I'm stuck in between things right now and figured this would be a fine time for a free-for-all.
Anything on your mind? Anything happening? What would you like to see covered on this blog?
Why Economic Ignorance Matters
16 hours ago
We need to elect good, intelligent, thoughtful people to office. How do we get there given the entrenched interests that normally overrule the public interest? What's gone right recently? What's gone wrong recently? How do we improve our government by improving our choices for public office?
I'm really tired of seeing McAtee for Sheriff ads. He does not even know that it is court orders that releases inmates, not just the Sheriff when they have to release inmates due to crowding.
Just one more reason why he SHOULD NOT be Sheriff.
Go Fish or Brown...
FURIOUS....just read the WEST Indy article in the newspaper...think it was April first. Article about the redistricting....and it said the Intermediate Academy "did not work"....NOT TRUE. That was a quote from S. Corbin, new Valley principal. What makes her an expert on the happenings at the DILC? If this was true why didn't the DILC get a visit from one of those high powered administrators. The article also said parents would find out with the report card mailed in June where their child will go to school next year. Why does this administration tell stories to cover their own short comings? I don't know how to make it happen but I wish the Indy Star or Channel 13 would do an investigative report.
The restaurants and gas stations in Decatur just lost a lot of money.
Drivers spend a lot of money when they stop to use restroom.
anom 6:35??????
More Inhumane Treatment TO Employees From The Tag Team OF Susan Adams and Jeff Baer who were driving around together checking where all busses were between runs
Schoolbus drivers have been told they can no longer go anywhere but on school property between runs. Supposedly they had a complaint from someone about wasting taxpayer money by allowing them to eat,drink,and smoke on school time.
The schools are locked and drivers cannot get in to go to restrooms. Drivers have to drive all the way back to the bus garage to use restroom{those that are lucky enough to have time } The rest are out of luck. I guess they will have to use trash cans on busses.
Driving back to bus garage and then back to begin next run will cost Twp. much more money for diesel fuel. .
Drivers have been told several different reasons that this has been implemented,..1.Pat Andrews complained about drivers
2.The lady running for schoolboard complained
3.Rosie just decided to do this now and had been thinking about doing it for a long time.
Probably the real reason is drivers had meeting with Natalie Coffey this week at Carson Park after work in morning on own time and in private vehicles. Administration found out and GOD knows they are happy with the schoolboard they have and GOD help any employee who are taxpayers in this Twp. and support anyone else.
Adams has told custodians they are not allowed to watch t.v. on their lunch time now.She just took away the paid 1/2 hour lunch they had. She shouldn't be able to tell them what they can do on their unpaid lunch.
This cold hearted ,power hungry, money hungry witch has to go!
April 8, 2010 12:15 PM
April 8, 2010 1:07 PM
Had Enough Indy? said...
anon 12:15 - I believe you.
I can tell you for sure that neither Natalie or me has complained about where busses park between runs so that the drivers can use a bathroom.
I hope that this Township remembers who lives with us and who does not. The bus drivers deserve far better than how this Administration treats them. But, it is likely just as you have said - they want to stop you from influencing the community to vote against the incumbents.
Since the school board will not answer questions at the board meeting, please state very clearly at the board meeting (hopefully the newspaper will be there) that you do not respect nor do you have confidence in the administration because of these types of behaviors. They may say that you cannot use names but you can use "administration" when you speak and really Don Stinson fully supports Susan Adams and Jeff Baer and the board supports all of them so administration is accurate to say. Stinson, Baer, and Adams do not live in the community and they have no respect for those that do. Respect is earned and they have not earned respect. Over and over, they have destroyed any possibility of trust. They will continue to say that it is only a few people who are unhappy until a very LARGE number go to every board meeting and go to the polls.
While Anon 5:53 you have a point, I have no doubt that every candidate for Sheriff will misrepresent what the Sheriff of Marion County can do
I'd like to know your thoughts on the Decautor Twp dump expanding. I heard Cockrum supported the company v. the residents.
From the Indiana Department of Education student data it can be seen that every school in Decatur Township except Valley Mills and West Newton was below the state average in the 2008-2009 ISTEP Spring Testing. The following are the scores for each school with the state average in parenthesis: DCHS 59.1(73.7); DMS 57.6(71.4) DILC Blue 68.9(71.4); DILC Gold 64.3(71.4); Lynwood 56.2(71.4); Stephen Decatur 70.5(71.4); Valley Mills 89.7(71.4); West Newton 75.3(71.4).
Looks like other schools besides DILC Blue and DILC Gold are not working (quoting Sheila Corbin)!!
Looks like they need to send the Lynwood students to Valley Mills and West Newton and send some of the Valley Mills and West Newton students to the new elementaries at DILC. Definitely looks like the small learning communities at the high school are not working!!
