Meeting Thursday the 25Th @ 7:00 @ the home place off of mooresville Rd. Please come and voice your concerns, also looking for GOOD people to run for school board. If your child class room has to many in it , there is to many on their bus,their on the bus to long,their walking a long way to get on or off the bus, or your just a tax payer in decatur township PLEASE come and help us make changes.
Law is Potential Violence
13 hours ago
What is the specific address for the meeting? Who is in charge of this meeting that can be contacted?
It would benifit your cause to state the name of your group/organazation. Something besides an "anonymous" post on the internet. You know of course that you are probably breaking the law? You need to have a PAC formed before you start endorsing and financing candidates. And you won't take back anything. Dr. Henson and Ms. Wiseman won a landslide election last cycle. The people of this township don't like trouble. They like what we have and it's working. We will be watching you.
Okay, enough is enough with all of your stupid comments and nutty legal advice.
Stop promoting Henson to Dr. status. Neither is Stinson.
People can get together to talk about their schools and seek good candidates to run without forming a PAC. A PAC is for the reporting of money spent on behalf of candidates - not finding candidates.
And let's talk about the use of anonymous. You are paid to monitor this blog, yet you do not have enough respect to state YOUR name.
Your sole aim is to intimidate. Just like Stinson does to keep employees in line.
So, until you have the backbone to identify yourself, stay off this blog.
Some of us want to make sure this is a ligitimate meeting that is actually taking place. Please provide an address for us to attend. Thank you.
6734 Millside Dr
Millside is first drive past 4-way stop at Mooresvile and Mills Rd on right. Directly across from Granner DR.
Will Dr. Henson be there? Is he going to run again?
Geez...people...get it's not "Dr Henson"..only give credit where credit is due...he doesn't have that level of education! (Stinson either)
Somebody needs a dictionary!
It's going to be fun watching DUI Don, Susan Adams, Dr. Jeff B, and other CO staff when they're called in for testimony under oath in the lawsuits that were filed against them and the school board in federal court. Sounds like they were the ones breaking the law. Not the taxpayers who want to have a meeting to take their schools back. This must be deja vu for Susan like at perry twp. lol.
It is about time!! Hope the $$ become public if they buy their way out???
If the person who wrote this ad is a product of these schools, you are certainly in need of some serious help. "Too" is how you spell the word when you are talking about "extremely or very", "they're" is the contraction when you are saying "they are" (their is possessive). This is just sad.
Did anyone go? I got stuck working late and couldn't make it.
I agree the ad was poorly written but some people just have issues with spelling.
Hmmmmmm... sounds like a central office thug (Anon 8:20am) So Don Stinson is a mobster, the big DON ehhh. Central Office has a lot on their plate as of legal proplems, as if you know anything about the law. READ the CONSTITUTION. You need to go back to school. You failed history class.
The Stinson Kool-Aid is loaded with pain killers and anaesthetics. Hope those who filed the lawsuits won't be bought out and run because of fear.
Time and time again the super and the board have come out on top.
Yes, please tell us if anyone attended and the outcome.
Could be the community is learning from the board and superintendent so every thing will be a secret. Is the superintendent retiring? What did the board give him to make his life easier? Does anyone know who to contact at the federal government?
Does anyone know if you can testify in federal court if you are on probation or have a criminal history record?
This blog is like a Jerry Springer show. A bunch of losers who are jealous of the vision Mr. Stinson has brought to the district. The federal lawsuits are all hype, the school board's attorney will have them thrown out. Don Stinson and Susan Adams, and the school board, did nothing wrong to be sued for. They deserve every dollar in compensation that they receive from the board. They certainly get no thanks from the township losers. The next superintendent may not be as tolerant as Don Stinson has been, so watch out. This blog is being MONITORED. The members of your secret committee will soon be known.
Anon (12:35)So now your wire tapping and/or hacking into this blog...hmmm thats a felony, 20yrs in state prison. Your starting to sweat. Looks like this blog makes you nervous.
What is Stinson's vision? There are hard facts about the results of his leadership. The board walk will end soon - there is hope.
