Prior to last night's regular meeting of the MSD Decatur Township Board meeting, the school board and the Superintendent, Don Stinson, feasted on a catered meal. Three carts of steaming hot food were wheeled into the meeting room at the Gold Academy for their dining pleasure.
This is just moments before they were to vote to lay off 61 teachers, even though 20 agreed to retire early. (I am so stunned by this news that I have submitted an open records request to verify that they axed so many despite their claims of caring about the education of Decatur's children.)
Back to the great catered meal that the Dale Henson, Judy Collins, Cathy Wiseman, Don Huffman, Doug Greenwald, and Don Stinson shared. How can a decent person spend even a penny of taxpayer money on such things - moments before putting other decent people into the unemployment line and leaving their family finances in shambles? How can they even swallow?
There is a reason that the phrase "Let them eat cake" has survived for over two hundred years. It has become the epitome of people who are so ignorant of the situation in the real world around them, that they cannot comprehend the excesses of thier own world view.
The excessive teacher RIFs, the unconscionable treatment of the bus drivers and custodians, the unwillingness to sell excess properties to help buffer the impact of digging out of a financial mess these folks created - these are all clear demonstrations that the Board and the Administration are ignorant of the situation in the real world around them and that they cannot comprehend the excesses of their own world view. These catered meals for the Board just before lowering the boom on other human beings is their version of "Let them eat cake".
What MAGA Has Wrought
19 hours ago
I found out yesterday afternoon that they would be eating a catered meal prior to the meeting and I was also stunned. It's SO easy to make a list of excess spending in Decatur Township. Eat before you come to the meeting or after you leave. That's what every normal, taxpaying, cost effective, budget-minded people of this township do every day.
Seriously people, is it that hard to figure out that there is something seriously wrong with the things are being ran at the moment? Isn't is obvious that if we put all these people back on the board we'll never have a chance to dig ourselves out of this hole?
Change has to start somewhere and if we - as a community - don't step up to the plate and start putting new people in those seats that actually listen to the community and represent them properly then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
anon 11:17 - amen.
Agree. Agree. Their behavior is unconscienable. They do not a conscience. They are not role models. Is the appropriation for board expenses public record? Are the expenditures for board expenses public record? Are the claims approved to be paid from this expenditure account public record? Every meal it would appear that the "hole" is dug deeper and deeper.
It would appear that the parents and taxpayers are being "eaten alive."
Did anyone notice Board Memeber Dale Henson look like that puppet on FULL HOUSE named Mr. Woodchuck used by Joey Gladstone? Looks like Don Stinson controls Dale like a puppet, Dale said "Does anybody have...(looks around)....crooked Ideas"
I've seen a few dishearting remarks or indications made in regards to the new candidates that are running like everyone is skeptical of them and who they are. Almost like, "Well, we're just going to end up in the same boat no matter who we vote for so why bother." Bobby Hire and Natalie Coffey were nice enough to allow the blog to put up their email addresses and phone numbers. Has anyone bothered to call or email them with questions? I know I emailed Natalie and she got right back with me and was very open about why she's running and answered my questions to the best of her ability. Do your homework people so you can make the right choice at the polls when you go to vote. Got questions, ask!
I know this might not be the right place to ask but does anyone know why Corrupt Cathy voted "NO" on the middle school handbook last night?
Since Channel 6 finally carried a story about last night's board meeting, it might help these communications to go to the Channel 5 News Indianapolis website and everyone can anonymously leave comments. Channel 6 will have more reason to further investigate? There is nothing to fear.
I got home from a teachers' meeting two nights ago, and I have NEVER been so depressed. Our bargaining team has tried so hard to work with Dr. Baer, but eveidentally, he will not listen. The team has come up with several ways to help cut the budget but the administration will not even entertain many of their suggestions. He even told the reps that they had their own agenda and that they were basically not the voice of the teachers. In addition, he thinks we actually WANT the 5% cut in pay. WHAT?!?!?! If I take this cut, I will lose 500+ a month - minimum. My spouse and I tried to figure how we could afford our bills should this happen. In addition, they said earlier that many of the riffed teachers would be called back if they got the 20 teachers to take the retirement package. Now that the 20+ have officially said they would retire, the administration says they will not be hired back. Extra curricular (sports) came up and they told the team that those were NOT going to be touched whatsoever. paying coaches (many who have said they would gladly take a pay cut because they love coaching) instead of classroom teachers is preferable? Add to all this lovely news...they are expecting up to 40 kids in a classroom - telling us it is because we won't take the cut. We used to be a district of collaboration. Now it seems to be one of scare tactics. If only I could be hired in another district...but no one is hiring there either. I'm so sad. I can't imagine my classroom next year. I don't htink I will be teaching - instead, I will be hired for crowd control!
