The city, particularly the southwest portion of the county, is abuzz over the recent arrest of Decatur Township Superintendent Don Stinson for DUI. The Star reports:Decatur Township Schools Superintendent Donald Stinson expressed remorse and regret Monday, a day after he was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving in Plainfield....
"I made a terrible error in judgment," Stinson said Monday in a telephone interview with The Indianapolis Star. "I've embarrassed myself. Even worse, I've embarrassed my family and friends and have unnecessarily brought negative attention to our district."
Decatur School Board President Dale Henson said board members would discuss sanctions against Stinson tonight during the board's regular meeting. Stinson was not suspended Monday.
Stinson, 60, was driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 when an officer stopped his pickup truck on Ind. 267 near Stafford Road at 1:42 a.m. Sunday, according to a Plainfield Police Department report.
Police arrested Stinson on initial charges of drunken driving and public intoxication, the report said.
Officer Michael Pigman saw Stinson drive a 2008 Chevrolet Tacoma over a curb and weave across the lane markers before he pulled the vehicle over, the report said.
Stinson smelled of alcohol and initially told the officer he was returning from a Walmart and had consumed a beer. Later he admitted drinking two glasses of wine at one tavern and two more beers at another, the report said.
To see the rest of the article click here.
It's unfortunate that the claims of drivers arrested for DUI regarding how much alcohol was consumed are never challenged by reporters. Stinson tested at .12 which he said was based on drinking two glasses of wine and two beers. BS.
If Stinson drank those two glasses of wine and two beers in a one hour period, his BAC would probably only be at .06. If he didn't drink that fast and he spent three hours consuming those two beers and two glasses of wine, he would have only been at .02.
Stinson would have had to drank at least 10 glasses of wine or beers over a three hour period to get to .12. Stinson clearly has not told the truth. Does that matter?
Note: I used the drink wheel to measure BAC. That can be found here.
Makes Me Proud To Be A Lawyer!
7 hours ago
Thank you. It is sad that the facts are not being addressed by the Decatur Board of Education. Has Stinson ever provided the facts of how much money is being paid to the recent administrator retirees - Jones, Rather, Candy Baer???? - who still come to work at Decatur???????
Don't hold your breath. Stinson lives in a twilight world of half-truths, bait-and-switch scams, back-slapping back room okey-dokes and out-right lies. Most people make the mistake of measuring Stinson, Susan Adams, the scamming Baer twins, and their perk-pocketing admin colleagues, by the same standard of morality that they measure themselves. BIG mistake. Those people live by a fluid set of situational ethics where "what's in it for me" is the dominant theme, and they don't take the blame for anything. It's like watching DWI Don reading his prepared Jimmy Swaggart-style "I have sinned, O Lord!" statement in front of the TV cameras at last nights board meeting. Stinson knows how to ape the emotion he knows he's expected to show publicly, but his own actions and attitude during his arrest in other interviews show the phoneyness of his words. He has to know that we know he's lying through his teeth. The fact that he intends to continue as if nothing's happened only serves to underscrore his moral disconnect with the rest of us and our children. His only honest emotion is no doubt the desperation he feels in his hope that everyone is stupid enough to swallow his story. Stinson has become the buffoonish public face of Decatur Twp Schools with his repeated appearence in the media over the last few months trying to explain away his bungling administration of the MSD's business. In spite of what Stinson and other 1970's vintage politicians and administrators want you to believe, character DOES matter. That's why most people in DWI Don's position would have the class to quietly resign for the good of the children. It's also why Stinson won't leave until he's fleeced the taxpayers and the students to his fullest benefit.
I agree that he needs to resign. What do we tell the children when they ask about it? They watch TV and hear people talking about it. How do we explain that it's ok to keep your job as leader of all of the schools in Decatur after you've been arrested for driving drunk? What about families who have lost friends or family members to drunk drivers? No way can I forgive him for this "one incident of poor judgement."
Of course it's a lie. Isn't this whole administration all about lies? Why tell the truth when you can lie and get away with it.
