time and extra effort it takes to be on the school board then she should of thought about that before she ran for the position!!!
anon 1:57 -- that is unbelievable. If the Board was working so hard, why did they turn all the final decisions over to Don Stinson? Why didn't they vote on the specific cuts like every other Board has done? Why didn't they try to offer different plans, again like other Boards have done?
They don't get why people are upset with their catered dinners while discussing throwing employees out onto the streets. They don't get why they should have to follow state law in the performance of their elected positions. If a Board were supposed to operate the way this Board does, why on earth would you need a Board?
And then to be so obtuse that you take umbrage from a public comment and be snotty back.... It simply boggles the mind.
all the more reason we need some NEW blood on this school board.not people who just want to be able to say i'm on the school board and have power ones that really care about this township and our children
I completely agree with you. There are many reports out there regarding the work of school boards throughout the state who are addressing these very challenging times while maintaining excellence in education for the children in their districts. This superintendent and board are an exception. Again, the superintendent preaches collaboration and rules as a dictator. It is astonishing. I do hope that legislators and others are careful observers of this fiasco.
I didn't go to the meeting but found out that Susan Adams now has another job title , she is taking over transportation.....I don't get it why is there a trans director , a assist trans director and a I don't know what you call her, that's Decatur problem to many bosses is that not our million dollar superintendent is for.How many jobs can Susan have
Maybe she is now in charge of operations. That is how Jeff Baer was over transportation. That used to be Dave Rather. They are just moving things around and around. Sort of like being at the circus but this merry go round is not very much fun.
I too was surprised about Cathy Wiseman's negative comment directly toward a patron comment, who made it clear she was not blaming anybody for the current situation, simply trying to get basic data out to the public.
The patron comment came from Kandy Baker, a math teacher at DMS (not English as suggested above).
This "Board" is an embarassment to Decatur Township. Why have one if they are not going to challange what is and has been going on ? There is absolutely no accountability at Central Office. Best senario is - get 3 new Board members in May, Stinson retires in June, and go way outside the township for a new Superintendent. Debbie Sullivan thinks she is a shoe in for the job. That would mean more of the same- ridiculous programs, catch phrases, PR, and policies that ignore the students in Decatur.
Let REAL reinvention begin !!!!!
Interesting that the Department of Education data indicates that the school district that Stinson left to come to Decatur got higher student achievement every year after he came to Decatur! The Board does not look at data.
The Superintendent's pension will be at least $88,000 per year plus whatever he gets from his state annuity. This is just his state money not the extra annuities the board bought. Guess he might retire.
I heard a committee will be formed to come up with ways to cut the costs at the Armstrong Pavillion.
Wayne or Pat should not be on the committee, they are the biggest expense that needs to be cut at the Pavillion. They will just talk their way in to keeping their jobs. If they would work the hours they are paid for the Pavillion would not need so many others on the payroll.
Maybe all this expensive retirement for Jeff Baer is why PERF and TRF are being combined by the state. Everybidy is a public employee????
You know, it's the lazy students in my class who whine about getting homework.
She'd better not ask for extra credit right before report cards!
I thought Stinson just signed another 3 yr contract.We have changed something every year since Stinson and Bear has been here.
I thought Stinson just signed another 3 yr contract.We have changed something every year since Stinson and Bear has been here.
anon 9:40 -- hate to break it to you, but our Stepford Board has given Stinson a 5 year contract.
Pat - can you get the numbers that Kandy Baker asked for through public records request or another source?
anon 8:51 -- Let me give you two answers.
1) The Dept. of Ed. website has a ton of information, including financial information. I found what you are looking for, and the latest year they have in the database is the calendar year of 2008. I don't know when last year's info will be submitted and posted. It showed total receipts into the general fund of $49.6 million and total instructional costs of $29.0 million. It lists the other expenditures from that fund, as well. Like 'office of superintendent' at just under $3.3 million. Lots of details for the wonks out there. Try this link to get directly there:
If that doesn't work, or you want to poke through the databases yourself, go to scroll to the bottom of the page to a link that says "School Financial Reports" and click that. You'll have to pick the district and year from search boxes (Decatur is district 5300), but the financial reports are interesting.
