2 hours ago
We need to elect good, intelligent, thoughtful people to office. How do we get there given the entrenched interests that normally overrule the public interest? What's gone right recently? What's gone wrong recently? How do we improve our government by improving our choices for public office?
don't forget the softball fields being named after colins. is that nepotism or just favortism.
I believe those were named prior to Collins being elected to the Board.
Thanks for the list. There are "hard" costs on this list such as the extra $$ for Stinson's daughter's salary as compared to an inexperienced teacher and there are "soft" costs such as lack of knowledge, skills, or experience such as Wiseman's husband and Collins' daughter. Then there is the unethical treatment of others such as the coach who had to go to make room for Huffman's grandson. Nepotism is real in Decatur Township. Since both the board and superintendent are involved in this the nepotism will probably continue. That is why both the superintendent and board need to go. Fear continues to rule.
Collins was on the board when the softball field was named!!
There is also Pam Johnson in payroll and her hubby who maintains district vehicles.
Aren't these public record? When were all of these jobs posted or how was it determined that each was the "best qualified" if no other candidates were interviewed?
Go to Indiana Dept of Corrections and look up doc #218855. Does Decatur have a policy about rehiring convicted felons?
I will use my name when everyone else does.
Dick Collins was a lifetime resident of Decatur Township. He was dedicated to and LOVED the students and people of Decatur. He gave every second of his time to Decatur and girls sports. Whether or not Judy Collins is/was a board member has NOTHING to do with Decatur honoring him by naming the softball complex after him. He passed away several years ago and EARNED this honor!!! Don't take that away from him.
Its sorta surprising that Robin is confused about nepotism. Especially since she has first hand experience at it. Her husband was employed in transportation when she was hired as a receptionist. After he left, she found her spot on the gravy train even though it is on the caboose. Choo choo. I think I can. I think I can, I know I can. I know I can.
I agree 100% on Dick Collins but Judy has forgotten what it means to be a true Hawk fan,greed has found her like all the rest
Anon: 10:48
Department of Corrections Doc. 218855 is for Alex K. Adams (public information I guess because it on website). Looks like he might get released this month???? Will he be hired at Decatur?
If Stinson leaves what are they going to name after him? Could it be the dump pile?
greenwalds grandaughter is a nurst in one of the schools
Anon 12:36. You must have gone to Decatur. Read your post....very sloooooowly.....
You people make NO sense.
TJ Whitfield's daughter works for the msd as a teacher. I'm sure someone here knows her name. Must be nice to have friends or relatives who can get you a job.
I wasn't aware that Robin was a nepo-hire, too. No wonder some people get touchy about how they're the "best qualified" to get the job on Stinson's gravy train. LOL.
TJ's daughter teaches at the Liberty school and her name is Erin Bangle, if I recall correctly.
again, can anyone send me the email addresses for stinson and adams? I have emailed them a couple times and not getting a response. I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe I have the wrong email.
You can get the emails on the website. They probably won't answer emails. You could call the secretary to find out if they received the emails.
Hint: Stinson lives in plainfield and Adams lives in perry township close to highway I65 in southport.
Donald H. Stinson
7879 Westerville Drive Clayton,In
Susan adams AKA (Larry Adams)
7016 Hearthstone Way
Indianapolis,In 46227-7806
Anon 11:50 wrote:
"Department of Corrections Doc. 218855 is for Alex K. Adams (public information I guess because it on website). Looks like he might get released this month???? Will he be hired at Decatur?"
He's already been hired in the school's maintenance dept. He had to take a leave of absence last year when he went on vacation. Not sure when he'll be back. He spent most of his time smoking cigarettes when he was here anyway. I guess the school's zero tolerance tobacco policy didn't apply to him.
aAnon 1:09. Once again, you are using the internet to spread lies. One; there is absolutely NO PROOF Alex is on or was on the payroll. Two; even if he was/is so what? And three; SLANDEROUS allegations about smoking. This very small group of people are coming very close to having trouble if you continue these lies about good people.
Is the payroll information public information? How much money was paid to him by Decatur??
The board minutes don't tell much. Still no minutes since May?
Anon 2:56. yes there are minutes; you just aren't looking close enough.
