Mayor Vaughn usually pulls the strong arm stuff out of view of the public. Threats, horse swapping, calling on Republican unity even when distasteful, cajoling with the greedy and ambitious.
Now his tactics are in full view with his veto of the balanced Council budget and his denunciation of the $15 M PILOT from the CIB, that leaves the door open for (gasp!) recruit classes for IMPD and IFD. How awful of the Democrats !
Its not about the fiction floated by the Vaughn administration that the Council's budget is not balanced - because it certainly is. For those readers who are number averse, just skip the rest of this paragraph and join me in a few sentences. The Mayor's introduced budget spends $1.13 B while the Council's passed budget spends $1.12 B. The Mayor's budget takes in revenues (excluding property taxes) of $676 M while the Council's budget takes in revenues (excluding property taxes) of $673 M. They both raise $351 M in property taxes. The Mayor spends down $106 M from fund balances while the Council spends down $99 M from fund balances. None of the $15 M PILOT from the CIB, passed by the Council and opposed by the Mayor, is part of these numbers.
One quick aside - While the Mayors pretend to be disgusted by the one time infusion of the $15 M PILOT to cover operating expenses, they eagerly dipped into the downtown TIF for $30 M for the Pacers and $40 M to make ends meet in this year's budget AND have another $10 M to be used for next year's budget. So, don't be buying their sudden alarm at the PILOT - its all an act.
Mayor Vaughn and his ally, Mayor Ballard, really really really wanted the Council to eliminate the Homestead Credit, which would save the City-County $8.7 M but foist $3.5 M in lost revenue on the various school districts in the County.
The Mayors really really really want more TIFs so that they have more slush funds to work with, even though they mean higher taxes for all of us and greater revenue losses for IPS, in particular.
There are two new taxes that will be on the table in the spring - increases of the car rental and admissions taxes are the last bits of the old CIB bailout from a few years ago. The Mayors will want those to pass a Democrat controlled Council.
There will be an announcement soon of some sweetheart deal with the Pacers - the only question remains as to how much more of our tax money will be going to them instead of to fund police and fire protection, schools, libraries, IndyGo and the rest of services that impact most of us on a daily basis.
There is the push for a specific mass transit plan that spends more getting Hamilton County transit than it does on IndyGo. The Mayors will want all on board to lobby for a tax increase public question on the 2014 ballot.
And, I grow more and more wary of an income tax hike being lobbied. Councillor Ben Hunter has become the spokesperson for Vaughn in open Council meetings of late. He pushed against the elimination of the Homestead Credit in committee (and voted against it there). However, once the budget hit the floor of the full Council, he was all over the big bad Democrats for realizing, but not responding to, the impact keeping the Credit would have on the Council's lobbying 'on the other end of Washington Street'. He also brought in the disingenuous and false arguement that the Credit amounted to poverty level wage earners subsidizing the mansions of the rich.
A push for income taxes split by workplace as well as residence would be welcome. But the pushback from Senator Luke Kenley's home County, plus other donut counties, would be massive. What I fear is a push for higher income taxes to be paid by residents of Marion County.
To make that work with the public, you would have to see exactly what we are now seeing - an underfunded public safety budget that threatens to degrade the already low numbers of officers and firefighters. So, the Mayors just may have a stake in not solving the recruit class problem, and not paying the raises that they agreed to in the IMPD and IFD contracts. They just may have a stake in having the Feds claw back the COPS grant money spent here, because our officer number dropped below agreed to figures.
Its not that these are easy times; they are not. But the Great Recession will pass and the income tax coffers will rise. There are some, though, who would not want to waste a perfectly good crisis by simply making it through to the other side with the same resources, when you can use it as an excuse to fatten those resources.
The short leash created by the Mayors' vetoes of the Council budget can be used each time the Mayors want one of their taxes passed, or one of their issues lobbied, or one of their TIFs fully bonded and uncomplicated by TIF reforms. That leash can be yanked when the Pacers deal becomes public and money flows from resources that should go to help all of us to instead be diverted to some of the wealthiest individuals in our area. And, the leash will keep the Democrats from spending any money on that recruit class nonsense. The PILOT money can just sit there an rot, instead.
