Lobbyists are registering to conduct business in City Hall for 2016. So far, the City's Lobbyist database lists 20 individuals who work for 8 companies and represent the interests of 26 organizations.
Compensation for the lobbying, when listed on the forms, totaled $471,529.46.
Here are efforts, which I present divided into topics.
Indy, Sports and Entertainment (which lists indyeleven.com as its website) have hired Joe Loftus of Barnes & Thornberg to lobby the Office of the Mayor. The registration notes the topic as "economic & industrial development" and a compensation of $67,410.
Pacers Basketball has Lacy Johnson, Ice Miller, working for it, chatting up the City-County Council regarding "amusements, games, & sports", for $8625.
Xerox Business Services is spending $54,894 with Joe Loftus, B&T, to lobby the Mayor's Office.
Cincinnati Bell Technical Solutions is down for $184.87 compensation to Mark Shublak, Ice Miller, to talk with the IT Board.
Election Systems and Software is plunking down a total of $19,589.74 for B&T lobbyists Brian Burdick and D. William Moreau, Jr, as well as Ice Miller's Carl Drummer. They are all lobbying the Marion County Clerk and Election Board.
RBM Consulting has hired Greg Hahn, of Bose Public Affairs Group (BPAG), to lobby the same folks for $8000.
Perhaps many of these folks are interested in a new Justice Center or what happens to them if one is built.
CCA of Tennessee is spending $120,000 for B&T's Brian Burdick and D. William Moreau, Jr. to make a case to the City County Council, the Marion County Sheriff, and the Office of the Mayor.
WMB Heartland Justice Partners has Ice Miller folks, Lesa Dietrick, Tom John, and Carl Drummer working the Department of Public Safety, the MC Sheriff, and the Office of the Mayor for $2341.53.
Bingham Greenbaum Doll is employing the efforts of Joseph Smith of Faegre Baker Daniels to talk with the City-County Council, and compensating him with $1890.
3M is spending a mere $69.83 for a slice of Tom John's time with Marion County Community Corrections.
DB Engineering has hired Tom John and Carl Drummer of Ice Miller to address their concerns with the Department of Public Works and the Mayor's Office - for $597.54.
Infrastructure Engineering has John and Drummer talking with the same folks for $470.69.
Commonwealth Engineers has engaged Kyle Walker of Kyle Walker Consulting to speak with the Department of Public Works, the topic being "environment". No compensation was noted.
RQAW Consulting likewise has Walker talking with the Department of Water Works (huh?) about highways and roads/streets. Again the compensation was not listed.
This lobby is going gangbusters again this year.
Outfront Media is spending $16,978.35 for 3 BPAG lobbyists, John Cochran, Trent Hahn, and Greg Hahn. Trent didn't list who he is lobbying, but the other two noted the Department of Metropolitan Development and the topic of "zoning".
Lamar Companies has hired the same three to lobby for the same thing with the same department - for $8850.63.
Clear Channel Outdoor prefers B&T, hiring D. William Moreau, Jr., and Matthew Morgan for $5362 to chat up DMD on "zoning" matters. They also are using their own employee, John Kisiel to lobby the City-County Council regarding "other". Kisiel lists $13,875 as his compensation.
Angie's List is compensating lobbyists Carl Drummer and Lacy Johnson of Ice Miller with $71,978 to address "economic and industrial development" matters with the City-County Council and the Office of the Mayor.
BC Initiative is spending $38,217 for the lobbying efforts of Joe Loftus, B&T, to speak with the Mayor's Office regarding "charitable & nonprofit organizations". BC Initiative is an affiliate of BioCrossroads.
Herman & Kittle Properties are down for only $37.61 for Tom John, Ice Miller, to talk about "planning/land use" with the Bond Bank and DMD.
Salesforce is spending $200 on its own employee, Amy Waggoner, to talk about "other" with DMD.
Bose Public Affairs Group feels the need to hire another lobbying group to represent it with the City-County Council, DMD, and the Mayor's Office on the ever popular topic of "other". They have hired Carl Drummer of Ice Miller for $839.30 in this effort.
Ambrose Property Group has Drummer and Lacy Johnson, Ice Miller, dealing with the City-County Council regarding "other" for $2006.96.
IU Health is lobbying the City-County Council, too, regarding Health and Healthcare. They have Lacy Johnson representing them for $6570.
National Strategies, LLC, for Taser International, Inc., is compensating two BPAC folks, John Cochran and Jennifer Ping, a total of $5000 to talk "safety" with the Department of Public Safety, Information Services Agency, the IT Board, and the Office of the Mayor.
The National Rifle Association has registered their employee, Christopher Kopacki, to address "other" with the Mayor's Office and the Council. His listed compensation is $197.41 for this role.
Last but not least, Giant Eagle - the grocery concern - is spending $17,344 with BPAC. Three of their lobbyists, Melissa Coxey, Ahmed Young, and John Cochran are registered to speak with the City-County Council about "zoning". Greg Hahn is registered to talk about "planning/land use" with DPS, DPW, the Crime Prevention Advisory Board, the Council, the Department of Code Enforcement, DMD, DPS, the Indianapolis Economic Development Comm., the Indianapolis Economic Development Board of Directors, the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership Board, the Metropolitan Development Committee (presumably of the Council), and the Metropolitan Development Commission.
I am hoping that the registration of Ahmed Young is a foolish mistake on somebody's part, and the the ethics policy of Mayor Hogsett does not allow his Director of the Office of Education Innovation to be simultaneously employed as a lobbyist.
To recap, the big money so far is on CCA of Tennessee ($120,000), Angie's List ($71,978), Indy Eleven ($67,410), Xerox Business Services ($54,984), billboard companies ($45,065.98), BC Initiative (BioCrossroads) ($38,217), Election Systems & Software ($19,589.74), and Giant Eagle ($17,344).
The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight
8 hours ago