Anon 1:36 wrote:
"This very small group of people are coming very close to having trouble if you continue these lies about good people."
What makes you think this group is very small? Wishful thinking or CO delusions? Oh and you forgot to say "This blog is being MONITORED". LOL.
I would like to know how they laid off experienced bus drivers, them being told due to reduction in work force, but they have hired new drivers this year is that cutting your nose off to spite your face or stupidity? Township paying unemployment benefits to laid off drivers, plus paying new drivers coming into the dept. Do any of our administrators even live in Decatur Twp? and our so called advisors who retired and was brought back to advise who and what and being paid a big salary?
Wake up taxpayers!!!!!!!
(anon sept 13, 1:36pm)you wrote "if so what" it is ilegal to hire a FELON period. This person is listed as a D Felony. Hmmmmm, how many people do YOU know working in decatur who have criminal record under their noses???
There's a DOC record for a felony conviction on an employee, and someone thinks its SLANDEROUS to mention he was seen smoking on the job on school property? Is that the ONLY thing that grabs you about this situation? It sounds like we should be grateful he was only smoking Marlboros. WHO hired this guy in the first place? That's the issue!!!
Anon 5:00. The ISSUE here is that what you're claiming is nothing more than an ALLEGATION. You have NO PROOF; repeat NO PROOF that Alex was smoking on school property. You have NO PROOF that he wasn't the best person for this job. You have NO PROOF of anything other than ALLEGATIONS. No nepotisim here; noithing illegal/unethical/wrong here. Just the best person for the job. Nothing more than SLANDEROUS allegations. Move on. Next?
Please remember meeting Thursday
7:00 at Home Place{ High School Road and Granner Dr}.The purpose is to try to find qualified people to run for schoolboard. People who remember they are there for the welfare of our children and not themselves.
Everyone is welcome
Anon 11:02: I hear Don Huffman and Doug Greenwald are coming to your meeting tonight? They're the best candidates. Is that what this is? Are you supporting Doug and Don?
Anon 5:17 wrote:
"The ISSUE here is that what you're claiming is nothing more than an ALLEGATION. You have NO PROOF; repeat NO PROOF that Alex was smoking on school property. You have NO PROOF that he wasn't the best person for this job. You have NO PROOF of anything other than ALLEGATIONS. No nepotisim here; noithing illegal/unethical/wrong here. Just the best person for the job. Nothing more than SLANDEROUS allegations. Move on. Next?"
Okay. Please try to calm down, you're starting to rave. You've got to get a grip on yourself and come to terms with the fact that we're adults here. You can't shout (as evidenced by your use of capital letters), threaten and bluster as if we were all a group of frightened fourth graders and you're the adult in charge who decides what the rules are. We're not children and, as badly as you might fantasize otherwise, we're not a group of dunces who drool and watch Jerry Springer.
You can order us to "move on" and stopping making inquiries that you're uncomfortable as much as you like. None of us are going to "move on" until we get some answers for our concerns.
There are eye witnesses who watched him smoking while on the job. Eye witnesses are accepted as PROOF in all the courts in this state. Y-o-u don't get to decide for us what constitutes PROOF. We will reserve that right for ourselves. Again, we aren't children and you should remember that you work for us. Not the other way around.
As much as you might wish to control what we think or talk about here, the ISSUE is still w-h-o hired someone with a background like that guy has, and put him to work near where our children and staff are??? You keep railing that we have NO PROOF that he wasn't "the best person for the job". You're not really serious, are you? Really? Is it now the policy of the school board and school administration to hire convicted felons, especially with that sort of history???
Who hired him to work for our school system? Again, that is the real ISSUE. Please, just a straight answer for once. WHO HIRED HIM???
Very well said Anon September 15, 4:42 PM. I will stand behind you 100 percent on what you are saying here.
I would bet you money that good old Susan Adams hired Alex Adams and knew what type of person he was but she didn't care about any of that.
Now let's talk about nepotism!