This melodrama, created by the Mayors vetoes, never was about a supposedly unbalanced budget. It certainly is about control of the Council. How many times this leash will be yanked is up in the air. But, beware - its going to cost all of us.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Full Council To Meet Thursday - Mayor's Veto of Budget & Parking Ticket Maximums To Be Considered
City-County Council President, Maggie Lewis, has called a special meeting of the Council for this Thursday, November 1, at 6:30 pm. November 1 is the last day that the any unit of government can pass a budget, set a property tax levy (amount of money to be raised from property taxes), and set a property tax rate.
The Mayors used the line-item veto in a number of sections of the budget ordinance passed by the Council on October 15, by a vote of 18-11. Of course, Mayors Vaughn and Ballard have not chosen to line item veto anything that would interfere with their collection of property taxes from the good citizens and property owners of Indy. Nor have they interfered with their ability to discharge about $100 m in property tax revenues collected in TIF districts. Nor have they scaled back the obscene raises for favored folks in the Administration, including Vaughn himself.
No, they used the line item veto to keel haul the Council for its audacity in actually passing a balanced budget stained with the sin of it not being the Mayor's budget. So, the Mayors have deliberately cut revenues without cutting spending - creating an actual unbalanced budget. They want the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance to name the places where the hatchet shall land.
The Mayors line item vetoed all $652,654 for character 3 expenses of the Council office. They vetoed the $31,767,652 allocation of County Option Income Taxes to the County General fund. They eliminated the creation of the special fund for recruit classes and officer training. And, they eliminated the allocation to the rainy day funds of any unanticipated additional revenue that might come in during 2013.
As President Lewis notes in her letter to the Council:
IC 36-3-4-8.5 says:
In an earlier press release, Lewis noted that the Mayor does not have legal authority to veto any component of the budget of any Constitutionally established office (see Advance Indiana's blog entry "Ballard Budget Veto Gives New Meaning To 'Its My Way or the Highway'") IC 36-3-4-14(b)(1) says:
Also on the agenda for November 1, is Prop 315, which was vetoed entirely by the Mayors. This proposal would allow for only one parking ticket per violation per day and alter the process for requesting a hearing on any particular ticket received. The Council voted 18 -11 to pass this proposal at the October 15 meeting of the Council - with all Democrats plus Republicans Sandlin and Scales voting in favor and the remaining Republicans voting no.
The budget was voted on in two parts due to conflicts of interest by Lewis and Adams. The Assessor's office budget passed by a vote of 25-2-2, with Republican Councillors Lutz and Sandlin casting the no votes and Lewis and Adams abstaining. The remainder of the budget was passed by a vote of 18-11, with all Democrats plus Republicans Holliday and Scales voting for, and all of the rest of the Republicans voting no.
This budget process appears to be the energizer bunny of budget processes - it keeps going and going and going. On November 1, 6:30 pm, public assembly room, city-county building, the Council will take up the issue of a veto override.
The Mayors used the line-item veto in a number of sections of the budget ordinance passed by the Council on October 15, by a vote of 18-11. Of course, Mayors Vaughn and Ballard have not chosen to line item veto anything that would interfere with their collection of property taxes from the good citizens and property owners of Indy. Nor have they interfered with their ability to discharge about $100 m in property tax revenues collected in TIF districts. Nor have they scaled back the obscene raises for favored folks in the Administration, including Vaughn himself.
No, they used the line item veto to keel haul the Council for its audacity in actually passing a balanced budget stained with the sin of it not being the Mayor's budget. So, the Mayors have deliberately cut revenues without cutting spending - creating an actual unbalanced budget. They want the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance to name the places where the hatchet shall land.
The Mayors line item vetoed all $652,654 for character 3 expenses of the Council office. They vetoed the $31,767,652 allocation of County Option Income Taxes to the County General fund. They eliminated the creation of the special fund for recruit classes and officer training. And, they eliminated the allocation to the rainy day funds of any unanticipated additional revenue that might come in during 2013.