Many people are just saying the same things over and over again. Let's keep the holiday spirit in mind! In fact, I have some gift suggestions...
For Mr. Stinson:
For the Board:
Is this Stinson's first arrest for drunk driving?
I’m not here to defend Mr. Stinson but the assertion that he lied about how much he had to drink because the BAC numbers don’t add up doesn’t work in this case. Mr. Stinson has had gastric bypass surgery and without the benefit of a normal sized stomach (and the contents therein) alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream much more quickly. That’s no excuse for drinking and driving. I’m sure he is fully aware of effect that gastric bypass has on a person’s alcohol tolerance.
anon 5:08PM is correct.
Individuals with gastric bypass will in fact have a faster rate of absorption and significantly higher blood alcohol levels than normal individuals. I did not know he had gastric bypass.
Regardless, anon is right - he still knew better.
He had gastric bypass surgery. He lost weight and then gained much of it back. Would think his stomach has stretched. Find some of his drinking buddies - Sullivan, Baer, Rather - and find out how much he drinks. This guy has so many excuses. Ask his ex-wife how much he drinks?
Just a few months ago the superintendent at Martinsville had a dui and was suspended without pay for 5 days and his corporation car taken away for 90 days. If Stinson keeps his job he should get a 5 day suspension without pay and lose his $1000 per month car allowance for 3 months. Just fair to receive the same as others.?????????????
Ouch! Disappointing blog post. These facts are far from accurate and the post far from objective. Is this a sad development? Oh yeah. Especially for those of us who deal with Coop politics as they affect our special needs children. Dr. Stinson has been a staunch supporter of Article Seven Implementation. Given the wholesale corruption in Perry, Beech Grove and Franklin townships, I'd sure hate to lose him.
J. Benson:
Could you please more specific? What about the post was inaccurate? Which facts do you disagree with? The post you replied to is large a statement of fact, with direct quotes from Stinson himself. I'm puzzled about how that can be interpreted as not objective. Please explain further.
Yes, Stinson is a supporter of article 7 and special needs. I understand why you like him based on reading your own blog. It is a special struggle for you, and he supports the measures that everyone should be for.
When a crime is committed, it does not come down to: how much right versus how much wrong has he done? what is he worth to the township? That form of analysis is fundamentally flawed. It sets a poor example to our children and others that if you do wrong things and get caught, it could be OK if you are an asset, however that may be interpreted.
"The best answer is not to drink and drive . The State of Indiana has strict laws for drunk driving, and when you drink and drive in Indiana, you risk your freedom, finances and your future.
The first time you are convicted of drunk driving in Indiana you will pay court costs and fees of $300 or more, you can also be fined up to $5,000. You will also face jail time not to exceed 1 year. Your drivers license will be suspended for a minimum of 30 days followed by a probationary period in which you will be allowed to drive only to work and back. It is also possible that you will be placed on probation and ordered to enroll in a substance abuse course at your own expense. If the court rules you may need to install an ignition interlock device on your car, attend a victim impact panel, and submit to chemical testing for drug and alcohol abuse."
Stinson won't be speaking to churches and students right away.
J.Benson said...
Dr. Stinson has been a staunch supporter of Article Seven Implementation. Given the wholesale corruption in Perry, Beech Grove and Franklin townships, I'd sure hate to lose him.
DWI Don is a "Mr.", not a "Dr.", the last I heard. If you're aware of "wholesale corruption" in local government, then you need to alert the white collar crimes unit at the Indiana State Police. Otherwise you're part of the corruption yourself.
Unless, of course, you also subscribe to the Central Office ethic that corruption is not really 'wrong' unless someone is being 'hurt' by it. It's only taxpayers' money, after all. Is it the "wholesale" aspect of it that bothers you???
Wonder if he was drunk when he agreed to the BIG retirement bonus' for all his "friends" who retired last spring. I do not think the board has the guts to do anything to him. If they fire him will he lose his "big deal" when he retires.
The people at the party DUI Don attended that night must be really scared. There is a lot more to the "story." Glad no one was hurt.
Anonymous said...
