Fear rules the MSD Decatur Township school district. Fear that if you step out of line, you will be gone. Fear that if you speak up, you will be gone. There is no recourse - the School Board just rubber stamps everything.
Superintendent Don Stinson doesn't handle the tools of fear mongering himself. He has Assistant Superintendent Jeff Baer and soon to be Assistant Superintendent Susan Adams for that nasty business. Baer is leaving at the end of the school year. But, according to what Susan Adams is saying around the District, she will be getting a promotion to take over the non-business activities that Baer currently handles, but his successor wants no part of. Adams will relinquish her head custodian job, and become the overlord of Transportation and Safety.
Now, I have heard Adams referred to as 'the dragon lady' a couple of times. And by criteria of how she has treated the custodians, she deserves that moniker. She has trimmed their ranks substantially. She cuts the heat off in the winter and the AC off in the summer - even while the custodians lug around vacuum cleaners on their backs and even while they clean carpets. The freezing cold and the sweltering heat and humidity she subjects the custodians to is immoral in my book. I think they should be complaining to the EEOC about their work conditions, quite frankly. But, they are afraid of doing so lest they be released from their employment as revenge. Don Stinson lets the dragon lady mete out this injustice and is ultimately responsible. Well, let me amend that - the School Board is ultimately responsible. If we had a School Board who actually cared to listen to the employees in the district, they might have a very different work environment - one that respected the dignity of all workers.
I will be referring to this again in the section on Security below - the custodians have been told by the dragon lady, that, should there ever be a bomb threat in a school that causes evacuation of the building, they are to remain behind and search for the bomb. Let me repeat that - should there ever be a bomb threat in a school that causes evacuation of the building, the custodians are required to remain behind and search for the bomb.
Now, should you not be that alarmed about the treatment of decent, hard working people in Decatur Township Schools, maybe you would be interested in another aspect of the no heat, no AC for custodians rule. It turns out that what mold needs to flourish is hot, humid conditions. Say, like the conditions one would find in the summer with the AC turned off and right after carpets are steam cleaned. Thanks to the no AC for custodians rule, the district now has a mold problem in the Early Childhood Center and the Decatur Intermediate Learning Center. The problem in the ECC is being 'solved' by moving the school to the Lynwood campus. There appears to be no resolution on the table for the DILC mold problem. Eventually the taxpayers will be on the hook to reclaim these spaces.
Even before assuming her new duties, the dragon lady and Jeff Baer have been 'working' on the bus drivers. The community needs to become more aware of what is going on in the Transportation Department. That budget is being slashed by Don Stinson - seemingly without any Board action or public disclosures. It would seem that the push is to 1) get senior drivers to quit and 2) cut benefits.
The first steps are in the works as we speak. The drivers' hours are being cut from 6 or 7 per day, down to 4 hours per day. Meanwhile more drivers are being hired so that the bus schedule can continue unabated. Dropping the driver's time immediately cuts their take home pay and puts their ability to get benefits in jeopardy. This again is immoral in my book. The bus drivers have families to support. With only 4 hours per day - two in the morning and two in the afternoon - the drivers are also precluded from taking second jobs. Clearly this is a move to get them to quit their jobs. Yet again I emphasize that I consider this immoral.
But it doesn't end there. Senior drivers are being targeted with 'non-compliance write-ups'. These write-ups claim that the drivers were tail gating or speeding. This will provide a paper trail should Baer, Adams, and Stinson want to remove more drivers than those who voluntarily leave their District jobs.
As mentioned in a comment to a previous blog entry, the drivers have now received letters claiming that the cost of repairing any damage to their bus will come out of their pay. One needs to ask what insurance is for?
That leads me to the Security Department. When the midnight shift in that Department was eliminated, Baer said 'that's what insurance is for'. Susan Adams claims that we can do away with the entire department because 'we have cameras on all the buildings'. As I spoke about in some detail in "Security is First Casualty of Budget Cuts", the dragon lady refuses to give keys or floor plans to the officers, as recommended by national standards promulgated by the Department of Homeland Security. Now she is being promoted over Security, which she believes can be handled by cameras and custodians. This is unbelievable.
