The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight
14 hours ago
We need to elect good, intelligent, thoughtful people to office. How do we get there given the entrenched interests that normally overrule the public interest? What's gone right recently? What's gone wrong recently? How do we improve our government by improving our choices for public office?
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Proposed Mass Ave TIF - with Google aerial maps |
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Proposed Mass Ave TIF - outline |
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Proposed Mass Ave TIF - close up of East Area |
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Proposed Mass Ave TIF - close up of Mid Area |
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Proposed Mass Ave TIF - close up of West Area |
But the ice thawed Monday after the administration reached an agreement with Democratic council members Vop Osili and Joseph Simpson. They represent districts near those proposed new development zones.The proposed expansion of the downtown TIF to the west aims to capture 604 acres to support road improvements around Bush Stadium and to the east to capture 111 acres to support redevelopment of a block no more than 3 acres in size. Now add to it more tax dollars swapped by the two district Councillors and you clearly have huge new slush funds being set up.
In a newly released memo outlining the agreement, Deron Kintner, Ballard’s new deputy mayor for economic development, commits to tapping $13.5 million from city economic development funds for three loan and workforce training programs.
The committee also amended the proposal to require some local hiring by contractors on new projects and to promote minority employment.
Department of Metropolitan Development budgetTuesday - Admin & Finance committee will hold hearings on the proposed budgets for :
Wednesday - Public Safety & Criminal Justice committee will hold hearings on the budgets for :Office of Audit and PerformanceElection BoardVoter RegistrationCounty RecorderCounty Surveyor
County Clerk Circuit & Superior Court
The City's OFM (Office of Finance & Management) webpage will have all the links to this and previous budgets.
2013 City-County Fund Balance Summary.pdf This is a spreadsheet with the overview of the gory details for City and County Funds. It includes June 2012 fund cash balances, income, outgo, all the way through to the projected December 2013 fund cash balance.
TABLE Property Tax Info by Fund BB2013 This is a table showing how much property tax revenue is requested in the 2013 proposed budget ("certified levy") for each fund, how much of that property revenue would be lost to the City because of the property tax caps ("circuit breaker"), and the amount of property tax money the City-County would actually receive ("net levy").
TABLE Income Tax Allocation BB2013 This table shows where the three types of income tax revenues go.
TABLE Summary of Interfund Transfers BB2013 This table shows aggregate transfers between fund types. Not the complete detail of interfund transfers, but some detail, is present.
Budget Summary by Department BB2013 These pages list the overview of revenue sources and expense categories for the budget of each department and agency. No detail, but the overview is the starting point for understanding how much money is going into what part of the City-County budget.
2013 budget
2012 budget
2011 budget
2010 budgetContained in these budgets are catchall funds for the various TIF districts that combine some TIF districts in one fund, and others in other funds. Please note that the currently proposed 2013 budget does not include a very important fund - the "TIF Revenue Bond Fund" - the one that covers the income and expenses for the combination of the Consolidated Downtown TIF and the Consolidated Airport TIF. This budget proposal also does not give any detail as to which fund transfers came from which, or went to which, other fund. That information, however, is included in the other budgets.
$1.2 million from Local Option Income TaxesIt bears repeating, property taxes OUTSIDE the TIFs was raised to cover costs associated INSIDE the TIFs, in addition to income taxes and transfers from two better performing TIFs.
$6.1 million from garage operation receipts
$16.6 million transfers from the downtown and airport TIFs
and - wait for it
$16.6 million from additional property tax levies that all of those properties outside the TIFs paid
Limited information is online, with Prop 285, 2012, providing the most detail. As I compare budgets, I will be referring to information in Prop 241, 2011, that set the 2012 budget.Marion County Prosecutor and Child Support DivisionMarion County Public Defender’s AgencyCommunity Corrections
The last office is new. This function is currently within the Office of the Mayor. I will keep these two together for a proper review of the 2013 budget as compared with the current budget, otherwise, one might get an improper perspective.Office of the MayorOffice of Finance and Management (Finance, Purchasing & HR)Office of Corporation CounselOffice of Minority and Women Owned Enterprises
In the past couple of years, the corridor has seen continued redevelopment despite the depressed economic condition without the assistance of a TIF. On the north end of the corridor, Riley Area Development CDC is just completing a mixed use project, Trail Side, that involved razing a building formerly owned by Center Township and redeveloping a half block area into 69 affordable apartments with ground level retail/commercial space and off-street parking. The Cunningham Group opened up its second restaurant on the Avenue, Bru Burger, which has enjoyed great success, along with its first restaurant, Mesh. A microbrewery is slated to open up a block from the Avenue at the corner of Park and North, and a major mixed use project, which will cover almost an entire city block at the corner of Michigan and College, is slated to kick off next year without any government assistance.Welsh also notes that the head of Grow Mass Ave, Cassie Stockamp, is not a business owner in the area, but runs the non-profit Antheneum. The Mass Ave businesses already have an association to represent their interests. The Ballard administration is always pulling in favorable comments from organizations that would like a little sugar, and this sounds like the case with Grow Mass Ave's Stockamp.