Facts are hard to understand. The superintendent states on TV that he was guilty of drinking and driving. The superintendent pleads not guilty. The superintendent states he is going to retire. The superintendent does not retire. Fact is can't believe what the superintendent says.
Anon 1:14: You're so wrong. This board will not "walk". Don Huffman and Doug Greenwald are up for Re-election in 2012. They will win by a landslide as did Dr. Henson and Ms. Wiseman did last year. It's obvioius from the wording here, there's only a few people actually making posts ("DUI Don", "Central office gravy train" etc. Grow up.). The majority of the township is BEHIND this administration 110% because of the work they have done. The good they have done for the township. The good they do for our CHILDREN.
It's great that you try and get a group together to run someone against Don and Doug. I would imagine that your meeting had the same attendance on Thursday the 25 that the school board meetings have. 2 or 3 people come; usually 2 or 3 more if their kids are being honored or recognized. The people of this township don't want change. The HUGE landslide majority are ok with what we have. Even the teachers union are behind Don and Doug; they were behind Ms. Wiseman and Dr. Henson last election and the landslide was obvious.
As to your allegations of funds mismanagement, lawsuits, nepotism, etc; there is absolutely NO basis for these charges other than blatent trouble making. It's so easy to hide behind a computer screen and gripe. Go to a school board meeting. I believe someone posted here that they couldn't go to the candidate meeting on Thursday because "they had to work". Ok; that's respectable. The board meetings are posted on the internet for the next 3 years. Can't make arrangements to go; or would you rather GRIPE ABOUT IT and make excuses?
I rest my case.
He has to be at least an MD or equivilant because he's the fire chief.
Stinson is the only superintendent in the county who does not have a doctorate. Listen to him speak. Read his writing. There is a reason for this. He does make more money than the others. There is a reason for this.
There is no secret committee. There was a meeting everyone was invited to attend .The purpose is to try to find candidates to run for schoolboard next year.I was in attendance and no amount of intimidation will stop me from attending these meetings.Maybe if you want to know who is attending you should go yourself.
The next meeting is Thursday , Sept.1 at 7:00.
This group has no name yet!
Now WE know you are watching us but remember.'WE ARE Watching YOUR EVERY MOVE ALSO".
Heard the superintendent has tickets to the Super Bowl! Supposedly from his charter school friends. Don't get too excited. He may be working on a deal with those who are taking over the IPS schools. Dr. White is not happy. Former Mayor Bart Peterson is the superintendent's friend and trying to help. It is nice to have friends in high places.
Dr. Stinson is a PhD. It takes 2 clicks on the internet to find it.
His is a SPECIALIST degree; IE PhD.
Once again....find out before you hurl accusations.
Anon 2:27: Not only does the superintendant have does his board.all 5 were given tickets; 2 each.
The specialist degree and the doctorate are not the same degree. He does NOT have a doctorate. Call the Department of Education if you do not believe.
Maybe Decatur can raise some money renting out rooms during the Super Bowl. If they spend the money on the kids schools that would be good. Hope it doesn't snow.
From Wikepedia:
The Specialist degree is found in some programs of education or psychology and is awarded for study beyond the Master's degree but below the doctorate, (i.e., Ph.D., D.Ed. or Th.D.). It is most often referred to as an Ed.S. (Specialist of Education), or sometimes Sp.Ed.-- but can be designated in the form of SSP (Specialist of School Psychology), or Psy.S. (Specialist of Psychology). The College of Education at Eastern Michigan University and many other American institutions confer it as the "Sp.A" or "Specialist in Arts" degree.
Schooling usually, but not always, involves one to three years of coursework and practica, followed by a one year internship, or practical field work. Depending on the program offering the degree, a Master's degree can be conferred during the process once its requirements are met, or the program may require an already completed Master's.