As mentioned in comments to other blog entries, the custodians and the bus drivers are not the only employees in the District who are enveloped by this culture of fear. The teachers also must watch their backs and do not feel that they can afford to speak up or speak to the Board about mistreatment. Don Stinson, through Susan Adams and Jeff Baer, has created a hostile work environment, paid for by good hearted, hard working Decatur taxpayers. This culture is not in keeping with the attitudes of our community, and at some point we have to ask why the School Board allows it to continue.
10 hours ago
In these hard times, dedicated Teachers face layoffs all the while Susan Adams gets a promotion and raise. Her salary alone would keep at least two or maybe three Teachers.
Don Stinson and Susan Adams seemed to feel proud when they changed the name of the education center to Decatur Leadership Learning Center. Would suggest that DLLC stand for Decatur Liars and Lunatics Center. I think we need to laugh because all of this is so, so sad.
All citizens will be affected by the works of Susan Adams. This kind of treatment of employees does need to be reported but people will have to be brave. Don't worry this is a very brave superintendent and board. Right now they are trying to get as much done as possible before the May election.
I don't believe that no heat/ac is immoral for custodian workers. I know it's hard work and all but I just don't think it is all that bad. I work outdoors in all conditions...don't expect sympathy from me. Having the custodial staff check for bombs well..maybe on the way out take a gander and see what you can see. I would kick a back-pack or anything but looking isn't a big deal.
Having the bus drivers be responsible for seats doesn't sit well with me...unless there are circumstances associated with this type of rule. Such as a driver that has a lot of torn seats. An administration of any type tends to puniosh all for the misdeeds of a few so I won't think the seat/responsibility thing is too big of deal either.
Speaking out of fear of reprisal again, happens everywhere insitutions of educations are not exempt from that either. The simple fact is you work for somebody and if that somebody does not what you say...see ya. I'm sure the teachers have some type of protection such as contracts....D.E.A. organization that would not allow a person to fired for speaking out. Custodians, bus drivers...eh not so much. I guess you'll have to watch you say and probably more importantly the tone in which you say it.
The mold problem could be solved quickly if some do-gooders awhile back had not sought to have the old JR. high listed as a historical building. That entire bldg. needs to come down. It's really not that old. There is no money for any kind of recontruction or renovation of it. It is simply an out dated building that is taking up prime real esate facing High School road. I guess it's old for Decatur TWP. but, not for the city of Indianapolis. By the way, I know that nobody cares but, my mother went to school there and so did I. Rant over.
I'm just not so sure what is going on. Susan Adams has never done her actual job well. But she always seems to get her nose into everything going on in the district. She is the first person that needs to go and make the other admin take on more responsibility like they are making everyone else in the schools do. I hate to do this, but I'm going to say it....why does Stinson like her so much?
As custodians and bus drivers are being targeted, does anyone know if the admin can read emails from personal. Candy M-B snuck into a staff meeting by the back side door and even said she was out of breath.....she did not like what was being discussed at the meeting. How did she know there was a meeting????? Better not use email that contains msddec. YES no one can speak out nor write. I feel like we in Hitler Germany.
anonymous out of fear
anon 6:20 - I believe the technology would allow the tech folks to read all email that goes through the system. I can't be sure if it would be the District techs, or the schoolfusion techs who would have the access. You would have to read any written agreements about email privacy, that were issued by the Administration when you were given your email address - if any - to see if you have any expectation of privacy. This would be like any company email address usage. Use of company computers and what websites are accessed would also be subject to any privacy agreement.
All emails in a governmental unit are public records and can be accessed at some point. But whether, without a public record request, the Administration does read folks' emails is subject to any privacy statement they issued to the employees - I should think. That is why the Board gives the Superintendent a computer - then the web history cannot be acquired through an open record request.
Perhaps our lawyer friends could weigh in here on these points.
