Friday, August 8, 2014

2013 Salaries - Directors & Muni Corps

The last post was a lengthy list of salaries of City, County, and Township government employees making over $100,000 in 2013, as well as the pay of elected officials.

The post caused some alert readers to delve into the Indiana Gateway database for other salaries.  A bit of interest was shown in Department Heads, Directors, and Executive Directors of Municipal Corporations. 

So here I list the salaries paid for all of those positions in 2013.  In come cases, for instance City Controller, the position turned over to a new employee during the year.  For those, I combined the salary paid to both individuals to reflect what was paid in total for the position that year.

Just as a benchmark, let us note that Mayor Ballard was compensated with $102,620.10 in 2013.

City Directors

Carlos May, the only person listed as Director of Community Outreach received a comparative pittance for that position in 2013.  I can only imagine that the position was created in 2013 and that he took it mid-year.

Employee Department Job Title/Duties Compensation in 2013
Riggs, David T Department of Public Safety Director Of Public Safety $138,859.52
Taylor, Sarah & Bain, Hannah  Mayor's Office Director-Constituent Services 73877.01 & 46587.92 = $120,464.93
Dudich, Jason D & Spalding, Jeff  Office of Financial Management Controller 68557.74 & 49771.77 = $118,329.51
Thies, Adam  Department of Metropolitan Dev Director-DMD $109,999.76
Lotter, Marc  Mayor's Office Director-Communications $105,118.40
Miser, Lori  Department of Public Works Director-DPW $98,985.73
Powers, Rick B Department of Code Enforcement Director $98,752.37
Williams, John  Dept of Parks & Recreation Director-DPR $96,095.76
Mendez, Manuel  Office of Audit & Performance Director-Audit $90,830.43
Henry, Bruce  Department of Public Safety Director-Human Resources $90,326.67
Brown, Brandon S & Bray, Beth A Mayor's Office Director-Charter Schools 77500 & 7486.37 = $84986.37
Wilson, Gregory  MWB-Minority & Women Bus Dev Director-Minority Business Dev $83,159.90
Gehlhausen, Jane  Mayor's Office Director Of Internal Cultural $73,085.10
Hairston, Douglas  Mayor's Office Director-Front Porch Alliance $72,432.69
Rosenberg, David B Mayor's Office Director-Enterprise Dev $63,358.32
Hackler, Daniel L Office of Financial Management Director-Human Resources $62,115.37
Wright, Tamra O Mayor's Office Director-Turnaround Schools $57,500.04
May, Carlos  Mayor's Office Director-Community Outreach $20,249.

Deputy Mayors

Both Deputy Mayors and the Chief of Staff made more than the Mayor last year.

Employee Department Job Title/Duties Compensation in 2013
Vaughn, Michael  Mayor's Office Chief Of Staff $120,119.88
Kloth, Jason  Mayor's Office Deputy Mayor of Education $119,999.88
Williams, Olgen  Mayor's Office Deputy Mayor-Neighborhoods $119,999.36

Municipal Corporations

The Muni Corps include the Airport, the CIB, the Library, IndyGo and Health & Hospitals.  Here is what the Executive Directors of those units pulled down in 2013.  I added a column to note the number of other employees made more than $100,000 from that Muni Corps in 2013.

Employee Muni Corp Job Title Compensation in 2013 Others > $100K
Terry, Michael IndyGo President & CEO $120,712.00 0
Duncan, Robert A Airport Executive Director $218,771.33 16
Levengood, Augustus  CIB Executive Director $254,399.20 9
Nytes, Mary  Library Chief Executive Officer $135,000.08 3

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