An Ed.S. program typically requires about 60-70 semester hours beyond a Bachelor's degree, or about 30 hours beyond a Master's (making it approximately the same workload as a second Master's in terms of credits, but often the coursework is at the upper graduate, doctoral level). Therefore, in terms of coursework credits, it corresponds to an ABD status, ("all but dissertation"). However, according to the U.S. Department of Education's International Affairs Office's leaflet, entitled, "Structure of the U.S. Education System: Intermediate Graduate Qualifications," (Feb 2008), the Ed.S., as a degree, is equivalent to the D.Min. or Psy.D./D.Psy.
Ed.S. programs lead to professional degrees in the application of advanced educational theory but do not typically place an emphasis on conducting original research such as in Ed.D./D.Ed. or Ph.D. programs.
2:55; so is henson a EdS or a Phd or MD or what? Based on what you posted i can't see why you would call him "Dr. Henson". and do you got to have a dr to be a fire chief?
You do not have to have an MD or more to be fire chief. Neither Henson nor Stinson have earned the title "Dr.".
i disagree i think you got to have a medical doctor to be fire chief i think i saw it written somewhere and i think henson is a medical doctor
The only "doctoring" he does is at Ike and Jonesy's downtown.
Will Stinson be off probation by the time the super bowl rolls around? I would hate to see everyone partying hearty and him not be able to hoist a few too. it takes a lot of connections to get tix for yourself and all your pals. Anybody know which contractor is paying for this?
Since there is a catering department they might make more money is they rented it as a bed and breakfast. Don't think you can take sack lunches to Lucas Oil. Sullivan might be superintendent by then it will need to be low calorie stuff.
The bed & breakfast thing is a good idea especially if the school board will be partying with stinson. That way they can just sleep over and won't have to worry about getting a designated driver.
Anon 5:25's comment should be removed. I find it rather offensive.
Anonymous wrote:
"It's great that you try and get a group together to run someone against Don and Doug. I would imagine that your meeting had the same attendance on Thursday the 25 that the school board meetings have. 2 or 3 people come; usually 2 or 3 more if their kids are being honored or recognized. The people of this township don't want change.
I rest my case.
August 26, 2011 1:40 PM"
I suspect you work for central office and like everyone there have nothing but contempt for the people who live in this twp as well as the students. Stinson and the school board's long term refusal to be open and transparent about their actions during the board meetings is the reason no one bothers to come to those meetings. For you to suggest anything else is a slap in the face to every parent and every tax payer. I challenge anyone to go to a board meeting as many of us have, and try to find out what they are doing as they shuffle agenda papers among themselves and talk to each other in code as they vote on things. Then go to the schools website and search to see where the minutes for the board meeting are posted. Everything Stinson and this school board does is done in secret executive session while they are served catered meals at tax payer cost. The public board meetings are a sham and no minutes are kept of their many executive session meetings. Check out the transparency and compliance with public law in the actions of wayne twp and franklin twp school district and others. You will find that those boards and administrators serve their communities and are respected for it. If people could get honest answers from Stinson and our board then people would come to the board meetings.
What are you smug people trying to hide from every one?
Smug and SNEAKY.
This woman, who speaks very highly about Don Stinson's vision. The same "vision" that has been hitting rock bottom for the last eleven years? He doe not have 20/20hindsight about the school system. My thought is his "vision" is so blurry from intoxicating himself by buying authority from the rigged school board, the ol'"You scratch my back, and I'll scratch your" even that it self would fail at a D.U.I checkpoint. Those back scracthers that have been in central office, who work in these positions that pay high salaries all the while stiffing all dedicated teachers' pay for another four years and firing bus drivers to increase THEIR pay. His cronies, as we had heard, has been getting the school board and Stinson in hot water with federal lawsuits across the board, it is now starting to catch up with them. Stinson's "VISION" has ROBBED and CHEATED Taxpayers, parents, and Stundents out of a poorly runned downed school system.
Just think about all that money....While these lawsuit are coming into cental office...means some big $$$$ from somebody's pocket... but who? You guess it, THE TAXPAYERS...OHHH YEEEAA!!!!! We get to pay for those monsterous attorney fees...WOW!!!! Thats what just a couple hundred bucks an hour...Why thats no BIG deal just charge that to our bill...and while your at it..raise the property taxes too...ohhh and don't you dare forget to give Superintendent and his friends their BIG tip!
