The Decatur Township school board meets tonight to adopt the 2011 budget - without having held a single work session on the topic. A set of paper mache stand-ins would be as effective in representing the public interest as are Cathy Wiseman, Dale Henson, Don Huffman, Doug Greenwald, and Judy Collins.
Heaven help the taxpayers of Decatur Township.
Law is Potential Violence
12 hours ago
Would be nice to know if any support staff members were involved in the support staff handbook they are to approve tonight?????
Susan Adams was involved in it. They didn't need anyone else's input.
How can there be a budget....."there is no money"
They delayed the athletic report again. Wonder why???? Just a note - the footbal game was lost to Franklin. Since they like to give the coach credit for the wins, guess he might take credit for two losses in a row???????
Since you brought up the game at Franklin. It has come to my attention from someone on the sidelines that one of the school board members, the one who has a son on the team, was standing on the sidelines with the team again. He did this at the Martinsville game too. Only this time, I have heard that he was having trouble speaking, sort of slurring his words. Sounds like he was probably a little tipsy. Of course to long time Decatur residents this would not be a surprise. What I have heard is that it would be a surprise if he wasn't. Of course, I am sure the same people that came to the defense of the coaches using smokeless tobacco will leap to his defense. This is really a disgrace for a parent to be in the position but as I am sure most of you would agree, it is even worse to have school board member in this position. I think the administration either needs to ensure that parents that are not part of the coaching staff or performing some sort of valid function such as filming or photography are not allowed on the sidelines during the game or have a system where they all get their chance to stand along the sidelines and try to look like they are important. Too bad we can't stop the run with a couple of those 26 or 27 seniors we have on this football team. If they don't win this year I don't know when they will.
Isn't this the typical Decatur parent? LOL what's so different from him than any other suck-up parent at Decatur? Wait; maybe the fact that he's tipsy...LOL no never mind....LOL!
What are the meetings about that Pellico has been leaving on home answering machines? The second one is at blue/gold academies Tues the 21st.
Anyone go to first one?
Greenwald will be in hog heaven Saturday at the Lucas Stadium. Any bets that Daddy will be on the field making a fool of himself? What a loser.
Let's not use the blog for personal attacks.
Okay - I'm going to side with anon 5:15. Let's keep it to issue of who gets access to the field?
I'll re-entered anon 5:30's post to omit the other. If somebody has film, let me know and I'll be happy to let the entirety of that post be put back in place.
It's not whether the topic is worth discussing, just whether it can be verified substantially.
I am reposting the comment from anon 5:15 – HEI
Anon 5:15: Personal attacks? What gives Doug Greenwald, a parent, the right to be on the football field with his kid? Tell you about ALL the daddies get to go on the field? That ok with you? [this part of comment omitted] Personal attacks.....THE TRUTH!
Just to show how uninformed and quick to judge people can be I will give you the TRUTH. His son was hurt (MCL sprain/partial tear) the team DR. asked him to discuss the possibility of wearing a brace and continuing to play OR taking him out for the game. He was concerned and wanted to make sure his son was okay to play. The Mooresville game ….sane thing only this time it was his ankle. He was asked over to the sidelines by the trainer and Dr.
He is and has been one of parents that allow his kids abilities to speak for themselves. I imagine if you asked any one of the parents of the any of the other players if they had issue with him being on the field they would all say...NO BIG DEAL!! Not to mention all of the generous things his family does to support this team or any other team their children participate on. You do realize you are attacking one of the good ones. The one that tends to be the lone "NO" vote to many of the things that bother most of you on this blog.
The slurring.....I won’t even dignify this slanderous, second hand rhetoric with a response. Libel, defanamtion of character...I would decide to have facts before just posting such erroneous comments.
Anon 9:35: Yea; get real.... an MCL sprain/partial tear is cause for missing the entire SEASON let alone deciding whether or not to return to the same game. And the same injury at the Mooresville game?????? Uh huh; sure. And your allegation of the lone "no" vote is way off the mark also. He's a yes man just like the rest of them. 2012 can't come soon enough! I've heard rumours of who's going to run for School Board in 2012 and Greenwald AND Huffman are toast. There's already a PAC formed and it's just a few months away from going public. Bottom line is this....Greenwald has NO RIGHT to be on the football field. He is no one special. He's nothing more than a Stinson puppet and that's a fact.
Can't wait until PAC goes public. Where do we sign up?
Hey Anon September 27th 9:35:
Was Greenwalds kid hurt at the game last Friday (Senior Night)? Daddy was on the field running around like an idiot....tooting a train horn all the time. Did his kid get hurt then too? HE WAS ON THE FIELD and ther is NO DENYING IT! Quit defending these people.
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