As President Lewis notes in her letter to the Council:
In light of the Mayor’s recent veto of separate items of the budget, specifically the appropriation to the Character 03 portion of the 2013 City-County Council Budget, the following responsibilities of the Council will be affected:
*Payment to the General Counsel to the Council;*Payment to the Minority Counsel;*Payment to ISA for computer and telephone services;*Payment of other Information Technology;*Payment for legal advertising and notices of Council and committee meetings, fiscal ordinances,and other special Council-related business;*Payment for copying and printing services provided for any correspondence to Councillors, City-County Administration and agencies, constituents, media, etc.;*Payment of office lease at the City-County building and other related charges;*Payment of code book subscription to update city ordinances and make available to the public;*Payment of Councillor conference expenses; and*Payment of any other contacts and services as deemed necessary by the Council
Elimination of the funding for this Character is in direct violation of IC 36-3-4-8.5. Consequently, as Council President, I have determined that a special full Council meeting will be held on Thursday, November 1, 2012 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers. The purpose of this meeting is to override the Mayor’s veto so that the Council may conduct the business of the people and serve its constituents beginning January 1 of 2013.
Please note that the other items included in the veto will appear on the agenda as well. However, each item will be voted on individually and to the discretion of each Council member. Thank you.
IC 36-3-4-8.5 says:
IC 36-3-4-8.5The referenced clerk is the Clerk of the City-County Council.
Employment of attorneys or legal research assistants
Sec. 8.5. (a) A clerk may hire or contract with competent attorneys or legal research assistants on terms the clerk considers appropriate.
(b) Appropriations for the salaries of attorneys and legal research assistants employed under this section shall be approved in the annual budget.
In an earlier press release, Lewis noted that the Mayor does not have legal authority to veto any component of the budget of any Constitutionally established office (see Advance Indiana's blog entry "Ballard Budget Veto Gives New Meaning To 'Its My Way or the Highway'") IC 36-3-4-14(b)(1) says:
(b) All ordinances and resolutions of a legislative body are subject to veto, except the following:Article 6, Section 2, of the Indiana State Constitution says:
(1) An ordinance or resolution, or part of either, providing for the budget or appropriating money for an office or officer of the county provided for by the Constitution of Indiana or for a judicial office or officer.
Section 2. (a) There shall be elected, in each county by the voters thereof, at the time of holding general elections, a Clerk of the Circuit Court, Auditor, Recorder, Treasurer, Sheriff, Coroner, and Surveyor, who shall, severally, hold their offices for four years.Article 7, Section 16 says:
Section 16. Prosecuting Attorneys. There shall be elected in each judicial circuit by the voters thereof a prosecuting attorney, who shall have been admitted to the practice of law in this State before his election, who shall hold his office for four years, and whose term of office shall begin on the first day of January next succeeding his election. The election of prosecuting attorneys under this section shall be held at the time of holding the general election in the year 1974 and each four years thereafter.That leaves all $31.7 million of the vindictive cuts made by our Mayors line item vetoes to fall on the budgets of the following offices - each office is followed by the amount of money originally budgeted to come from the County General fund targeted by the Mayors, which is followed in parentheses by the total budget for that office:
Public Defender $17.6 m ($18.0 m)
Community Corrections $3.4 m ($9.5 m)
Forensic Services $5.9 m ($6.9 m)
Cooperative Extension $0.8 m ($0.8 m)
Assessor $5.2 m ($7.4 m)
Election Board $1.3 m ($1.3 m)
Voters' Registration $1.1 m ($1.1 m)
aggregate $35.3 m from the County General fund and a total budget of 45.0 mCuriously enough, it is not clear what the elimination of allocation of any excess funds would really do. The money must reside somewhere in the City-County coffers in some fund or another. Likely the point was to keep the $15 m PILOT from the CIB from the City's rainy day fund specifically. Still, the Council had not appropriated any of that money anyway. So, I surely can't see any logic in scratching this line out. But, vindictiveness knows only its own logic.
Also on the agenda for November 1, is Prop 315, which was vetoed entirely by the Mayors. This proposal would allow for only one parking ticket per violation per day and alter the process for requesting a hearing on any particular ticket received. The Council voted 18 -11 to pass this proposal at the October 15 meeting of the Council - with all Democrats plus Republicans Sandlin and Scales voting in favor and the remaining Republicans voting no.
The budget was voted on in two parts due to conflicts of interest by Lewis and Adams. The Assessor's office budget passed by a vote of 25-2-2, with Republican Councillors Lutz and Sandlin casting the no votes and Lewis and Adams abstaining. The remainder of the budget was passed by a vote of 18-11, with all Democrats plus Republicans Holliday and Scales voting for, and all of the rest of the Republicans voting no.
This budget process appears to be the energizer bunny of budget processes - it keeps going and going and going. On November 1, 6:30 pm, public assembly room, city-county building, the Council will take up the issue of a veto override.
