Holladay Properties, owners and developers of the AmeriPlex Industrial Park situated in Decatur Township, has donated 50 acres of land to the Central Indiana Land Trust. The Land is mostly wooded and Flynn creek runs through two of the three parcels.
Most of this property runs along the north side of Flynn Road. This donation will serve to keep this land as a lovely public Preserve to buffer the residents of 'old' Camby from the whirl of the industrial Park.
In their press release, Cliff Chapman, interim director of the Land Trust, says "This is one of the most valuable gifts of land to a land trust in Indiana's history." The land is valued at $4.3 million, but Chapman attaches value from the endangered bat species that thrive in the area. The Land Trust "will enhance the area with plantings of native trees and shrubs, as well as other restoration work that will encourage Indiana bats and other wildlife to use the property. To support these efforts, Holladay also is donating $125,000 for a stewardship fund."
This is an outstanding development. The community has long wanted a park use on this property, and the donation to the Land Trust will ensure it will be a nature preserve for the enjoyment of generations to come.
9 hours ago
Sensational! Good to hear good news once in a while!
On a personal note I added you to my DDD post. I may have to move my new blog entries to a new page - the 3D post I feel is just to important to take down. I submitted it to 3D's web site. Thanks you were my first person to comment on my blog.
It is good news.
Your enthusiasm shows through on your blog. Good luck with it !
I love your blog! A friend said you had an agenda. I told him everyone does!
Keep up the good work government constantly needs to have a spotlight shined on their misdeeds!
As Amperiplex shows there is goodin the world!
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