The voters have asked who I am and quite simply put, I am one of the many voices of our community. I am no different from the majority of you reading this. A wife, mother of three, Girl Scout leader, Graphic Designer, first time stay-at-home mother and most recently a candidate for the Decatur School Board. How did I get here? Honestly, I was told by one of the mother's in my troop, "You should run!" Here I am. It was a whirlwind of a week getting the nomination form completed but in those few short days I spoke to many neighbors and parents who conveyed their frustration regarding our situation that we have been placed in by the current board.
"If there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action." This is one of my favorite movie quotes from National Treasure and it seems very appropriate at this moment. This is me taking on the responsibility to take action in order to make a difference for all of us in Decatur Township. I will listen, I will respond, I will fight for change and most importantly follow the law. I don't know about you but in our household not following the rules constitutes a reason for grounding. Not following the law while doing your job means you should no longer hold that position. It is time for change.
Frustrated by excessive spending, bad budgeting and a board that refuses to listen to the very people that elected them to their positions has everyone in an uproar. The parents I speak with at functions, in the neighborhood, that I run into while shopping or eating out are outraged by the deep hole that our school district has been placed in and how our children are paying the the ultimate price. We entrusted this board and administration with structuring our school system properly and the results speak for themselves. Things can be turned around but it has become apparent that the current board is unable to do so. Our board and administration has become notorious for improper planning and not following the laws placed before them. I have no personal agenda for being a board member. My goal is simply to make sure that my children - that all children of Decatur Township - are given the best education and opportunity for success that is available. They are, after all, our future and future board members themselves. What example do we set if we allow the current board and administration to continue on this downward spiral?
Natalie Coffey
2 hours ago
Thank you, thank you for introducing yourself. It was a "breath of fresh air" to read your post. I will post info as it becomes available that may not be available from the powers that be or may not be 100% accurate from the powers that be. We, too, hope you will stay in touch with us.
Thank you very much for taking on this huge responsibility. I wish you the best in the upcoming election.
Aside from being angry, why should we vote for you?
Aside from fiscal responsibility, what do you think should be the priorities of the school board? How would board actions and classroom instruction change based on these priorities?
You know as well as I do that fiscal responsibility for our board and administration is what is currently lacking and they continue to dig our district into a deeper hole. Yes, this must be addressed. But we also need to focus on the children and what is happening to them on a daily basis. There are some really great teachers out there and then there are some that - to me at least - when I see them in the halls they just look unhappy to be there. That frightens me. If you're a teacher you are there to TEACH and care for the children.
I had one parent tell me there were learning issues with her child and the teacher had revamped their method of teaching a certain subject. The child was lost and the teacher just moved right along. Weeks went by. The mother was a volunteer in the classroom and asked why she had not been informed of the change, she was - afterall - there throughout the week. The teacher's response, "I'm not here to baby-sit every child." What?! Yes you are! Your duty as a teacher is to care for and provide each of your students with the proper attention for their lessons. I was floored.
Another example of what needs to be fixed, how about what time our kids are going to school and eating lunch? That may seem petty to some but we are talking about growing kids! I for one can tell you that my husband and I have been outraged all year that our oldest eats lunch at 9:45 in the morning. He is so hungry by the time he gets home at 2:45. This is also the same kid that has to get up between 5:30 and 6 to get ready. When did kids start leaving for school in the dark WAY before the parents leave for work? The original pick up time we were given for the bus at the start of the year was 6:02. Granted after a routine was established the bus comes at 6:30 but to originally get that time slot was unnerving. I know it's not the driver's fault and I know the district is trying to save money by spreading things out but c'mon!
Oh I could go on and on with examples of the little things that get under my skin about the school system but the point is, these things can be corrected. If the school's are not scoring well on their state tests then something needs to be done within each of the schools. A new plan of action needs to be set into place. An overhaul and close examination of how each school is being run is in great need. If you're not doing your job then you better start or start looking. I know teachers have contracts but it's time to make sure that the questionable ones are living up to them. Teaching isn't just a "job" it's a life shaping career for the future for all of us.
Change starts with listening to what the parents and community members have to say. Everyone has ideas, some good, some not so much. But if we listen and work together I know we can turn this around. First we just have to have a board that will actually listen and take into consideration what the people are trying to tell them.
Do I have all the answers right now? No. But putting new blood in those seats that can see what's going on behind closed doors is a start towards the solution.
Thank You Natalie for stepping up and being willing to take on this huge task. It will not be easy and may get downright ugly but we need CHANGE, so I am willing to give you a chance.
I just ask that you please do not hire/place your relative in a position making 6 figures while on the school board.
Best of Luck to you :)
The hole wasn't dug overnight and we won't be able to get the ground level overnight. The wealthy superintendent really cares about no one but himself. His assistants are more than well paid. Too bad that many teachers are going to lose their jobs. It will be nice to see people step up and loudly and every day demand a change. Hope it happens.
If we don't vote for change then it won't happen and we have no one to blame but ourselves. We have to try and that's all I'm doing by running...trying. We all do our part together and we WILL make a difference.
To be effective, the first thing you should do is never read blogs.
I disagree with the last comment. I think candidates can use technology to their advantage. It could take the form of a youtube video outlining their platform/agenda to answering questions online, in this case via a blog.
The majority of residents do not know what is going on at a political level. Technology can bridge the gap.
As far as never reading a blog.... I think you need to make sure the blog supports the facts and not just heresay and rumors.
O trust me the blog has ALOT of truth. It amazes me every day the more i hear. They are making no changes at co they are just making the hole bigger, they are creating new jobs for people they need to get rid of. The new guy taking over for Baer doesn't want all the responsibility that Baer has so they are splitting it up creating more jobs at more money; that is not cutting cost.
It is going to be important to have facts. Though there may be hearsay and rumors these can and should be determined by the facts as such. Unfortunately, much of what has happened was not out in the open to be checked out. Example, the majority of people did not have any idea of how much we were paying this superintendent until the Indianapolis Star put the contracts on the website. The public was not invited to the State Board of Accounts report detailing much of errors occurring. Seems like the times have changed and the public is aware and now the public must demand answers to some questions. Unfortunately, we must HOPE the answers are honest. Some people seem to be very uncomfortable that questions are being asked.
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