I know from my time on the Board that they will access phone records of employees - what numbers were called. I don't know of any instance of eavesdropping on particular calls, though. Also, they love their hidden cameras.
Google, Yahoo, and any number of private companies offer free email accounts which have a privacy agreement. Everyone should be getting those, if they don't already have a personal email account outside of the District.
Bottom line - don't use District equipment for anything you are not willing to share with the entire world.
Speaking of waste and inefficency, Susan Adams purchased $800.00 thumbprint timeclocks for each building not too long ago to make sure the custodians didn't leave early and cheat the Twp. out of any money. These timeclocks have now broken down and she has bought new ones that use a code. She has installed cameras everywhere and arranges them so that she can see what time they leave building.If I wanted to eliminate waste and ineffiency in M.S.D.of Decatur Twp. I sure wouldn't start with $10.00 an hour custodians. I would start with all of The "Fat Cats" in the 'administration bldg.' Perhaps Susan can bring this up at the next Admin. 2 hour or more lunches at "Squealers" in Mooresville.What about all of the mold damage she has caused in the DILC building by cutting the air in the summer.Will she be required to pay to have this remediated? This is not cheap to remedy.We can't use ECC Bldg. because of mold but we can put our children at the DILC BLDG. and expose them to mold? What is wrong with this woman that she has no conscience about our childrens'health, let alone our employees health.
Get Rid Of Her. She is part of the problem not the solution.
I agree. Susan Adams needs to go, but it won't happen. She is just the puppet Don Stinson needs to do his dirty work. Besides, where would she go? Perry Township had enough. After being on TV and in the paper, stirring trouble the way she did, she probably wouldn't be welcome in too mamy school systems.
Anon6:20. Can you tell us what Candice Baer heard at the staff meeting that got her very upset??
Wow! Hitler Germany?!?!? I would say that those present at that time would disagree!
You (a staff member, I presume) work for a corporation, period. It's not any different than any business corporation. I would doubt that the admin has time to sit and monitor all staff e-mails....and if they do read one's e-mail, maybe it's warranted.
Unless it's a union meeting, anyone had the right to attend...so how was that sneaking?
From what I know about that building the doors to the meeting rooms are located at the back...so then everyone came in the back door, right?
Not that "central office" admin doesn't need to make some major changes, but let's stop acting like they are the only problem!
anonymous out of irritation
The way people are being treated is not the norm in successful organizations. It is one thing to expect hard work high expectations for the quality of the work. It is another thing not to treat people with dignity and respect. The kinds of conditions being described reflect a very self serving mentality and that they must hide the evidence of their wrong doings.
It is often difficult to tell who is the puppet and who is the puppet master.
Next Friday, as many as 50 teachers will receive RIF notes. That is a lot of teachers. Gosh, think about what class sizes will look like next year? It is frustrating to see everything going on in the district. Someone needs to clean up the mess that Stinson and team 'we don't care about the kids' have made.
Don't assume teachers are protected. Susan Adams was once the union president. During her term she also started working for central office as the electricity cop. The next union president, Rose Hootman, simultaneously became the Academic Coach for the Gold Academy. For the uninitiated, that menas she worked out of the office, didn't have students, could observe teachers, and was in charge when the principal was gone. You know - assistant principal. Except with a diffrent title and a little less pay. For two of the last three office holders, there has been little difference between union leader and administration.
The current co presidents are just teachers. But how long have the teachers been working without a contract?
What did Jeff Harvey say? The truth.
No one deservesto be treated like that. And Baer's plan backfired.
We don't have a contract this year. We are working under the conditions from the last two year contract. I really do hope that the co-presidents stand up for all the teachers in the district. But most of the ones I work with, don't feel things will work out well for teachers.
Isn't it interesting that J. Harvey's admin contract isn't being renewed, but next year at Valley, they still haven't named a principal . . . who will it be from CO to just slide into that position.
I agree with Anon 9:33: I get the feeling it's not TBD but TBA as far as Valley Mills is
Is Susan going after that job too?
In response to Anon 11:55: Susan couldn't handle being a principal - she'd have to actually work!