The claims submitted and approved by the board are public information. Might be interesting to get a listing of all claims paid to their attorney for the past five years??????
Has anyone ever requested an audit based on the Decatur school's financial books? Seeking some info on the so called subjects on saving? Just to list a few, energy savings, laid off teachers, bus drivers, school police, and other employees? There is one matter that has me concerned. I've came across and found that for the past two years, a woman, I can't think of her name, she was the one, who was kicked off the perry township school board, so anyway, her salary went from something like $88,000 to $140,000 talking somewhere under that little amount of time. This is deeply conerning to where the money, excuse me, OUR money has ended up?
Her name is Susan Adams. She was the Perry board president. She got rid of Perry's superintendent. She gets her way.
She does not have a superintendent license. She used to be the teacher union president at Decatur.
Check out the Indianapolis Star article on the Fresno, Caliofornia superintendent - Larry Powell. Maybe Stinson will give back his salary to the Decatur kids?
This blog is almost comical. What started out as someone "cataloging nepotism" ends up turning into a big troll fest. Idiots all of you. Funny; you didn't find any nepotism did you? Funny; you can't find any problems with school finance can you? All this is public information; all you have to do is GET IT. Get out from behind your trouble making lifestyles and do something about it.....besides make excuses.
And "Anon 8:10". Dr. Stinson doesn't have to give ANYTHING back because he's earned every dime he's made at Decatur Township.
AAAWWWW.. Are we making you mad? It hurts because it is soooooo true, little Ms. Blue. Just look around, they have Wiseman, Collins, Adams and a couple of others on the payroll. It would be nice to find out what their nice pay packages are as well. So looks like someone is mad all because we're pickin on their money grubbing ways? Take a chill pill, and relax.
That is right and don't forget Stinson's daughter. How much are they paying her - betcha not a beginning teacher?
Anon August 29, 2011 8:45 AM,
Don, if the blog isn't comical enough for you, why check it everyday? It must be making you a little nervous. To resort to calling hard working township residents "idiots" is a lame attempt to get residents to stop reading and forget the shape of our schools and your fat bank account. No worry, YOU and your board are a topic of conversation at every ballgame, neighborhood get together, chance meetings in supermarkets, etc. Pat does know where to get the information and thankfully, shares it for all to see. And, yes, there is nepotism or don't you know the definition?
Anon 10:39: PROVE it.
You have no proof. All heresay.
Slandeerous at best......
This Decatur school system sound alot like that Bernie Madoff case. The school board would like us think all is well in Decatur schools by building all these wasteful projects around here. It makes me so mad that I have been walking my two children a couple bocks, which seems like a mile, down to the school bus just so these highly paid people can stuff their pockets full of MY money. No respect for the hard working parents,like me,trying to take of my kids.
If you could make any changes to Decatur Township Schools what changes would you make. The group of people that met last Thursday could use your imput in setting priorities for their organization. Even though you may have a long list of changes it would be helpful if you could list your top three changes you would make to improve the education of our children. We are not trying to indict people for crimes or point the finger of blame for the current condition of our schools . We only want change that will bring improvement to our schools and the education of our children.
1.let Parents decide want their should learn, rather than be forced into something that proves does not work.
2.Put Teachers back to work, allow them to use their skills and ideas, parent and teachers should be able to talk about the the childrens' subjects without a mandate forced by the superintendent with a micro-management operation.
3.A smaller adminstration team such as, only (3) Superitendents with limited pay voted by the township not school board with check and balance in order. Term limits on school board members from(4)to only(2).Have a balanced budget amendment added to the by-laws, listings from A to Z such as employees pay, school property uses, rental fees charges, personal uses, vehicle uses, gas, power, restrictions on school board members, school administrators, superintendents, on the listed items above , ect. Financial documents must be reported monthly to residents in Decatur township both website and mail to follow guidelines with check and balance and such.