I do not think it is right that the head mechanic a few years ago who had almost 12 years in at the Bus garage got fired in order for Pam Johnson's husband Lesley to be put in his position. Rose and Jeff Baer told the head mechanic when they was firing him that they were thinking of not having a head mechanic. Within two days time the position was posted on the board there in the Transportation Bldg. Lesley Johnson was given the job when he already was working there as a mechanic. And to top it off, his brother or brother-in-law got a job in the garage as a mechanic a few days/weeks later. What did Pam Johnson have to do in order to get Russell Hiatt fired and her hubby put in his place? And one thinks there isn't nepotism at Decatur Township! When Todd Gregory (Robin Gregory's hubby) was hired as a mechanic in the bus garage Lesley Johnson also applied for the position there but was passed over. Why did they not hire him then if he was such a great mechanic? Apparently Mr. Rather didnt think so for he was the one who gave the job to Todd. It must take his wife Pam Johnson in order for him to get a job there in the Township. Why did Mr. Stinson, Baer and Rose, let a good loyal head mechanic go who put in lots of overtime hours and didn't get paid for it? Not just a few times but most of all the times he worked overtime at the garage he did it without getting paid for it. Why, because he was told Rose wouldn't turn his over time work in to central office.(This was related to Russell a few weeks before he was fired.) He did the overtime work because the work needed to be done and there wasn't enough mechanics working there in the garage anyway. They wouldn't hire anyone else like they have for Lesley Johnson. Russell Hiatt did three mens jobs compared to how many they have working in the garage today. Russell Hiatt never took a sick day for himself nor did he take sick leave like I have be told Lesley Johnson has since he has been there in the garage. Talk about dirty no good people working there in Decatur Township!
Mr Stinson if you do read this one, I hope you will look back and remember all that Russell Hiatt did for you and the Bus garage. He cared for the students and their safety riding on those school buses. You never reconized him not even one time at a school board meeting for all he gave of himself and to your school district. You should be ashamed of the way you treated him!
11:06 pm..
I totally agree
I was at the meeting. When you ALL start leaving your name then maybe things will get accomplished for the better of Decatur Township. My name is Wanda Culp.
Don Huffman nor Doug Greenwald were at the meeting last night.
I sure hope things can get resolved for the well being of my children that attend Decatur. I am involved in these meetings simply to be aware of the things that need to be addressed in the community. I am hopefull that we can get the community more involed in what is going on at Decatur Township schools good and bad. Please attend these meetings if you also want to be more involved in our schools for the well being of the children that is who this is all about!!
Anon 8:28: Is this group promoting huffman and greenwald for candidates? They are up for re election right? Is this a group supporting them?
Yes I agree; why are you promoting Huffman and Greenwald!? They've done nothing to help Decatur!
I never said I was or wasn't supporting them. I simply said they were not at that meeting last night because ANONYMOUS above brought up their names.... So I wanted to clear it up that neither of them were there.
Wanda Culp
You should be supporting them. They are the best.
what about dr. henson is he being elected again?
Nothing will help Decatur students until there is a new superintendent not related to Stinson and a superintendent who will live in Decatur. The board has to be told enough is enough.
I think that if you guys all feel so passionate about this you should 1. either come to meetings and discuss the issues you are having or 2. run for school board and try to make changes your self. Also another thought maybe you should use your name so that everyone on here knows who you are and you can be responsible for the comments that you are making.
Angie Smith: I'm sure yOU dont' go to meetings.
Accually I have been to all but one. I will post the date of the next one once I confirm it. I hope we have several new faces with new ideas.
Angie Smith
The next Community Meeting is Wednesday, September 28, at 7pm at the Home Place off High School Road.
Thank you,
Wanda Culp
I hate to sound like an English teacher, for obvious reasons, but does the abbreviation "dr." stand for "doctor" or "drunk"?
Angie Smith, please understand that employees cannot use their names or they would be terminated. It's not that we don't care or would not come to the meetings; we know what would happen. Keep up your good work!