Friday, October 26, 2012
How Vindictive Mayor's Budget Cuts Hit County Offices
Its clear that all Mayors Ballard and Vaughn care about is getting their way.
The $32 million budget cuts imposed by them - needlessly, mind you - 'for kicks and giggles' - is in the form of vetoing the line item where $31,767,652 in COIT funds are moved into the County General fund.
From the Mayor's introduced budget we get these numbers for the departments and agencies receiving revenue from that fund (with their total introduced budget in parentheses):
Sheriff $68.8 m ($109.2 m)
Superior Court $37.8 m ($53.5 m)
Circuit Court $1.1 m ( $1.4 m)
Prosecutor $13.5 m ($23.6 m)
Prosecutor Child Support Division $4.4 m ($4.4 m)
Public Defender $17.6 m ($18.0 m)
Community Corrections $3.4 m ($9.5 m)
Forensic Services $5.9 m ($6.9 m)
Coroner $2.7 m ($2.8 m)
Cooperative Extension $0.8 m ($0.8 m)
Auditor $9.1 m ($9.8 m)
Assessor $5.2 m ($7.4 m)
Treasurer $2.1 m ($2.1 m)
Clerk $5.6 m ($6.3 m)
Election Board $1.3 m ($1.3 m)
Voters' Registration $1.1 m ($1.1 m)
Recorder $0.6 m ($1.8 m)
Surveyor $0.2 m ($0.6 m)
Just so you know what kind of men you have on the 25th floor.
The $32 million budget cuts imposed by them - needlessly, mind you - 'for kicks and giggles' - is in the form of vetoing the line item where $31,767,652 in COIT funds are moved into the County General fund.
From the Mayor's introduced budget we get these numbers for the departments and agencies receiving revenue from that fund (with their total introduced budget in parentheses):
Sheriff $68.8 m ($109.2 m)
Superior Court $37.8 m ($53.5 m)
Circuit Court $1.1 m ( $1.4 m)
Prosecutor $13.5 m ($23.6 m)
Prosecutor Child Support Division $4.4 m ($4.4 m)
Public Defender $17.6 m ($18.0 m)
Community Corrections $3.4 m ($9.5 m)
Forensic Services $5.9 m ($6.9 m)
Coroner $2.7 m ($2.8 m)
Cooperative Extension $0.8 m ($0.8 m)
Auditor $9.1 m ($9.8 m)
Assessor $5.2 m ($7.4 m)
Treasurer $2.1 m ($2.1 m)
Clerk $5.6 m ($6.3 m)
Election Board $1.3 m ($1.3 m)
Voters' Registration $1.1 m ($1.1 m)
Recorder $0.6 m ($1.8 m)
Surveyor $0.2 m ($0.6 m)
Just so you know what kind of men you have on the 25th floor.
Mayor Plays Games With Budget - Trying to Blackmail Council Into Submission
Mayors Ballard and Vaughn are taking a 'no prisoners' approach to the 2013 City-County budget - even if it means harming our City and the services it can provide. Severely harming. Its a game to them, not a responsibility to be taken seriously.
Bottom line, the Mayor is cutting $32 million from the City-County budget to spite the Democratic controlled Council - and all of us.
Here is their press release:
These are the facts about the 2013 budget.
The Council declined to eliminate the homestead credit on property tax bills, resulting in a net $8.7 m reduction of revenues into the budget. They showed those reductions in the appropriate places throughout the budget. (click here to see the Council version of the budget ordinance that has now been ravaged by our vindictive administration).
The Council declined $20 m in spending by DPW, and removed $20 m from their revenues as well.
The Council budget is balanced.
The total spending for City-County government in the Mayor's introduced budget was $1,133,548,598 and total revenues (excluding property taxes) were $676,178,961. The Council approved budget (which includes changes made by both the Controller and the Council) includes spending of $1,123,646,892 and revenues (excluding property taxes) of $673,038,219. Both raise the same amount in property taxes ($351 m), with a small technical correction included in the Council version due to an amendment by the Controller.
The Council version spends $10 million less than the Mayor's version - completely offsetting the revenue the Mayor wanted from the elimination of the homestead credit.