1. QUIT TRYING TO REINVENT THE WHEEL! Get back to the basics; the 3 R's. Enough of the "journey" crap.
2. TRANSPARENCY! Detailed board meetings; board meetings on the web; 7 member board; nepotism policy and TERM LIMITS!
3. Get rid of the teachers union.
I have tried to email Mr. Stinson, Sullivan and Wiseman a couple of times and have not recieved any responses. I want to make sure I have the right emails. Can anyone share them with me?
The school board and Stinson are trying to continue their polices in secret by using special meetings without the publics' knowledge, which are: cutting corners by firing everyone but central office employees to give themeselves raises, hiring and promoting their family members, taking trips on taxpayers' dime. From what we have heard, Stinson has stated that he is retiring sometime this year, does this sound funny? Remember a year ago, Stinson started getting his parachute ready when he thought that some of the board members might lose their seats? When the heat was up, He feared that if new members came into the picture, the law might come knocking at his door,so he started looking south for a job, when the board was reelected, Stinson stayed on. Now, it seem the heat is back on with these federal lawsuits. The school board does not like answering questions to nobody, well
they will now.
anon 11:13: dont forget super bowl tickets for the board members 2 each x 5 shouldnt that be against the law?
What is your reason for wanting to get rid of the Teachers Union. Ohh your right it is their fault that you don't read to your kids at night, or that you don't sit down with them and go over their homework, or you don't volunteer in the classroom, or you want them to babysit your kid. Lets start charging parents for the babysitting (because that what teachers are there for), $2.00 an hour times 8 hours a day (a bargain), 16.00 a day times 30 kids, $480 a day times 180 days in a school year, a grand total of $86,400 dollars a year is what teachers should get paid, but they do it for half the price. Lets get rid of Teachers Unions as long as we can get rid of uneducated, entitled, finger pointing parents. Then we would have nobody to blame but the Teachers but until every parent is willing to put forth the effort to properly raise a child, and be a essential tool in their childs eduation, quit pointing the finger at everyone but yourself. Before you start accusing me of being a teacher, I am not, nor would I ever be one, I am tired of the ME ME ME people who are not only bringing down my community, but also my childs ability to succeed because his teacher has to waste half of the class day teaching your kid how to play well with others. Go on and start badmouthing me or take this post down because you don't want to deal with the truth, those who agree with me Thank You and those who don't, well this was for you!
Hey Anon 11:59,I feel for ya on one matter, these kids, who cause trouble and distract others from learning need to be kick out.They are no use for anybody. If you go back,look through the years of all the former stundent who have been trouble ended up in jail or prison. Now for another matter,as for the teachers' union they have gotten too controlling due to taking over the school district by enforcing their mandates on the public. It needs to come form the community, the union does not have a right neither does the superintendent or school board to the public money.They have a right to their personal freedom not other peoples' pockets, That is why the system fails us all.
Anon 11:59: Sorry to burst your bubble, but the teachers union is why our school district is in the mess it's in. They handpick and support the school board. No one will beat Huffman and Greenwald next year because the teachers want them. Ever notice how many teachers take off when it's a school board election? Yea; they have at least 2 teachers from 6 A.M to 6 P.M. at every polling place in Decatur. Oh wait; I'm sure you wouldn't know that now would you....since you're a teacher I'm sure you don't live in Decatur now would you Only the best for your kids right? Anyway; back to the facts. You wonder why there are no "good candidates" that want to run for school board? The teachers union not only has the support (see above) but money and resources to elect who they want. Who wants to run when you know you're going to get beat? Even if you put up a few yard signs and make hand-outs for election day, you're out several hundred bucks....and you know you're going to lose. You have to organize and get lots of people to help you election day. "you can't fight city hall" is what it's like against the teachers union.
Look back to the history of the board. I could name several GOOD school board members throughout the years. To be honest, the owner of this blog was one of the better ones...but she wanted what was best for KIDS and TAXPAYERS and the teachers union doesn't like that. Again, I could name more but you get the point. Look at this board; it's handpicked and loaded in favor of the teachers union.
I am 100% still in favor of abolishing the teachers union for this point alone. A vast majority of teachers don't live in this township. They don't care about our taxes or our money. I believe you stated that a teacher should make $86,400 a year. Sorry, not in my township.