Well, I am not an employee, but my child goes to one of the decatur schools, therefore, they might get even by mistreated by one of the staff members. They have already downgraded the school bus services, they might take away some services that assist my family that would be taken away from us.
msd decatur is operated by, of and for the benefit of dui don, his gravy train buddies at the school admin office, and our hard partying, hard drinking school board members. the teachers union fights to get their share of the sugar cream pie, but everything else belongs to stinson and his pals. the kids are an after thought. stinson is going to hand pick his replacement as supt (who ever heard of a supt doing that?), and is recruiting the 'right' people to run for school board next time around. he's urging old pals like larry taylor to come back on the board. rosie obrien will run for the board too. she likes the parties and likes riding in the motorcycle at the colts games while stinson and his cronies party in the press box. they all will fly to florida & vegas this winter wait and see. stinson wants the right people in place so he'll keep getting a fat msd check and a bar tab after he retires in december. the election can't come soon enough for me.
Is Stinson retiring in December? You are right he is selecting the board members. Do NOT name a building or part of a building for him!!!
Remember bars are not allowed in school buildings.
Did you Know?????? The new Secretary at WN is Cali Dixon (Guess who this is) before you know it it will Decatur we are Family ...Literally) instead of Decatur central.
It would be interesting to know who got fired or laid off to make an opening for Ms. Dixon there at WN. Nice to see Susan Adams is still busy hiring the "best qualified" people for the job. LOL.
Is the wife of the football coach (grandson of board member)the secretary at WN??? This is crazy.
Seems like they all feel their above the law...When they go to will takes a bit of time for the law to catch up to them. They forget it happens...They don't llike it when people make a lot of noise about their business. The person responible for wrongful terminations of those employee to be replaced by family members or out of spite will get a hard line of questions asked by the federal authorities. Federal judges have a strong distaste from those who have a sense of being deeply obtuse and s moron.
Perhaps Kara Kenney should do a news story on this subject?
anon 11:01. NO one needs to do a news story on "this" because there isn't a news story. Nothing done wrong/illegal/unethical. Besides; "no one" would care now would they.
anon 9:50? You must have gone to Decatur.....please read your post.
Who are the new candidates running this year?
Is Susan Adams son coming back to work for the msd when he is no longer "grounded"??? I wonder how long before he's a supervisor over at the school's maintenance dept. I wonder how much of that stuff Debbie Sullivan will put up with when Stinson bails our next december? Will she choose integrity or continue to shovel coal on the Stinson gravy train???
It doesn't matter who's running. Huffman and greenwalt will be relected because of the teachers union.
Anon 1:02. Don't worry Sullivan will do whatever the board tells her to do.
No they will do what ever dr. henson tells them to do.
Anon 11:07 wrote:
'anon 11:01. NO one needs to do a news story on "this" because there isn't a news story. Nothing done wrong/illegal/unethical. Besides; "no one" would care now would they.'
Don't be presumptive. Lots of us care about the diversion of our childrens school funding into the pockets of administrator fat cats, and party junkets for school board members. We also find it disturbing that competent long term employees are being terminated to make room for the hiring of family members of Stinson, Susan Adams and the school board members. You need to mind your Ps and Qs too, girlfriend. Just because you're supporting Stinson's Journey To Mediocrity doesn't mean he has any loyalty to you. Ask Phil Webster about how Stinson rewarded his loyalty before you huff and puff and blow us all away. When Stinson bails out on his golden parachute in December there will be a game of musical chairs on the admin office gravy train. best of luck. lol.
OK. Go to the MSD website; Board Meeting Minutes; and pick JULY. Heres a link for those of you that can't find it:,%202011%20Regular%20Minutes.pdf?sessionid=fcfa785d673e7c995b7cbb9a556b3a9e
LOOK AT ALL THE CONFILCT OF INTEREST STATEMENTS FILED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS! OMG is that for real? This is proof that nepotism is rampint with this bunch! Also, does Greenwald have some kind of construction company that actually....ACTUALLY has the balls to do work for the township!? Am I reading this wrong or is that what the minutes say?
To add insult to injury....ready for this one....I'll copy and paste so you can see it without going to the website...."Mr. Greenwald made a motion that board member compensation remain the same. Mrs. Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.". WTF do they actually get paid for this? How much? Shouldn't this be reported in the minutes? Isn't this public record? What is going on here!
Time to get real mad folks! Time to take back decatur schools. There are two (2) school board seats open in a year! Don Huffman and Doug Greenwald are up for re-election. WE MUST GET RID OF THESE PEOPLE and KEEP THE HAND PICKED ONES OUT! Rosie O'brian is running and she will be just as bad. TAKE BACK DECATUR SCHOOLS!