2) As for the numbers for last year - you could file an open records request for any documents related to that specific issue. But, if they do not yet have a single summary report page like what is posted on the DOE site, they can charge you the time and staff it takes to create it. So, if you do seek the record, ask what records are available and their cost before you make your final decision. The Indiana Coalition for Open Government website has a sample letter and specifics about requesting a public record. Their web address is: I keep that link under my 'agents of change' sidebar, in case you ever want it again in the future.
Hope that helps.
Did anyone see Plainfield's budget cuts in the Star today? "Cuts will include reducing contributions to administrative retirement plans; absorbing teaching positions through attrition; reducing custodial staff, instructional aides and other part-time positions; decreasing summer school programs; and trimming money spent on supplies." Has the idea of reducing contributions to administrative retirement plans ever been considered? And how about the severance package Stinson is collecting right now?
One of the great concerns about Stinson's five year contract is that even a new board will struggle with this. Since he has a five year contract they will have to pay him over $250,000 per year for the next five years unless he voluntarily resigns or retires. The new board cannot end the contract unless there is a criminal felony and I doubt there will be that. If this is correct, the new board will be in a hole dug by this board for a long, long time.
Some people might be interested in entering
and looking at the State Board of Accounts remarks at the end of the report (last 3 or 4 pages).
How sad.
Teachers should contact the Teacher Retirement Fund if they are concerned that things like cars, gasoline allowances, etc., etc. are being included in the calculation of pensions for these greedy administrators. Interesting that only the superintendent has a multi-year contract when the principals had at least two year contracts under the previous superintendents. Again and again he is only interested in himself.
To the person that left the message about the pavilion and Wayne and Pat being on the board, if you go into the Pavilion in the mornings you will see Pat, it is Wayne that never seems to be there and if he is it is only for a matter of a couple hours...if that!!!
The rumor around Decatur already is that the situation at the Pavilion is basically handled. They want to let Pat go and put Doug Greenwalds son in there. Nice way of cutting cost. Like someone else said all they are wanting to do is move people around to make it look like they have accomplished something.
How is it saving any money to put Doug Greenwald(board member) sons in there to work oh thats right he wants to be a personal trainer, so once again people are only giving jobs to the people they are related to!
If it is anyone that needs to be let go from the pavilion it is Wayne Fisher. He is never there, and makes the most money. seems to me that is the easiest cost cutting way.
Stinson is quoted in the newspaper as saying that the task of slashing school budgets "keeps me up at night and gives me stomach pains. Sometimes, I can't even eat."
How sad. Is this why he makes so much money??
People who are losing their jobs can't sleep either. They never did eat the same expensive meals. They have broken hearts as well as stomach pains.
He should retire and let Decatur get out of this mess. Then everybody can sleep better.
In the last 9 years the superintendnet's salary has increased more thant 100% and the average teacher salary has increased about 20%. Since Stinson wants teachers to take a 5%decrease he should take a 95% decrease. He will be able to sleep and eat better that way.
to the person who is writing about the pavillion .pat is only in there to eat breakfast and then leaves. i am in there several times a week and have never seen her in there after daughter in law is in there later in the morning and says she has never seen her. my husband goes in after work and has never seen a pat in there. when does she work? we do see wayne at times.i know the salary list showed what wayne fisher makes but what about this pat? what is her title and what does she make?
Anonymous said...
In the last 9 years the superintendnet's salary has increased more thant 100% and the average teacher salary has increased about 20%. Since Stinson wants teachers to take a 5%decrease he should take a 95% decrease. He will be able to sleep and eat better that way. Feb 16, 2010
Yep. Give him some pink Pepto and a pink slip! Happy Valentine's Day from the teachers and taxpayers!
I would consider leaving the pavilion if Doug Greenwalds son takes the place of a current pavilion worker. This is nepotism.