The Mayor's elimination of the Council's entire character 3 budget is vindictive at best. This cuts more than the $100,000 the Council added for litigation on the Council district map issue. It cuts the items the Mayor asked for as well. The Council CFO and Counsel are paid from this character. Here is the description of character 3 expenses from the Mayor's budget book:
The $32 million reduction in revenues - forcing the DLGF to cut appropriations - is a dangerous move that puts the entire city-county services in jeopardy. It is a slap in the face of all of Indy's residents. It is cowardly to duck making the cuts himself, but leave that chore and its attendant responsibility to the DLGF instead. COWARDLY.
The Mayors want you to believe it is the Council's fault. It is not.
If you call 911 and don't get a response as quickly as you need in 2013 - make sure your next call is to the Mayor's office and tell them exactly how their low ethics impacted your life.
These cuts are draconian, cowardly, and devoid of any conscience.
Bottom line, the Mayor is cutting $32 million from the City-County budget to spite the Democratic controlled Council - and all of us.
Here is their press release:
Mayor Ballard Announces Line-Item Veto of 2013 City-County BudgetCity-County Council Majority Walks Away from Multiple Compromise Offers, Forcing CutsINDIANAPOLIS - Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard today announced his line-item veto of the 2013 budget adopted by the City-County Council."The budget passed by the Council majority leaves a $35 million deficit by the end of next year and next to nothing in the City's savings account to pay for it," said Mayor Ballard. "We tried on multiple occasions to reach a compromise with the Council majority; however, they've decided to just spend money we don't have and not address the City's long-term financial needs. I will not support that."To address the estimated $35 million deficit for 2014, Mayor Ballard is vetoing these provisions from the 2013 budget:
- Allocation of $31,767,652 in County Option Income Tax (COIT) to the County General Fund
- This action will prompt the State Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) to reduce County General Fund spending to match available revenues.
- The non-allocated funds will be held by the Marion County Treasurer until such a time as it is allocated by the City-County Council with Mayor Ballard's approval.
- Character 3 budget of the City-County Council ($652,654)
- This fund covers outside vendor contracts, which includes $100,000 the Council majority requested for re-redistricting.
- Creation of the Police and Fire Recruiting Fund.
- This fund does not contain any funding nor was any directed to it in the budget.
Mayor Ballard also is sending an "Official Communication from the Mayor" to the Council reiterating the City's position that the PILOT on the Capital Improvement Board (CIB) does not conform to state law and that he will not approve any allocation of funds from this illegal Council action.
These are the facts about the 2013 budget.
The Council declined to eliminate the homestead credit on property tax bills, resulting in a net $8.7 m reduction of revenues into the budget. They showed those reductions in the appropriate places throughout the budget. (click here to see the Council version of the budget ordinance that has now been ravaged by our vindictive administration).
The Council declined $20 m in spending by DPW, and removed $20 m from their revenues as well.
The Council budget is balanced.
The total spending for City-County government in the Mayor's introduced budget was $1,133,548,598 and total revenues (excluding property taxes) were $676,178,961. The Council approved budget (which includes changes made by both the Controller and the Council) includes spending of $1,123,646,892 and revenues (excluding property taxes) of $673,038,219. Both raise the same amount in property taxes ($351 m), with a small technical correction included in the Council version due to an amendment by the Controller.
The Council version spends $10 million less than the Mayor's version - completely offsetting the revenue the Mayor wanted from the elimination of the homestead credit.
The Mayor's elimination of the Council's entire character 3 budget is vindictive at best. This cuts more than the $100,000 the Council added for litigation on the Council district map issue. It cuts the items the Mayor asked for as well. The Council CFO and Counsel are paid from this character. Here is the description of character 3 expenses from the Mayor's budget book:
Other Services and Charges (Character 3)Games - hardball - vindictive - dereliction of duty
This category includes expenditures for services other than personalservices required by the Consolidated City either to carry out itsassigned functions or to fulfill moral or legal obligations. OtherServices and Charges includes professional services, communicationand transportation, printing and advertising, insurance (excludinggroup health, life and self-insurance), utility expenditures, contractedrepairs and maintenance, rentals, debt service expenditures forprincipal and interest payments as well as long-term debt.
The $32 million reduction in revenues - forcing the DLGF to cut appropriations - is a dangerous move that puts the entire city-county services in jeopardy. It is a slap in the face of all of Indy's residents. It is cowardly to duck making the cuts himself, but leave that chore and its attendant responsibility to the DLGF instead. COWARDLY.
The Mayors want you to believe it is the Council's fault. It is not.