Why do the minutes refer to congratulation to "Coach Preda" for his new position? What is his new position?
Why didn't Stinson have to fill out a conflict of interest form since he hired his daughter????
Why doesn't Huffman have to file conflict of interest statements for his grand son and grandsons wife. I bet between the two of them they are raking in over 100k of taxpayers money anually! awfully young for that....
Jason Combs. New HS Varsity baseball coach. Lifelong/best friend of Justin Dixon and family friend of Don Huffman.
When will it stop? Where's Kerry Kenny when we need her!
Don't be bitter. You people should get behind Don Stinson (did you see him on TV yesterday?) and our hard working school board. There is nothing illegal/immoral/unethical going on. There are just a bunch of embittered parents, disgruntled employees and displaced sacred cows like Coach Webster whose time had passed. It's time for new blood, new ideas and a new paradigm of excellence. Support Don Stinson and the school board. Don Stinson has only a little time left and needs all of us to help him. Stop bickering!
Kara tried her hardest to help during the last election but there were no solid people running against the exsisting board. She wanted to help but just could not get people to support the situation. As far as not using my name.... They will target your kids and you. No Thanks!!! I am in the schools way to much for this kind of treatment to come my way.
What is Preda coaching? Basketball?
Anon 10:11 wrote:
"Don Stinson has only a little time left and needs all of us to help him."
Do you mean he has only a little time left as superintendent. Or only a little time left on probation. ??? Not sure why he'd need everyone's help. He already has lots of high paid help at his adm office, and he probably has a court ordered counselor to help him with his other problem.
"There are just a bunch of embittered parents, disgruntled employees and displaced sacred cows like Coach Webster whose time had passed. It's time for new blood, new ideas and a new paradigm of excellence."
Anonymous said...
September 21, 2011 10:11 AM
Dear Mr. Anonymous,
This is the displaced sacred cow whose time has passed. I am still teaching at Decatur Central and I am currently coaching at the college level.I just wanted you to know that my time has not passed and I hope to go on inspiring young people in the future even if you do not appreciate my efforts. I hope to run for the school board when Judy Collins and Dale Henson's terms are up. If I am successful in my bid to win election to the school board I guess my time will not have passed.
As for you I wish you would use your name so I could thank you for calling me names and bidding me farewell.
Since I do not know who you are let me give you a MOO!!
Phil Webster
Did Preda become the baseball coach? Do you teach full time at the high school? When can you run for school board?
Anonymous 10:11 wrote:
"It's time for new blood, new ideas and a new paradigm of excellence."
Does "a new paradigm of excellence" include hiring convicted drug users to work in our school maintenance crew? I guess if the school board is happy with a convicted drunk, a convicted druggie isn't that much of a stretch. But in any regard, that is quite some paradigm of "excellence".
Keep your chin up Coach Webster.
OMG. Phil Webster and Rosie Obrian. Put your houses up for sale now folks.
why would you say that?
I came across a few things from the school board minutes in july and found something. The school board voted to donate a school bus from reduced fleet that Susan Adams had called for. Would this be a conflict of interest since Dale Henson is a school board member, since he has the title of a fire chief? What is their motive behind all this? Seems like they are trying to make this sound legal as possible. Has any other piece of school property (Taxpayers' property) been donated to a school board member or employees without being notice? Maybe we or the news media needs to go on a fact finding mission. Follow the money.
I don't understand why our tax payers of Decatur or even our non taxpayers that have children in our schools are letting or just not wanting to get involved with everything going on in Decatur. Our children are being robbed and our homes are going down in value.No one wants to move here people are taking their children to other schools (you need to check and see just how many are doing would be very surprised)please consider coming to our meeting to make good changes for our children,Wed Sept 28Th @ 7:00 home place off of mooresville Rd.
Anon 12:42: LMAO will Phil and Rosie be there? You folks are breaking the law here you know. It's called a PAC. You have to register with the State when you start promoting candidates. Phil should know better than that.