Anon 6PM -- I, too, teach at MSD Decatur. I wish that the union would call for that vote because I'd take it in a heartbeat! I don't want to do "crowd control." I WANT TO TEACH! I am concerned that we are all playing chicken, sending out rumors, and trying to keep our pieces of a non-existent pie. Should the adm. get paid so much? NO! The entire district should be shut down for 4 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks for the holidays. Should the adm. get bonusses, benefits, etc. that we don't see explicitly spelled out and then not have to answer for them? NO!
But, I have to ask, 500 dollars a month? If you are a classroom teacher, paid to work 185 days, then how are you making $120000 per year? Maybe you and your spouse teach at the township. But, then, I would think that you might consider the plight of teachers who are the sole supports of their families and who have been riffed.
I realize that it might have been a typo or a math mistake. Since I make those, too, I would understand that. But, I am wondering about that number.
I am also a member of the union and an employee of Decatur Township. I am not at the top or the bottom of the pay scale-I am squarely in the middle. And after hearing that the central office wants teachers to take a 5% pay cut, an increment freeze and a lower insurance plan, I would actively seek another position if I thought one was available in another district. The total amount I would have to give up is what I pay in child care each month. I cannot afford to not pay child care. I think it is unfair that teachers are being asked to make up such a huge deficit alone. I feel that the onus has been placed on the teachers to make up 100% of the shortfall through salary and benefits. That is just unfair and unrealistic to ask of people. There are ways to save money and save jobs if we can get creative and collaborate. Unfortunately, the collaborative attitude has shifted to us against them. And I certainly feel very "against them" when being asked to give up my child care.
Whats this I hear about Justin Dixson possibly going to be the assistant to the athletic director of the High School next year??You might know that somehow, someway he would not lose his job, after all his Grandpa is on the school board and it is the same old crap, it's all who you know!!!The township would be alot better off if Don Huffman and Justin Dixson both were to leave the township.
I have heard the same thing about Justin Dixson becoming the Assistant Athletic Director at the High School. He has been seen by students as well as teachers going into Kelly McWilliams' office quite often. I am sure if any of the 61 riffed teachers get their jobs back, Justin will be at the top of the list. His grandfather, Don, will make sure of this!!!
Have no idea why teachers or anyone would agree to a 5% paycut when the superintendent and board ontinue to "suck the blood" out of this district. Why would anyone think there is a need for an assistant athletic director? What is Doc Rather's assignment next year. There are other administrator's with time on their hands. The cost of one feasting before a board meeting should cover at least the cost of one umpire???????? Oh, by the way, they eliminated Jill Meerman's position so why are they hiring Huffman as assistant athletic director - or is that a rumor??????
Surely, the Dixon comments are a rumor. I cannot see how the district would hire him as Asst AD, given that they eliminated that position. Or could be another smoke and mirrors game by the administration, at this point would not put it past them. Did his teaching position get RIFed?
If I were a teacher, I've vote for the pay cut. One side has to give here, and the admin won't do it. But, it doesn't mean the teachers and kids loose in the end. The teachers are the most powerful resource our township for change. Consider the following:
The teachers union creates a summary of everything that has transpired with the budget. This summary is then given by the majority of teachers to their students to take home to their parents. The teachers visibly talk openly about this to parents, calling them after school hours. This could well be the single most effective way to get Natalie and Bobby the votes needed to get two incumbents off the board. If most teachers participate, would be hard by the admin to target specific individuals. Most of this can occur under the radar.
One way for the township to save some money is to cut back on the trips the school board takes...leave the spouses at home!!
I feel sure alot of money is wasted on these trips..Wish we could see how much is actually spent on these trips, after all we the taxpayers have a right to know, but I doubt is this is public information! I feel certain this is why some people are on the school board because of all of the perks!!!
anon 12:35 -- the receipts and credit card bills from trips are indeed public records.