"Mr. Stinson has had gastric bypass surgery and without the benefit of a normal sized stomach (and the contents therein) alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream much more quickly."
You know, I thought this sounded like BS when I read it here. I checked yesterday with a friend who works as a counselor at a bariatric surgery clinic. I was right. It's BS. Nice try, though, Robin.
DUI Arrest Damages Superintendent's Credibility
Anon 9:58
How do we read this?????
anon 2:44 - I will 'reprint' it below. But you can copy the web address into your browser address field to see the original and any comments folks have left there.
here is the letter to the editor that the link leads to:
When Don Stinson got a DUI at age 60, he said he would learn from this ("Board waiting to decide fate of superintendent," Dec. 15). He also wants to speak to PTO groups to let them know he wants to continue as superintendent of the Decatur school system.
As the top educator in the school system, how can he have any credibility with the students and faculty? Can he lecture a high school class of seniors about drinking and driving? Can he fire a school principal for getting a DUI? I don't think so. It would be a sham.
As a seasoned, dedicated educator, he should take this incident as a teaching opportunity and lead by example. The board should fire him or he should resign. Then when he goes on his speaking tour he can send a real-life message that would go something like this:
Look, I drank, got behind the wheel and got arrested for driving under the influence. I could have caused an accident. Now I am living the consequences. I am out of a job and I have no income.
Students can understand that kind of no-nonsense story.
John A. Onda
Agree with John Onda's letter in the Indianapolis Star. Stinson and the Board need to take a stand - drinking and driving will not be allowed for Decatur school employees. This superintendent and several board members have been observed doing this for years. Funny thing is they don't tell the truth when caught - not really funny.
The media and courts need to ask more questions - find out who Stinson was with - get their testimony - keep digging. Stinson probably doesn't remember where he was and who he was with???????? That should be enough to fire him immediately.
I think we need to keep the pressure up, more letters to editor like this. As an employee I can't write one.
He won't be out of money because he's already padded his retirement, but out of a job sounds better than Look kids, I drove drunk and kept my job as the leader of your school system. You may get away with it too.
Bless the family of the 12 year old girl killed by a drunk driver last week.
Yes, bless the family of the young girl - 12 years old - who was killed by another drunk driver. Decatur school board has NO excuse. Stinson should not be allowed to speak to students about this.
Sad part is DuhDon doesn't get it.
I'm curious as to how his petrol and car allowance is being spent at this time....Since he can't legally drive.
" DWI Don is a "Mr.", not a "Dr.", the last I heard. If you're aware of "wholesale corruption" in local government, then you need to alert the white collar crimes unit at the Indiana State Police. Otherwise you're part of the corruption yourself.
Unless, of course, you also subscribe to the Central Office ethic that corruption is not really 'wrong' unless someone is being 'hurt' by it. It's only taxpayers' money, after all. Is it the "wholesale" aspect of it that bothers you???"
Where to begin? Wow. I find it disappointing to see the 'pack' mentality in full swing. A man is obviously down, making wrong choices in his PERSONAL life, and his political enemies (it's a school so that's nuts) jump to get a pound of flesh. Discuss his consequences, his professional views, etc. Personal attacks on the people defending someone from personal attacks? Really?
Corruption. AS a matter of fact, parents have just reported corruption at RiSE Learning Center and have had no results. That was me. I work to stop the corruption I find, and you don't know me.
The law is broken DAILY in special services and no one pays a bit of attention. WHY? NOt your kid. Who cares? AND what will "those" kids learn anyway? Gwen Freeman has actually SAID things like this at public works sessions. No one screams about that or calls her names. It's about perspective. You hate Don Stinson, so you have none. He didn't do this to you. He did it to himself.
Gwen Freeman, Bill Dreibelbis, Tim Smith, Dr. Little, Wally Burke, All of these guys. They are actually DOING something to my kid that requires me to go to the state every year for help. I don't call them names or worry about their affairs or drinking. I work the problem. That's why this is disappointing. Don's personal life is his problem, not really yours.
Sorry about the repost. tech problems
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