Friday, August 24, 2012

Some Budget Details Available Online

The traditional budget book that contains the overview of revenues and expenses for the City, put in the perspective of previous years budgets, is still not online.  And the details of income and expenses for each department and agency also has not yet been posted.

However, some details have been posted.  Here are those links:

The City's OFM (Office of Finance & Management) webpage will have all the links to this and previous budgets.  
2013 City-County Fund Balance Summary.pdf  This is a spreadsheet with the overview of the gory details for City and County Funds.  It includes June 2012 fund cash balances, income, outgo, all the way through to the projected December 2013 fund cash balance.

TABLE Property Tax Info by Fund BB2013  This is a table showing how much property tax revenue is requested in the 2013 proposed budget ("certified levy") for each fund, how much of that property revenue would be lost to the City because of the property tax caps ("circuit breaker"), and the amount of property tax money the City-County would actually receive ("net levy").

TABLE Income Tax Allocation BB2013  This table shows where the three types of income tax revenues go.

TABLE Summary of Interfund Transfers BB2013  This table shows aggregate transfers between fund types.  Not the complete detail of interfund transfers, but some detail, is present.

Budget Summary by Department BB2013  These pages list the overview of revenue sources and expense categories for the budget of each department and agency.  No detail, but the overview is the starting point for understanding how much money is going into what part of the City-County budget.


Anonymous said...

The budget pdf files are a start but still too vague for my taste. What comprises internal charges or other services and charges? Why is the Sheriff's office other services and charges 505 of his budget?Does personal services cover all of the salary costs for employees including benefits? What does the 3.6 million for honeland security provide that IMPD and the Sherfiff department don't cover?

Anonymous said...

505 of his budget should be 50% of his budget...