I for one have also talked to Natalie. She is a concerned parent just like many of us. She just happened to live in the right district and was willing to fight for the rest of us. So just like your momma told you "If you do not have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." Natalie is a very nice person, strong willed, and a caring mother. She has my vote!
Predict a referendum unless there is a school board change. Predict a new superintendent if there is a school board change - they won't have to fire him, he will leave. It is in the voters' hands. Wonder how much they can squander in the next 3 weeks?????
Dixon's teahcing position did get RIF'ed along with the younger Enright, both who came to coach football. Dixon is getting the Assistant AD position.
I can't believe Dixon is getting an AD position. What on earth has he done to be qualified for that? Will he keep the football coach job? Seems like a conflict there.
I guess the same thing could be said for Kelli McWilliams.
I would like to know is anyone else was considered for the assistant athletic director position at the high school??Probably not, since Dixson is Don Huffman's grandson he was a prime candidate!!!In Decatur Township it's all about who you know!!We need to replace all of the current board members and superintendent..Why can't a person get a position because they are qualified for it instead of because their grandfather is on the school board??
Natalie now has signs available.
anyone who would like one in their yard call Natalie at 455-9886
or e-mail her at
Of course it's an old boys and girls network in Decatur !Huffman's grandson hired to replace an already effective head football coach is the tip of iceberg. There are a number of Decatur administrators who have had their relatives hired in the last few years. I include the 2 DEA (union) "co-presidents" on this list since they are in the back pockets of Central Office. Can anyone help me compile a complete list ?
Don Huffman- grandson hired at the high school
TJ Whitfield(Asst. Principal HS) daughter hired as a teacher.
Rita Ryden(DEA co president) daughter and son in law hired.
Linda Scott (DEA co president) daughter hired as a teacher.
Susan Adams niece hired as teacher.
These are recent hires from the past couple years. That's how administration works in Decatur- do favors for anyone who can do them some good. They pretty much bought the leadership of the union that way.
I'm sure there are many more to add to this list.
Did all of you realize that all the elementary schools in Decatur will be teaching reading next year using "Literacy Collabrative"? That is the program that Lynwood and Stephen Decatur have been using for years. Now, all the schools will be using it. Decatur schools will copy the program that helped lower test scores and get schools placed on probation. Instead of the district looking at what has been successful at the schools doing well on ISTEP, they are copying the schools that have not been successful. Nice job Central Office , another great decision !!!!!!!
Anon 11:40 You must be a disgruntled teacher who feels they can do more for society bashing people on an internet thread than fighting the real problem, you should be ashamed to imply that just because somebody knows someone or is related to a person in the school district that they are not qualified. You have no idea the hard work and dedication some of the people on your "list" put into their studies to get their job "handed" to them. I am not a person on your list or a teacher so don't go saying I am, I do however know most of them personally. Are they not qualified for a job if they have a 3.9 GPA graduated top 20 in the class? Most of those people went to Decatur and graduated college which is something this corporation is having trouble with. Can they not be an asset to the township to show kids they can succeed? It has always been practice in every school system to hire your own graduates it looks good for the community. Tell me I am wrong
Anon 4:18 Wiseman leaned over and told Collins that she doesn't like a dress code.
Maybe that's why she wore her sequins to vote "Off with their 61 heads!"
Anon 1:08 "Tell me I am wrong" - did your sentence get cut off? Decatur graduate is not exactly a ringing endorsement. Some are great, some aren't. Some thanks to some great teachers, some thanks to their great families. Fortunately kids have to take a test now so Decatur can't just socially promote all seniors to the real world.
To those of you that think speaking up won't do any good - that's just what they want. Be loud and proud - talk at board meetings, to other parents, to media, to your relatives, to your high school students, to your representatives, to your child's teachers, and on your MySpace and Facebook and Twitter pages. A lot of little yapping dogs can run circles around and wear out a big old dog.
Anon 11:53 Ever since they started the Literacy Collaborative, the kids have been reading more and more. But they can't spell worth a damn.
About the Assistant Athletic Director position - I made an Open Records request some time back for a list of the administrative positions eliminated. This was one of the six, according to the response to my request.