Since you obviously don't live in our township, like most of us have for generations, here's what's going to happen in 2012:
Huffman and Greenwald win. Doesn't matter who runs against them. 30-40 teachers will take a sick day/personal day/vacation day and work the election promoting Huffman/Greenwald. Teachers union gets the board they want. Taxpayers of Decatur township get.........well; you get the picture.
By the way; the teachers union needs to update their talking points about reading to your kids, volunteering in the classroom, yadda yadda yadda. A vast majority of us are GOOD parents. We're also fiscally responsible adults that pay taxes and it's OUR school system. Not yours.
Just to start with, Wiseman and Landslide, do they go together? I could have sworn that no one in the Mars Hill area even ran against her. Most of the people on the board are not bad people. They have known MR. Stinson for a long time and just want to beleive in their long time friend. But if that is the case then they need to leave the board. "You can't fight city hall" well that is just not true and that beleif is why people don't run. This is a close nit community and they don't want to be embarrassed if they loose. Being on the school board is a popularity contest. If people know your name they will vote for you aginst someone that they don't know. Except for Wiseman, which probably had no one run then either. I have been to many meetings and I never come out of there knowing anymore than before I went in. All I here is what a great job someone did and gee thanks board for letting us go and paying for us.
Mr. Stinson has not been the worst super in the universe. He has made some positive changes here at DC (so not a fan of journey towards excellence and neither are many teachers that I have spoke with). BUT, considering the condition of our finances he and the board have been very neglectful in the handling of our monies. How dare any of them take bonuses or raises at a time like this. That just shows that they are not here for the good of our kids or our township.
The people of this wonderful township do need to stand up and take notice. If we all stand together then we "can fight city hall" and make some necessary changes to this board. Even if Mr. Stinson stayed on, if we had a board that kept him under control instead of just giving him everything he wanted then I'm sure he would leave on his own. STAND UP DC, TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SCHOOL! Ask Perry Township if they have any yard signs left. Sorry, I just had to say it.
Anon 3:37:
DR. Stinson please.
anon 3:37 - you need to stop admonishing people to get their facts straight. You are wrong. Stinson is a Mr. Get over it. Since you work with him, why don't you walk over to his office and just ask him? He's never claimed the title of Dr. to my knowledge. He certainly never earned it.
Well when I have spoke with him it has always been Mr. Stinson. That's what he introduced himself as anyway.
who is dr henson?
What part of I am not a Teacher didn't you understand, nor an admin., or anyway take a dime from the township, I actually pay them with my taxes, why would I lie about something that silly, second get your facts straight. Please if your going to make up something don't be an idiot and post facts you have no clue about. 30 plus teachers don't take off for the election, only a few volunteer to work the polls, and they can't campaign for a specific person inside the polling station. You are spreading rumors that aren't true, Pat you know the rules better than anyone, and can you please set the facts straight. Second most teachers can't tell you one single fact about the school board or point them out of a lineup, once again you are wrong.
What should the salary of a teacher be? You have opinions on everything else, what should a Teacher with her Masters Degree earn? Should it be less than you or more? Just curious, believe me I am a hugh Fiscal Conservative, I believe in the Free Market, Capitalism, Less Government, Less Taxes, Right to Bear Arms, Deportation, and the Death Penalty. What makes all of these things possible is education and the development of children to become productive members of society. Who is responsible for this, The Parents! Who spends just as much time with your kids during the school year, The Teacher! Shouldn't we support the teachers, shouldn't we make sure they are getting compensated properly for the hugh amount of time they are investing in your child? No teacher does the job for the money, but they sure as hell don't do it for free, or to take crap from a stay at home mom with a high school graduation. I am not picking on all stay at home moms because your job is hard and not everyone can do, I sure can't, I am just pointing out the ones who spend nap time creating "Fairy Tales" targeted towards the one one group actuall trying to help you. Fight the administration, government shouldn't go unchecked, but for once would you quit making up garbage to make yourself feel better.