What should be abundantly clear to the public is that a propaganda machine has been put into place in an effort to steer tens of millions of tax dollars into the hands of private developers to redevelop an area that has already proven that it can sustain current and future development without ciphoning off much-needed property tax revenues from other taxing districts. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has simply been shilling for the Ballard administration and the private developers/architects, who stand to benefit handsomely from government handouts. This is an outrage when you consider that basic city services must be reduced because of the lack of revenues to finance them. The public must rise up and demand accountability from their elected officials. If Mayor Ballard gets his way, you will be paying higher property taxes on your homes, while these fat cats walk off with milliions of taxpayer dollars. Call your city councilor and the mayor's office today and demand that they represent the public's interest, not the fat cat contributors who are lining their pockets with campaign contributions, free dinners at five-star restaurants and tickets to sporting events.
give as much taxpayer money to favorite developers as you can lay your hands on - sell the city's assets when necessary
give obscene raises to a handful of co-workers
reopen union contracts where you still have unions in the City and cut raises
cut parks budgets
cut Library and IndyGo budgets
ask homeowners to dig even deeper in their pockets and give up their homestead credit to pay for the loss of taxes to the City due to the tax caps, 30% of which is because of TIF districts/slush funds
create new slush funds, aka TIF districts, because all the other slush funds have been run dry - blackmail the Council into creating these new slush funds by withholding your signature from the partner benefits ordinance
give as much taxpayer money to favorite developers as you can lay your hands onOh - one more thing -- the Pacers will be getting tens of millions more money from taxpayers just as soon as this budget and the 6 new TIF districts are all approved.
"When we approve TIFs absent a policy context and the rationale is little more than cheerleading, then we're sending the message: You get a tax break, you get a tax break -- everybody gets a tax break," said Councilor Kevin Donoghue.Sounds familiar.
Each TIF agreement is unique, and spells out why that particular TIF is needed, the public benefit, and usually includes the projected number of jobs created.Like Indy, Portland has seen successful TIFs and unsuccessful ones. So, like here, there is hope that forethought into which ought to be created and which avoided would result in better use of taxpayer funds.
But those figures are not firm commitments for which the developers are held accountable.
"There is a tendency to overpromise," said Charles Colgan, a professor of pubic policy at USM's Muskie School, who believes TIFs are a valuable tool for towns to stimulate economic development.
* consume over one tenth of all the assessed value of all the real estate in Marion County
* generate roughly $100 million in property tax revenues every yearCompare that to the roughly $340 million sent to the City/County coffers from property taxes and you can see what a huge fraction has been set aside, and which the rest of us taxpayers must make up with higher taxes until we hit the protection of the tax caps.
I can tell you that the lion's share of the data about TIFs that I have gathered over the years has come from the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance, where some must be reported. Our local "transparent" Ballard administration is very slow to give out information. So, a website that must be maintained with required data would bring TIFs out of the shadows and into the sunlight. I am always in favor of that sort of thing.2) Establish transparent financial practices, accounting, reporting and monitoring. Specifically, the MDC, in coordination with the Controller and Bond Bank, should:a. Engage a third party review of all TIF financials and documentation to establish a uniform documentation, reporting, tracking and monitoring system and to document Marion County process and practices in a Marion County TIF Handbook; Create a uniform application that will be used to capture TIF information, preserve institutional memory and monitor project outcomes (number of jobs, for example) in comparison to agreed upon outcomes.
b. Build a TIF database for the collection of consistent information which can be used in the evaluation and analysis of TIF transactions and data.
c. Create and maintain a TIF website which would be a repository of the TIF data and information made available to the public.
Of course this makes complete sense.d) Require Council approval for any transfer from a TIF account that exceeds $1 million, unless it is a bond payment.
$9 million to the Georgia Street projectIn 2012 they would have had to vote on some, if not all, of the $40 million being taken from the TIF to balance this year's budget, under the guise of repaying the City for downtown infrastructure improvements.
$3.5 million to the Bush Stadium project
$4.6 million to Angie's List
$3.5 million to City Market project
m. Require a cost/benefit analysis, including a discussion of the following as part of all TIF project applications:i. Use of a project TIF as compared to a TIF district, which has a wider footprint.ii. A description of how the project plan aligns with the county-wide comprehensive planning document.
iii. A description of how the project plan aligns with the local/neighborhood planning document.
iv. A market analysis of the existing, possible or likely future free market unsubsidized private development in the proposed geographic area.
v. Analysis of recent changes in the assessed value in the geographic area of the proposed project.