I challenge you to find a building in Decatur Township Schools where no one has been hired based on nepotism. I don't have a problem with people who are related working together, as long as they are the best qualified for the job and their personal life stays personal. But the reason someone came up with the term nepotism long ago is that some people hire someone unqualified ONLY because they're related or they don't fire them if they stop doing their job professionally, or the boss plays favorites. I know people that are related to other staff and are very capable, professional workers. But I also know some people who would never have gotten a job in another district because they are OBVIOUSLY not fit for the job. But that's okay - Decatur is like one big, happy family. Okay - scratch "like" and "happy": Decatur is one big family.
Greenwald's son is not more qualified to run the Pavilion than Wayne. I'd like to know what his son's current job is.
Being qualified in my opinion is irrelevant. If you want the people of the district to believe you are doing the right thing, you start by not hiring your family into jobs currently held by other people.
Does anyone know why the Athletic Director at the high school, Doug Opel, did not have his contract renewed? At least that is what the rumor is.
He's won awards for his service. And it's not to save money - they are currently looking for a replacement (if they have not already offered the position).
Rumor has it that Mr. Opel would not recommend the firing of footbal coach Able so this is the price you pay when you are not part of the corruption that is happening. Yes, nepotism is the same as corruption. They will be lucky if somebody who loses a job so a favorite can be hired doesn't sue them for discrimination.
the new AD for decatur high school is none other than Kelly McWilliams, who is at the high school as a administrator, so now the next question is WHO is going to replace her
Superintendent Stinson said he was "reducing in force" building level administrator positions: Jeff Harvey, Doug Opel, Jill Meerman and Sharon Downing. If he moves McWilliams to AD and then replaces McWilliams he is fooling everybody again because is not reducing four building level positions. But he filled the Jeff Baer retirement so who knows. Again and again the teachers and others better watch carefully. He really knows how to spend money but then he is sick about all of this!!!!
I do not think Jill Meerman has been cut. Rumor was she was offered the position but declined.
What position did Kelly McWilliams have at the HS? Does she have any expertise in the area of being an AD? Coach, anything?
What position did Kelly McWilliams have at the HS? Does she have any expertise in the area of being an AD? Coach, anything?
McWilliams is one of the directors at the high school, before that she was a teacher but I dont not know if she has ever been a coach or any type of a AD
Sharon Downing
Was one of the directors at the High school but has been gone for over a year and a half, and has not been paid or even on the pay roll for the past 7 months, so how can they replace or let go someone who's not even here?????????
anon 10:22 -- If Sharon Downing hasn't been in her position for that long - then this is another example of a fake Administrative cut.
They hired a substitute from Plainfield for Downing the first semester and Whitfield is now her replacement for second semester. They don't need Whitfield to work on the construction any loner so I guess he will replace Downing. I guess Opel and Meerman can teach but what teachers will be let go??
In response to the rumors that Doug Greenwald is working the system.....Doug Greenwald's son is an athlete at the University of Louisville and is working on a Physical Therapy degree.It is almost funny to suggest he would want a job at the Pavillion when he will most likely be working in the professional athletic field when his education is complete. Why in the world do people get on here and spread rumors and speak about things they have no idea of which they speak. Doug Greenwald supports the Pavillion and its continued public use. There is a committe that Doug Greenwald is not on that will deternime the direction in which the Pavillion will go. If you have any more questions concernig Doug's intentions or his son...ask him. I can assure you his son's goals are NOT to work at the pavillion.
My expectation would be that board members follow the a code of ethics "BY refusing to use his position on a school board in any way whatsoever for personal gain or personal prestige." Violations revealed by the State Board of Accounts audits and a review of boad meeting minutes would indicate that the work/decisions of this board and superintendent are not "above board."
Supposedly McWilliams has been selected to be the AD, but hasn't been approved by the board. Seems if the board were more concerned about academics and finances (instead of athletics), maybe we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in??
Meerman was not offered the AD job...administration is just saying (spreading that rumor) that so they won't take so much heat from giving both the AD's the shaft!
The whole district is a mess...and don't expect it to improve anytime soon.
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