The reinvention of Decatur is a disaster. Don't think the cause of this is the bus drivers or custodians. Most hurricanes do not last this long.
If Stinson and his cronies break one stick, nothing will change, but if it's a bundle of sticks, they will break themselves from changes. The Residents in Decatur must vote to bring new and greater ideas rather than a "Pig in a poke" from the School Boar Members, Donald Stinson, and his cronies Jeff Baer, Susan Adams, Gary Pellico.
There have been so many pigs in a poke during the past several years. Decaturites are beginning to see how much has been concealed in the name of "excellence": (1)misspent dollars - unreal but hidden (2)reinvention when there was no invention in the first place - using students for personal gain
Stinson, Jeff Baer, Candace Baer, Sullivan, Adams, and the Board crafted the deceit. Now that the pig has been seen they blame the likes of Jerry Springer. They have been exposed. Now the public will have to determine what will happen - change or continued acceptance of foul play.
You know it is a little hard to swallow as a busdriver you are not allowed to stop in your bus to eat , drink, or use restroom or even pull over to the side of the road if you are early to pick up your first stop.But if you work in administration ,or the office at transportation you can take Twp vehicles and use TWP gas to go to lunch anywhere..For instance; The head of maintenance took his Twp. provided vehicle and gas over to 10TH Street to pick up lunch for everyone in the office of Transportation... Must be nice
Anon 12:09.....sorry; I don't believe you. I really doubt that the bus drivers were told what you're claiming! Until there's proof I don't believe it. Sorry! This is the way rumors get started.
anon 1:07 - I've seen the proof. Its true.
Had Enough Indy - Thank you.
what does the proof consist of?
I am hoping for some advice or guidance. My child was recently diagnosed with Aspergers (form of Autism). Since then, I have been working closely with individuals at school to ensure success for my child. My big goal has been that we will identify their teacher for next school year at the end of this school year so we can meet and begin to work on a plan for next school year. Well, I've been told that I may not find this information out before the end of the current school year because of the re-districting. I am adamant that this is key to ensure success for my child's education and am not sure who to go to. Does anyone know if the decision has already been made as to who will go to what school? I know we are suppose to find out within the final mailed report card but that will just say the school and won't be received till end of May/beginning of June. I'm just trying to find out how I can remain proactive for my child's educational future. I appreciate any information! :)
Does anyone know who is making the redistricting decisions? Is there a committee? Is there an administrator in charge?? Is there someone from transportation involved? Do kids who have been at Valley in fourth or fifth grade get to stay at Valley??? What are the guidelines or decisions so far?
The administrators are paid more than enough money to get the decisions made and notify the parents before May 15 (a month). There are babysitters to find for before and after school. Parents have the right to know. They need to get to work.
stizzLet's see...Ssssusan Adams, Rosssie O'Brien, and Lesssslie Johnssson running the Bus Barn. Well, those women deserve each other but the drivers deserve better! A brood of vipers has slithered in on both sides of those double doors. Tread carefully drivers lest you step on one of these snakes, for surely you will be bitten.
bus Barn
Had Enough Indy has time and time again provide official data on this blog. Data that cannot be disputed by the board and administration. That is why they cannot answer questions. When there is data that would put someone "in danger" for their job then Had Enough Indy should not be questioned - she tells the truth. The administration has time and time again twisted and turned information.
Anon April 9, 1:07: Have you contacted Susan Adams and asked her?? If you have, state what she said - you don't have to protect her identity. She is protected! Sorry, don't think there will be a statement from Adams.
No agenda for the Tues. Board meeting posted yet.....
Decatur Township is going to the dump. Even the Decatur Civic Council sold out the neighborhoods. Last week, Southside Landfill won their bid for rezoning to add 232 acres of landfill. Even though this is in a flood zone. The rezoning was passed even though they don't own the land (but they said they own 100% on their petition) and THE Comprehensive Plan had this area in Critical Area 45. The Comprehensive Plan recommended to leave the area undeveloped because of many reasons.
• "The wooded areas designated as Environmentally Sensitive should be preserved to the greatest extent possible.
• No development should occur in the wetlands or floodway. Wetlands contribute to stream water quality by holding and filtering storm water.
• The portion of Critical Area east of Foltz Street should be minimally developed,, if at all, due to lack of adequate flood protection. The plan recommends park usage, either public or private, for this area.
• Development within the floodplain should not contribute to flooding or diminished water quality."
NOT ONLY DID THEY DISREGARD THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, Southside Landfill has already contaminated the ground. They were put on the Super Fund for 11 years because of ground contamination.
SO, let's give them more land to contaminate. Or maybe better, let White River wash it down with the next flood. It is sad, very sad.
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