They pretty much do whatever they want and say whatever they need to. So, I won't be surprised to see the position reinstated once they have rung the teachers, bus drivers, and custodians dry. But, officially at this point, there is no such position.
Honestly, the school does need an asst AD position. It is not feasible to have the AD at EVERY game for every sport. They need an asst. My problem is paying them so much.
No doubt there is a need for supervision. There are plenty of central office administrators with "time on their hands" (and money in their pockets) that could share the supervision of evening events!!!!
Why appoint an assistant athletic director for the High School???So Justin Dixson can stay even though he was on the list to be let go!! How many people were interviewed for the position??? Hummmm, probably one!!!who just happens to be Don Huffman's grandson..What a surprise!!
To Anon 108-
Disgrunteled teacher ? Is there any other kind at good old Decatur ? Not a teacher at all, but very close to the slimey situation we call our school system.
If you read the post again, you will see the critical comments were for the hiring practices of the district, not the specific people hired. I am sure they are all top notch people.But is it fair to all the other applicants that those who have an "in" in Decatur Township Schools have an advantage over those who don't ? That's called nepotism and is one of the many reasons there is no trust in this district.
Yeah, it's great that Decatur residents are being hired to teach, but if that is so valued, why don't the Central Office and building administrators live here instead of Plainfield, Martinsville, Greenwood, Zionsville,................ ?
I'm beginning to see why the school board continually refuses to answer questions from the tax-payers at school board meetings: They're too full to talk without belching. If Stinson becomes diabetic from all this good eatin', will we tax-payers then have to add another $40,000 a year annuity to his contract to pay for his insulin treatments until he's 65 and eligible for Medi-Care?
It's hard to imagine that they, indeed, can manage to choke down a bite of their exotic dinners, while lowly hourly employees wait submissively to clean up their mess and quietly leave them to their "executive session" deliberations. The smell of richly prepared food permeates the school building whenever Stinson and his school board cronies feast at tax payer expense. One supposes you can also hear the occasional sound of appreciative grunting and oinking emanating from behind the closed doors as Stinson and his pals slop from the public trough.
Does anyone know if the school board members get paid for "executive sessions" then again for the actual board meetings? Have heard $95 is the amount, so is that what they get plus their lavish meal or is it $190? Also, Don Huffman made the comment that they were all losing sleep over tough decisions they were being forced to make. I suspect the only reason Huffman and board members ever lose sleep is acid reflux from eating so much taxpayer funded meals.
anon 10:54 - it is my understanding that they make a flat $1800-2000 per year, plus $65 per meeting - yes, that would be per executive session, per special session, etc - should they choose to count event the multiple meetings on one night separately. I do not know if they do that, or not.
Again, I don't know if it is true, but a commenter on this blog some time back said that Greenwald didn't turn in requests for the per meeting compensation.
The Decatur School Board Bylaws state:
Board members shall receive each year a basic compensation of $1,900 per year as well as a per diem in an amount stipulated by a Board resolution acted upon at the annual organizational meeting.
Their organizational meetings occur at the July board meeting and every July since 2006, according to the published board minutes, they have voted "to keep yearly compensation the same." Again typical - their motions have no specificity about dollars. Would think there should be a maximum for these board expenses per year. Probably they think these are "deserved" meals as "costs" of being board members!!!! The Super and Board display no real "sense" of the need to serve others before themselves.
That would raise my respect for Greenwald if he did not take the extra money. Even more respect if he didn't eat anything either. However, they do a lot for this community and if they were making great decisions I would not have any problem with them getting paid a little bit.
Does our schoolboard recieve health insurance? Anyone know?
anon 11:25 - the teachers union asked the same question of the administration and the answer came back that the school board does not get health insurance.
I see a lot of comments about Dixson here and I understand your thoughts. But as a parent this is the first time in the township that I have ever seen a coach take resposibility of athletes as he has. All year long before, during and after football he has stayed in contact with the kids and kept up on their grades, and tried to get help for those who need it. Plus he disciplines his players. I have not seen one other coach out here with as much to offer or do as much. He did not cause this situation. He got here because of the BS within the administration. But you cannnot fault him. He would make a good AD assistant. What does Kelli McWilliams bring to the AD Office, nothing. If you only knew she should not even be in any type of administrative position.
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