If you call 911 and don't get a response as quickly as you need in 2013 - make sure your next call is to the Mayor's office and tell them exactly how their low ethics impacted your life.
These cuts are draconian, cowardly, and devoid of any conscience.
Neither Mayor Cares What You Think
Neither Mayor Ballard nor Mayor Vaughn care what you think. Not about anything.
The latest example is the acceptance of the Mass Ave project announce yesterday. The process could have included a public showing of all competing designs so the affected neighborhoods could comment. It did not. There wasn't any public process.
There should be clawbacks in the project agreement regarding any final design passing muster with our laws. I have requested the RFP and all submitted proposals - I'll let you know if there is any such stipulation. It would be a welcome precedent, if such a stipulation was in place, but I'm not holding my breath.
Now, like the Broad Ripple parking garage, variances are required to actually make the winning design compliant with our laws. And, not just any aspect of the design - the centerpiece Times Square LED HD screen is a violation of our sign ordinance and is nowhere near a fit with the historic neighborhood in which it would lie. Its not an accent piece, like some brightly colored throw pillow on an earth tone sofa. Its a glaring, possibly blaring, monster truck wheel on an Amish buggy. So, what if it is denied by the BZA and the Historic Preservation Commission?
One of Mayor Vaughn's goals for his first term, is to make sure the Boards and Commissions give up any independent thought when it comes to issues Vaughn holds dear - like throwing public dollars needlessly at developers. Expect an extreme amount of pressure to be put on those members of the BZA and the IHPC.
They say that the relocation of the fire station that now occupies the parcel is still under consideration. So, you'll believe that I'm a true psychic if I tell you it will be located on the north end of 510 N. College.
If I'm wrong, then the fire station location could be opened for public comment - just like it should be. I'd prefer to be wrong, but I'm not - I'm psychic.
Meanwhile, you might like the new design and all that it implies for the future 'scene' on Mass Ave, or you may not. It really doesn't matter.
The latest example is the acceptance of the Mass Ave project announce yesterday. The process could have included a public showing of all competing designs so the affected neighborhoods could comment. It did not. There wasn't any public process.
There should be clawbacks in the project agreement regarding any final design passing muster with our laws. I have requested the RFP and all submitted proposals - I'll let you know if there is any such stipulation. It would be a welcome precedent, if such a stipulation was in place, but I'm not holding my breath.
Now, like the Broad Ripple parking garage, variances are required to actually make the winning design compliant with our laws. And, not just any aspect of the design - the centerpiece Times Square LED HD screen is a violation of our sign ordinance and is nowhere near a fit with the historic neighborhood in which it would lie. Its not an accent piece, like some brightly colored throw pillow on an earth tone sofa. Its a glaring, possibly blaring, monster truck wheel on an Amish buggy. So, what if it is denied by the BZA and the Historic Preservation Commission?
One of Mayor Vaughn's goals for his first term, is to make sure the Boards and Commissions give up any independent thought when it comes to issues Vaughn holds dear - like throwing public dollars needlessly at developers. Expect an extreme amount of pressure to be put on those members of the BZA and the IHPC.
They say that the relocation of the fire station that now occupies the parcel is still under consideration. So, you'll believe that I'm a true psychic if I tell you it will be located on the north end of 510 N. College.
If I'm wrong, then the fire station location could be opened for public comment - just like it should be. I'd prefer to be wrong, but I'm not - I'm psychic.
Meanwhile, you might like the new design and all that it implies for the future 'scene' on Mass Ave, or you may not. It really doesn't matter.
greg ballard,
mass ave tif,
ryan vaughn
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
What's Going On With TIFs?
For the second consecutive meeting of the Metropolitan and Economic Development committee, the Mid-North TIF (prop 291) was postponed - now to November 26. Ostensibly it was due to sponsor Councillor John Barth's drafting of an amendment, which he told a couple of us who attended the meeting, was still a concept in his head. He did promise to have the Council office post his amendment online in advance of the November 26 in order to give the public a chance to review it prior to that meeting.
The committee also postponed to November 26, two proposals on the TIF Study Commission recommendations - Prop 274 urging the MDC to adopt those recommendations pertinent to them, and Prop 275 urging the General Assembly to adopt recommendations that fall in their wheelhouse. Although these proposals were introduced before the Mid-North TIF proposal, this was the first time they were actually placed on a committee agenda.