The last thing Jeff Harvey says to anyone is the truth!!!! He is just good at covering himself. I agree that people should be treated better, but he made this bed! Not everyone in the Gold Academy knows the whole truth!
Anonymous out of irritation
Dr. Candice Baer told everyone that the rifs included Sheila Corbin and Susan Strube. How could that be? Stinson's plan called for 4 building level administrators - Opel, Meerman, Downing, and Harvey. Did the Board approve this? Of course, unless someone goes to the television station and they agree to investigate the story no one will ever know. But if the television station tells them who contacted them then there will be big trouble. Lots of secrets, lots of fibs, and lots of trouble.
They just don't get it. Pellico or Milhon-Baer or another central office position could have been eliminated and then could have chosen Pellico or Baer or another for the Valley Mills principal. Understand that the teachers might not have been excited about Baer coming to Valley Mills but really don't think she wants to be a principal again so then she might have retired.
Dr. Baer can go to any meeting she wants since she is a central office administrator. But she needs to not become angry when she is asked questions or hears things she doesn't like or agree with. She is expected to give hones, straightforward answers and not attempt to cover up any thing. She is probably going to need to protect some other emplyees including herself. Let the party begin.
Anon 7:42 said...
The last thing Jeff Harvey says to anyone is the truth!!!! He is just good at covering himself. I agree that people should be treated better, but he made this bed! Not everyone in the Gold Academy knows the whole truth!
Oh, I wasn't saying he's known for his ethics. Just that he got in trouble for being honest.
I can't believe Susan Admams is going to force bus drivers to pay for damage done to bus seats by students. Out of the skinny paychecks the drivers make! I know of at least one lawsuit that Susan's bungling got us into. Is she gonna pay back the legal costs the MSD incurred in defending her mismanagement our of HER check?
Looks like there is a Bill Clinton and Monica Lawinski thing happening in Decatur Township but we know that Clinton was freed after being impeached. Someone told on them. No wonder there is so much fear. Things might change soon.
Interesting 620 pm never said Gold Acadmey.....hmmmm If not email then there must be a mole. No one is safe, cannot speak, district is run with moles telling what ever and it is believed. Continues to sound like Germany
Oh, no, no one should speak of any of the shady stuff going on in the district. It is disgusting! I did hear that Susan Stube was asked to step down. Wonder about Anna Cook moving to Valley as principal? Wonder if she has her admin license and that is why she was chosen to be 'let go' from CO. Just moving people around. Get rid of 50 teachers, but hey keep all the administrators that don't do their job.
If you want to know what kind of license someone has, it's no secret.
The bus drivers should not have to pay for the damage done by the kids. Usually the bus drivers know what kids cause the trouble. There are camera's on the buses right? How about that bill for any damage a kid does goes directly to their parents/home? I know this is what Decatur wants but we will lose a lot of bus drivers!
Don't know why Susan Strube of all people would be asked to step down. She's probably the best thing that has happened to Lynwood in years. Interesting that in it's last year, LW gets the kind of administration it needs after years of inept management. Interesting, too, that the powers that be KNEW that one of LW's biggest struggles was its leadership--yet it was allowed to go on until it was too late. Again, another brilliant move by our overpaid Super!
Yeah, NONE of this townhip's problems are Stinson's fault AND he's really there for the teachers and the community. Get real, people!
Whoops-Anonymous 8:53 just saw a typo in last entry. Typical teacher--must edit. Change "it's" to "its". HEY--given my poor grammar--maybe I should apply for superintendent!!!!
I think Strube and Corbin were supposed to be at Lynwood and Valley Mills for one year only under the direction and supervision of Wiseman who was the Valley Mills principal. Don't know whey Wiseman was not made principal of Valley Mills. That is what is so crazy about the assignment of Wiseman to DILC Gold and the removal of Harvey and now they are looking for someone to be principal of Vallley Mills. They need to remove another another superintendents office administrator so maybe they will put Stinson or Sullivan or Milhon-baer at Valley Mills? There are so many unanswered questions. Don't think the superintendents office is about collaboration - maybe it is cohabitation?????????
