I have been reluctant to post much in the last few days, as I have decided to make a run for City-County Council. Last night I announced my decision at the Decatur Township Civic Council meeting and resigned as Chair of the Land Use Committee. I am likewise resigning from McANA - as neither of those fine organizations need to have their independence tainted with 'politics'.
I have not yet decided whether I will run for the District 22 seat, currently occupied by Councillor Bob Cockrum, or for an at-Large position.
I am tending toward keeping this blog up for the duration, but I did want to be sure I extended full disclosure to my visitors so that they could read into it what they will.
It is obvious to me that the Council has been on a fast paced spending spree, looting every dime from TIF districts instead of paying off debts, selling assets that will cause long term cost of living increases and which amount to picking the pockets of future generations just so we have more money to spend today. The focus is on making a few well connected people and companies financial winners, while shorting the governmental functions that would make Indianapolis an even better place to live.
Let’s Talk About “Merit”
17 hours ago
Good for you. I hope your run is a successful one and you certainly have my support.
A fiscally responsible Democrat? An oxymoron.
Sorry ... that was the joke I wanted to make. Unfortunately, the current Republican Council majority have proven themselves more fiscally irresponsible than the Democrats they complained of in 2007.
Best of luck to you, Pat!
Thanks, anon 4:40, and Paul. I appreciate your support.
Run at large, Pat. We'll organize a Republicans for Andrews campaign on your behalf.
Gee, thanks Gary. That is very generous, indeed. I appreciate your offer very much. I'll get back with you, for sure.
Seriously, if Melina Kennedy is smart, she will be plugging hard to have you as part of the Democrats at large team, Pat. You know more about city government than any person on the council currently. You've earned a seat on the council
Good luck, Pat. You attend just about every council meeting anyway. Might as well get paid for it!
Gary is right. If anyone has earned a seat, you have.
Pat, I agree with AI. At-large is a better. You have an incredible aptitude for budgetary analysis that would blow away anyone currently on the council.
Go for it.
You provide great insight and have a good moral compass.
You guys are simply the best. Thank you so much for your kind words and confidence in me.
Good luck! Be ready for the attack machines.
YES! You are the logical choice. I've never seen anyone more in tune and in touch with money/budgets/rules than you. Republican, Democrat, Tea Bagger or independent.....YOU are the only choice! I'm but one; and registered as the opposing party but you'll be getting my vote! I'll even support you 110%. When it comes time for yard signs, post something and you can put as many as you wish in an opposing party’s yard! Heck; I'd even pass out literature for you for a couple of hours. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
anon 8:33 - you are so kind, and your offer is so AWESOME. Thank you! Please email me privately so I know who to contact. My campaign website should be up within the next couple of days. You can reach me through that.
And, thanks again to all of your posters. All of the kind words are heart emboldening.
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