Also being delayed from any actual agenda, is the reintroduced TIF proposed for the Meadows area - formerly Prop 16, declared dead when Prop 15 was not. This is the proposed expansion of the Fall Creek TIF and now is alive as Prop 349.
The Council has 45 days to put an introduced proposal on a committee agenda, and November 26 will come in just under the wire at 42 days.
Tonight's Rules committee meeting will entertain Prop 316 for the second time. This proposal seeks the enactment of the TIF Study Commission recommendations that the Council can do something about. You will recall that Barth authored a poison pill amendment that would have gutted the recommendations, the last time the committee met. (see "Dust Up For Reasons Unknown - But I Speculate Anyway") We shall see if he still tries to do so.
It is obvious that the Democratic caucus is dysfunctional when it comes to TIF policy. That is very unfortunate for the economic health of Indianapolis going forward. We simply cannot absorb square mile after square mile of new TIFs - ones that primarily benefit well to do areas of our City to boot - without harming all of our governmental units' ability to deliver the services we are actually paying taxes to get.
Tonight is an opportunity to return the horse to the front of the cart, and let the Council adopt the well considered recommendations for full disclosure, transparency, and accountability that the public deserves regarding TIF district establishment and maintenance.
The committee also postponed to November 26, two proposals on the TIF Study Commission recommendations - Prop 274 urging the MDC to adopt those recommendations pertinent to them, and Prop 275 urging the General Assembly to adopt recommendations that fall in their wheelhouse. Although these proposals were introduced before the Mid-North TIF proposal, this was the first time they were actually placed on a committee agenda.
Also being delayed from any actual agenda, is the reintroduced TIF proposed for the Meadows area - formerly Prop 16, declared dead when Prop 15 was not. This is the proposed expansion of the Fall Creek TIF and now is alive as Prop 349.
The Council has 45 days to put an introduced proposal on a committee agenda, and November 26 will come in just under the wire at 42 days.
Tonight's Rules committee meeting will entertain Prop 316 for the second time. This proposal seeks the enactment of the TIF Study Commission recommendations that the Council can do something about. You will recall that Barth authored a poison pill amendment that would have gutted the recommendations, the last time the committee met. (see "Dust Up For Reasons Unknown - But I Speculate Anyway") We shall see if he still tries to do so.
It is obvious that the Democratic caucus is dysfunctional when it comes to TIF policy. That is very unfortunate for the economic health of Indianapolis going forward. We simply cannot absorb square mile after square mile of new TIFs - ones that primarily benefit well to do areas of our City to boot - without harming all of our governmental units' ability to deliver the services we are actually paying taxes to get.
Tonight is an opportunity to return the horse to the front of the cart, and let the Council adopt the well considered recommendations for full disclosure, transparency, and accountability that the public deserves regarding TIF district establishment and maintenance.
john barth,
mid-north tif,
TIF study commission
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
S#*! My Mayor Says
Unbelievable. Mayor Ballard is on break from his four year world tour and he has time to relay lies to the Republican caucus of the Council AND put out a press release moments after the Council passed a balanced budget; albeit a budget altered from the one Ballard titularly introduced not long ago.
Thanks to Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana for filling us in on some of the Mayor's ribbon cutting interrupted schedule tonight in his post "Ballard Lies: Tells Councilors Homestead Credit Only Benefits The Rich".
Here's the funniest line in the press release:
It increases spending - most spectacularly for the Parks budget where the demon D's had the unmitigated gaul to add $400,000 to pay the utility bills - which were left unfunded by our oh-so-funny Mayor. There are smaller increases and reductions elsewhere, but all leading to a balance budget.
What has the Mayor miffed, is they declined his invitation to eliminate the homestead credit and rather knocked at the door of the CIB for additional money - which is not appropriated and not part of the actual budget. As Councillor Brown phrased it tonight, it simply gives the Mayor the wherewithal to fulfill his promises.
The supposed deficit for 2014 - there is no deficit if Mayor Vaughn, acting Mayor while Ballard oversees ribbon cutting and world tour venue selection, doesn't instruct the CIB to file a lawsuit over the PILOT. Duh !
And lastly, oh so over the top - yes folks, the 'end times for downtown' are BACK and Better Than Ever !!! The golden oldies never let you down. The Mayor's press release actually says the revised budget "... strips support of our downtown economy in order to give tax breaks to a select few". Precious !
