Those familiar with domain name registration know about WHOIS, where one can query any web address and find out who the registered owner is.
I got to wondering, and found a couple of interesting web addresses that have been registered, but which do not have websites attached to them - yet. is registered to Ross Wells, who LinkedIn shows works in Government Affairs for Frost, Brown, Todd here in Indy. It was created on August 15, 2012. Unless renewed, it is set to expire on August 15, 2014. is held by Domains by Proxy, which provides private registration of domain names so that the true owner's name and contact information is not readily available. The domain name was created on November 18, 2013. DeLaney's Indiana House campaign site,, is registered to a Denver Abernathy at Promethius Consulting, an IT and website design service company here in Indy. That domain name was registered back in 2008, renewed for only a couple of months on November 25, 2013, and is currently set to expire on February 28, 2014. is held by Frank Short of Short Strategy Group. It was created on November 15, 2013. This registration, unless renewed, will expire on November 15, 2018.
The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight
7 hours ago