What company repairs damaged seats? Like everyting else I would think there could be a variation in charges. Are bus drivers notified of the damage costs before the repair is done? Are the kids punished for the damage? Do the parents know?
Stinson's praises are being sung within the district....this is not about the improvement of buildings, it is about the lack of honesty and collaboration. He has NOT told the truth about RIF's at the administrative level and he has NOT collaborated with the DEA.
It is ILLEGAL to charge bus drivers for damage:
IC 22-2-8-1 Fine of employee by employer prohibited
Sec. 1. It is unlawful for any employer to assess a fine on any pretext against any employee and retain the same or any part thereof from his wages. An employer who violates this section commits a Class C infraction.
(Formerly: Acts 1899, c.124, s.3.) As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.2207; Acts 1981, P.L.209, SEC.1.
Thanks anon 11:17 - I appreciate that citation.
Information Maintained by the Office of Code Revision Indiana Legislative Services Agency
IC 22-2-8
Chapter 8. Deduction From Wage Payments
IC 22-2-8-1
Fine of employee by employer prohibited
Sec. 1. It is unlawful for any employer to assess a fine on any pretext against any employee and retain the same or any part thereof from his wages. An employer who violates this section commits a Class C infraction.
(Formerly: Acts 1899, c.124, s.3.) As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.2207; Acts 1981, P.L.209, SEC.1.
Just so everyone knows this is fact not rumor. Not surprised - Susan Adams nor Don Stinson base their decisions on fact but rather on what is convenient without regard to others rights. This district needs to be sued OR they need to concede that a new superintendent (not one of his trusted assistants) be hired.
Looks like a violation would mean that the school district would be fined up to $500. Would hope that Susan Adams and Don Stinson would have to pay the $500 to the school district. They probably have administrator liability insurance to cover this.
While we are on violations in transportation dept. Brenda Catania does payroll for this dept. she changes timecards and employees do not know about this until their checks come and recieve less pay than they were expecting. Can this be legal? Shouldn't the employee be called in and advised of any mistakes and sign off on any changes made to their timecards?She has been told not to do this but continues to change timecards.
Women are being treated differently than men when routes are handed out to subdrivers. The men get most of the routes where the regular drivers are going to be off for a long time,so make more money. Subs and drivers are aware of this. They just had an old sub driver come back who had quit several years ago and all of a sudden he is working in the garage with mechanics in middle of day, driving routes, and has 4 trips on the board. No other sub has a trip on the board. Brenda Catania is in charge of handing out routes to subs. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Unfortunately, for everyone with a computer working in Decatur Township Schools, they were forced to read a syrupy sweet e-mail from Phil Webster Friday about how great Stinson is. For crying out loud Phil, you used to have a brain. Guess you have a pretty sweet gig now so nice to kiss up to the MAN. Of course the sweet e-mail was followed up with the poor West Newton cheerleader.........er Principal agreeing with every word. Gosh, that woman has the integrity of a criminal. The e-mail talked about how much Stinson had done for the Township and how he shouldn't be blamed for the financial crisis in the state. It also talked about how open he has tried to make all the committees but parents just have no interest in being on them. YEAH, they know the conclusions are predetermined by Stinson and his cronies. MY gosh, what a waste of computer space to send that out to the employees who already know all about the slimeballs that work at Central Office.
My wish for Decatur Township Schools-
- 2 new school board members in May
- a new DEA President- we haven't had one for several years
-a new Superintendent by August- NOT DEBBIE SULIVAN !!!!!!!!!
-class sizes less than 30 per classroom
-some investigative reporting by the Star to expose Central Office
-a less apathetic group of citizens that will hold Central Office accountable instead of letting them tak advantage of them.