You have your voice, you have your opinions, and you have the right to vote, but voting on the facts is one thing, but to just throw a bunch of garbage in the air and try to see what sticks is unhelpful and wrong.
I should of proof read "huge"
You are correct; no one (teachers included) can campaign INSIDE of the poling place.
You are very very very VERY wrong about teachers supporting candidates. And you are very very very very wrong about teachers taking off and working poling places. Perhaps I overstated with 30 or so. You will find that teachers of MSD Decatur township WILL take vacation/sick day and WILL work polling places in decatur township and have for years. They will support the candidate that their teachers union tells them to. Did you know that the teachers union actually interviews candidates before the election? This is a fact. Don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about because you are wrong about that. Teachers are VERY political in the local elections.
Ok so 30 or so is now down to what, 3 or 4? They can take personal days right? So are you against the UAW or Teamsters putting money towards the Obama campaign? I am a Teamster and Jimmy Freakin Hoffa Jr called my personal home phone to tell me to vote for Obama, yes it was recording but none the less I voted for McCain. Lets quit arguing about semantics and get back to what really bit my hide, How much should Teachers make in YOUR TOWNSHIP?
"Dr. Stinson is a PhD. It takes 2 clicks on the internet to find it.
August 26, 2011 2:28 PM"
Sorry...that isn't true. The correct way to professionally write his name is:
Donald Stinson, M.Ed., Sp.Ed., D.U.I.
Anon August 30, 3:37 PM said...
"Most of the people on the board are not bad people. They have known MR. Stinson for a long time and just want to beleive in their long time friend." The Decatur School Board is a group of friends who scratch each others' backs. They SHOULD be nothing more than business acquaintances who can look at issues individually and agree to disagree for the greater good, not by how will I benefit?
Mr. Stinson's accreditation would not land him a private sector job that pays 1/3 of what he is stealing from our kids and he knows that, laughing all the way to the bank.
It is time for Stinson to say bye-bye. It is time for a NEW superintendent who has no ties to Stinson.
Hi, I would like to know if somebody might have any top figures by how much in kickbacks or bribes Stinson himself or his little managers in central office would be receiving from some of these companies are willing to go just to sell their products to the school? Whether it would be cash, vacations, discounts,or maybe some superbowl tickets? Stinson might have said something like this "Never mind the school, as far as I'm concerned, what are you willing to give me?" Since this is coming from our pockets, just a thought.
Who are the people that will ran in the nexts eletion for school board?
C'mon, Robin. Spelling the words in your posts the way you think Jerry Springer fans spell isn't fooling anyone here. LOL.
Yeah. I noticed that. Pretty transparent. lol
Who wants to bet that Stinson and the school board watch Jerry Springer during their catered dinner executive sessions? You know that Don has the best dvr that (taxpayer) money can buy.
Once again the rude comments abound here. Funny; no one proved anything about nepotism.......what a joke you are.
anon 9:21 - you are in error once again.
Let's just remind you of one of the many instances of nepotism. Stinson's daughter Kendra is a teacher at West Newton. Says so on your website.
Funny how they made a position for her and everything. Yup.
OK that's only one. So what; he got his daughter a job. What if she just happens to be the best candidate for the job? No other examples can be PROVEN. All talk and no proof.
It sure seems Cathy Wiseman's husband is prospering in DUI Don's nepotism-free administration. LOL. He hasn't been with the MSD a year yet, but he's already been promoted twice. Now he has the job of 'energy manager' which is a BS job that Stinson created to re-pay Susan Adams for her hard work. With Tom Wiseman's relationship to the school board president it's easy to understand why Robin would think he's "best qualified" for that job. Sort of like how Susan "qualified" for her speedy high dollar promotions under the smiling patronage of Dr Jeff Baer and Don Stinson. Or how her brother-in-law Duke Adams was the "best qualified" for his new job in the MSD maintenance dept, or how Susan son's Alex was "best qualified" to work for MSD maintenance. Until he got in some personal troubles, of course, but he'll be back. You wonder how many raises our new varsity football coach has received after his doting grandpa on the school board found him to be "best qualified" for the job a few years ago. Or the million dollar astro-turf put down on the school's football stadium so our new football coach would have the very best, or the constuction contracts tossed to board members and their cronies to build it. All the "best qualified", of course. LOL. There's so much in-bred stuff going on in the MSD's business activities that it's no wonder they have a fixation on Jerry Springer.
