It took a while, but my campaign website is up and fully functional. I also created a facebook page and a twitter feed.
Suggestions are always welcome.
2 hours ago
Pat, if I might suggest.
I noticed you started a Facebook profile, which means people have to add you as a "friend" as seen in your new page here ( You already have one of these here (!/profile.php?id=600878843)
What most people do, in the case of politicians, campaigns, businesses, and so on, are do fan pages. Fan pages can be integrated in ways that normal pages can't. For example, my personal page and my Twitter are integrated in a one way stream: All my Twitter messages show up on my Facebook, but none of my Facebook status updates show up on Twitter. Fan pages allow the status update on Facebook to be displayed to Twitter, or vice versa! Fan pages are also easier to access for non-Facebook users.
It also just makes it easier to "Like" someone and be a fan rather than click "Add as friend".
You can see the difference in Zach Adamson's two profiles. He quickly abandoned his personal campaign page (!/profile.php?id=100000588540842) in favor of a Fan page (
Just some words of advice.
Also, fan pages can be integrated into personal accounts as well, so you don't have to have two different logins.
Thanks Matt. I appreciate the help here. I'll see how fast I can get up to speed on these two social media outlets.
Scratch my FB message. LOL I just told you what he said. Good luck.
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