The delivery of mail by Phil Webster and Janet Larch and forbidden access on school computers to Had Enough Indy facts reported by Pat are well learned lessons from Nazi Germany. Understand the fear of those who receive the e-mails have to forward these to Had Enough Indy. The district also knows that many only have access to computers at the workplace. Facts like the state documentation of expenditures for the administrators salaries will not be distributed by this administration. Followers like Webster just like those who followed Hitler will not be deterred by their conscience nor their hearts. Escaping will be very difficult in this very difficult economy. Don't think we should blame Obama or Mitch Daniels but people are going to need to find those whom they can trust. The administration is working very hard to protect their interests - if not, why did they keep Milhon-Baer?????? if not, why did they not reduce Stinson's salary to no more than $150,000? if not, why do they oppose the free flow of information such as giving the public copies of staff reports and claims? The elimination of teacher positions in Decatur Township is not the fault of teachers not eliminated. Many, many school districts around Decatur and all over the state are dealing with the tough economy but not cutting teacher positions. Why?? First, they didn't dig the hole that Stinson and Baer dug by overspending money. Second, they have reduced administraive expenses significantly - salaries, cell phones, computers, health insurance, etc., etc. Decatur may have to slowly fill up the hole from the excessive land purchases but Decatur does not have to continue the insanity. They do not need to move to Concentra. They do not need to continue the misspending on the Challenger Center. DEC can become part of the high school facility. They can expect the central office administrators to "voluntarily" (because they have missed the legal deadline) take larger pay cuts or retire or resign. Then, they can ask teachers for other voluntary ways to help. They are looking for sympathy and I write that kindly to attempt to explain this nazi-like takeover.
Speaking of Phil Webster, see his and other updated comments on this post:
I would like to know why Susan Adams got a $15,000 bonus
Susan Adams is the "prom queen" of the Central Office". She gets more raises than anyone over there and that's saying a lot. It's well known that her and Stinson have been seen having dinner and drinks together here at a local restaurant.
One supposes they were only talking shop on her upcoming mission to fire, lay off and squeeze out teachers, bus drivers, custodians, cops and maintenance workers in their new "Stinson paradigm" of administration. That paradigm seems to be founded on the belief that if you get rid of enough of the "little people", you'll put the school's budget back in the black without the necessity of cutting back on administrators and their fat cat salaries and perks.
One supposes too that Susan was also showing the proper amount of gratitude to his boss for his finally promoting her to the assistant superintendent level. That would certainly call for some gratitude on her part. Lord knows she's been systematically clawing her way toward the goal of being superintendent for years now.
Uh oh.
Sadly, if you don't work in MSD Decatur , you wouldn't believe the discontent of the average employee. Very little of it has to do with the budget cuts. The budget cuts have just amplified the discontent.
Teachers have NO say in how they teach. These programs are dictated by Central Office. The more C.O. employees, the more programs are implemented. They all must show they are earning their keep ! You rarely see an Assistant Superintendent enter a school while students are there- they don't care to be around them or they wouldn't have left the classroom to begin with.
There is no openess in this district- "bottom up decision making" ???? That is absolutely laughable !!!!!!!
Dandy Don's "kill em with kindness" routine has gotten stale and people now see through it. You have a chance to clean up this mess you have made - show everyone they have a say, don't just use your poor grammar to tell your employees you care. Unfortunately, you have chased so many good people away from ever serving on a committee again, you'll have a hard time ever getting anything with any integrity accomplished.
A great big MESS !!!!!!!!
What's the real story about Harvey being on "leave" the rest of the year ? He needs to think about a big fat law suit against these people.
AMEN, Anonymous 10:28!
anon 10:31 -- I am seeing a lot of comments about Jeff Harvey - Principal of the Gold Academy. Does anyone know what happened? I cannot tell from the comments, unless he is being reprimanded for asking for community support to keep his job??? Who is taking Harvey's place while he is on leave?
email me at hadenoughindy@gmail.com if you prefer
Dear Gold Academy Staff,
Mr. Harvey has requested and been granted a leave of absence. During his absence, I have appointed Stephanie Hofer as the building administrator until further notice. I appreciate your support and assistance of Ms. Hofer as leader of the Gold Academy during Mr. Harvey’s leave.
Thank you,
Donald H. Stinson
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