No, This is called freedom of speech, and the right to assembly. Read the U.S. constitution,the bill of rights, the law of the land. You LOVE having regulations to control the freedoms of others, we the people will have our say. Do you mean PAC as in PEOPLE AROUND CENTRAL office?
Anon 8:35 wrote:
"Anon 12:42: LMAO will Phil and Rosie be there? You folks are breaking the law here you know."
Well, I'm not sure about that. Perhaps you ought to have DUI Don run that past his probation officer at their next meeting. He'll know for sure if it's legal or not. That way Don can advise Susan Adams the next time she wants to hire convicted felons to work in school maintenance. We can't have any law breaking going on around here. LMAO.
No; you really ARE breaking the law. PAC (Political Action Comitee) is a group that supports a candidate(s). You are breaking the law! I can't support Webster or Rosie Obrian anyway. That would be worse than what we got.
Anon 12:12 wrote:
PAC (Political Action Comitee) is a group that supports a candidate(s). You are breaking the law!
You must have gas from eating all those catered in dinners there at central office. All that gravy from the gravy train is going to give you acid reflux. Exactly WHICH candidates is your fantasy PAC supporting?
PS --- Try Prilosec OTC. LOL
Go and READ the so called law..if your some kind of dee..cade..duhh resident. The law implies to only for financial support to those registered as a canidate. This is to "TALK" "NOT to DONATE ANY MONEY" about the future of our school district with the real residents and talk to those who may or may not consider running. YOU need to check your FACTS. PAC stand for POLITICAL ACTION COMMITEE...sorry, I think you have this confused with Obama's ACORN.
Anon 12:12 said,
You are breaking the law! I can't support Webster or Rosie Obrian anyway. That would be worse than what we got.
September 26, 2011 12:12 PM
OK...who do you think we should vote for???
Vote for Don and Doug! They are the best school board members ever!
Wow. Two of our nepotism kings. Imagine that. Spoken like a true central office gravy train rider. And you still haven't told us who your fantasy PAC is "supporting". LOL.
Is Dr. Stinson and Dr. Henson the same person? Is someone confused as to the spelling of their names? I thought STINSON (Dr.) was the superintendant. Who is Dr. Henson? Or is Dr. Henson the superintendant? I'm confused!
Neither one of them are doctors or PhD's. If anything, they are both just 'Mr.'. As far as any of us here can tell the misnomers and confusion about their names and titles originated during Friday night happy-hour at Ike & Jonesy's downtown. There is naturally a lot confusion there as one can imagine. Especially later on in the evening.
Anon 11:38 OK so who is who!?
Mr.Henson is the Fire Chief and Board Member. Mr. Stinson is the superintendent.
Neither are reported to be good tippers.
Just to clarify and keep down the DC rumor's on this page. A WN secretary left for a position at her kids college so that their tuition would be paid for. No one was fired there. BUT, for who got the job, well I guess her name got to the top of the list somehow????
You people have to STOP THIS. STOP IT RIGHT NOW! There is nothing illegal/immoral/unethical going on. NOTHING! The best qualified people are being selected to fill positions within the best administered school district in this state. Again, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG GOING ON! Your children are getting a superb education especially considering the property tax caps the governor used to rob us of our needed funding. You people should be pressuring him for balancing his budget on the backs of our poor children, instead of criticizing the best superintendent and school board we have ever had!
Anonymous 4:43 wrote:
You people should be pressuring him for balancing his budget on the backs of our poor children, instead of criticizing the best superintendent and school board...that money can buy.
Fixed it for ya.
Anon Sept 28, 4:43pm
Lady...Don't tell me you think people pop pills just to go la la land. Do you think it does not matter what the facts are, but only what you want people to believe? Firing hard working Americans for dopes who are a bunch of jokes? If it looks like, walks like, acts like a duck, its a duck. The facts are in fine print,in the financial statements, school salaries, land purchases.look at Stinson's contract, it does not have any clauses for termination. What did the school do about the D.U.I. charge? NOTHING! Even If Stinson had pulled a Richard Nixon or Clinton...just nothing. If any other citizen had done the same thing, they would have been fired without question and facing jail time. Don't tell us they have not done anything WRONG. LMAO There you go again, blaming other people for both the school board and Stinson's big mistakes.
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