Anon 7:08 you make some VERY vague nepotism charges:
1. Tom Wiseman; 2 promotions and new position. RELATIONSHIP: Cathy Wiseman; School Board President.
2. Duke Adams; maintenance. RELATIONSHIP: Susan Adams; Administrator of Buildings and Grounds
3. Alex Adams; maintenance. RELATIONSHIP: Susan Adams; Administrator of Buildings and Grounds
4. Varsity football coach? I assume you're talking about Justin Dixon? Who is his Grandpa you are referencing.
5. "construction contracts tossed to board members and their cronies to build it".....Be careful with that one because you have no proof and your statement becomes slander capable of litigation.
There is NO NEPOTISIM policy in place at the MSD of Decatur Township. Nothing has been done illegal here. Simply the best people for the jobs that are open have been hired. Besides, that's only a couple of people in Administrative positions. Doesn't sound like "nepotism" to me.
Negative and hateful and hurtful talk and allegations such as this is detrimental to our schools. Much as at the national level from ALL sides, hate speech and comments like these are very hurtful.
Lets start looking and talking about the good in our schools! We have some of the best Administrators in the country. Our schools have some of the highest and best scores in the Midwest!
State the facts and show proof; perhaps have a name besides "anonymous" and maybe you'd be taken more seriously. Without proof you have nothing but allegations.
anon 8:45 - you need to refrain from giving legal advice, you are not qualified.
I hope all of Decatur reads your nonsense and threats. Threats is how your boss keeps control on the district.
Its about time you stop using anonymous, too. Put your name down. We all know you are paid over $52,000 a year to monitor this blog.
Now they are expecting bus drivers to work for free and if they don't sign their contract they are let go.Tjs famous words....Bus drivers are a dime a dozen. These drivers are driving longer plus with kids sitting on each others laps,now how safe is yor child???
The word is spreading about the meetings ,I will be there ,its about time ,I know so many parents have been waiting for this day ,Thanks
To Anon @ 9/7 7:08 am
The truth hurts. Awesome post. Love your last sentence:
"There's so much in-bred stuff going on in the MSD's business activities that it's no wonder they have a fixation on Jerry Springer.
The bus drivers need to take a stand. All call in one day. And, let TJ call his dime a dozen bus drivers. What a joke he is...Just go in his office. All of the walls are filled with him. Me me me...He dont care about anyone or anything. Except himself. Good thing he likes himself so much. Because no one else likes him. He is about a joke to the transportation Dept. And, Decatur Schools. Last year he was so afraid he didnt look manly in Rosies old Van. So, he cried and cried to get a truck. Guess what TJ. You still aint manly...Never will be..
Lay off TJ. He's a good guy. Always has been. You bus drivers always like drama. Don't get your way or get mad; trump up some drama and say bad stuff. TJ didn't do anything wrong. He's OK.
seriously!!!! Whoever put the post about Tj, u must be his daughter cause nobody but family would put that unless it was someone at central office that he did a favor for by agreeing to take the job at the bus garsge to clean house. I have yet to find someone that likes him.
Dont know who would take up for TJ. But, him self. I think he likes his new position at the bus garage. Because, he can boss around the female bus drivers. And, !be buddys with the males. He is a joke. And, wont get very far in that position..Go away TJ. You are not wanted there. Go back to your swimming pool
The "New" Operations building is a lot quieter. Drivers come in, do there job, visit for a few minutes and go home.
I heard all TJ does is watch bus tapes trying to catch the drivers doing something wrong,that he has no clue on anything in transportation. That came from right there in that office....ummmm maybe someone had to much to drink and let the cat out of the bag!!!!
Can someone please show me where to find information on the federal lawsuits please.
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