Councillor Caldwell even said at tonight's Council meeting , and I swear he wasn't even chocking back a guffaw, the CIB PILOT was "putting 70,000 jobs downtown at risk". Now that's Mayoral potential for you; to actually spit that sentence out without turning beet red from the embarrassment.
As for those "select few" - Now we all know full well that Mayor Ballard and Mayor Vaughn know what they are talking about when they talk about a select few benefiting to the detriment of the many. So, I assume they will be recalling this part of their press release like so much salmonella infected melons once they realize their error. The select few, according to the City's Controller, Jeff Spalding, add up to 198,049 homeowners who would pay $4.4 million more in property taxes if the homestead credit is eliminated. And, you'd have to add all of the school districts in Marion County who would be penalized by an aggregate $3.4 million dollars. And, also the Library, IndyGo and Health & Hospitals who would be penalized by an aggregate $1.3 million. Those "select few". How dare the Democrats put the CIB ahead of them and ask the CIB to contribute to the cost of the police and fire protection they consume in vast quantities any time they sponsor an event downtown !
I don't know if William Shattner is available to play another curmudgeonly old guy who utters the most inane remarks, but if he is - we have a real chart topping hit on our hands ! America will be rolling in the aisles.
Thanks to Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana for filling us in on some of the Mayor's ribbon cutting interrupted schedule tonight in his post "Ballard Lies: Tells Councilors Homestead Credit Only Benefits The Rich".
Here's the funniest line in the press release:
The Council majority's current plan is unfunded, increases spending, more than doubles the deficit for 2014, and strips support of our downtown economy in order to give tax breaks to a select few.Well, it is balanced, therefore funded.
It increases spending - most spectacularly for the Parks budget where the demon D's had the unmitigated gaul to add $400,000 to pay the utility bills - which were left unfunded by our oh-so-funny Mayor. There are smaller increases and reductions elsewhere, but all leading to a balance budget.
What has the Mayor miffed, is they declined his invitation to eliminate the homestead credit and rather knocked at the door of the CIB for additional money - which is not appropriated and not part of the actual budget. As Councillor Brown phrased it tonight, it simply gives the Mayor the wherewithal to fulfill his promises.
The supposed deficit for 2014 - there is no deficit if Mayor Vaughn, acting Mayor while Ballard oversees ribbon cutting and world tour venue selection, doesn't instruct the CIB to file a lawsuit over the PILOT. Duh !
And lastly, oh so over the top - yes folks, the 'end times for downtown' are BACK and Better Than Ever !!! The golden oldies never let you down. The Mayor's press release actually says the revised budget "... strips support of our downtown economy in order to give tax breaks to a select few". Precious !
Councillor Caldwell even said at tonight's Council meeting , and I swear he wasn't even chocking back a guffaw, the CIB PILOT was "putting 70,000 jobs downtown at risk". Now that's Mayoral potential for you; to actually spit that sentence out without turning beet red from the embarrassment.
As for those "select few" - Now we all know full well that Mayor Ballard and Mayor Vaughn know what they are talking about when they talk about a select few benefiting to the detriment of the many. So, I assume they will be recalling this part of their press release like so much salmonella infected melons once they realize their error. The select few, according to the City's Controller, Jeff Spalding, add up to 198,049 homeowners who would pay $4.4 million more in property taxes if the homestead credit is eliminated. And, you'd have to add all of the school districts in Marion County who would be penalized by an aggregate $3.4 million dollars. And, also the Library, IndyGo and Health & Hospitals who would be penalized by an aggregate $1.3 million. Those "select few". How dare the Democrats put the CIB ahead of them and ask the CIB to contribute to the cost of the police and fire protection they consume in vast quantities any time they sponsor an event downtown !
I don't know if William Shattner is available to play another curmudgeonly old guy who utters the most inane remarks, but if he is - we have a real chart topping hit on our hands ! America will be rolling in the aisles.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Eliminating the Homestead Credit - Its Not About Class Warfare
Some are using the complexity the effect eliminating the homestead credit would have on tax bills, to suggest its about class warfare. This is unfortunate and demeans an important conversation our community should be having on the issue.
For those readers who do not want to don the hip boots and wade through the numbers and increasing variables set out below, the short version is this:
Generally speaking, eliminating the homestead credit will increase the property tax bills of those homeowners living in lower tax areas more than those living in higher tax areas.
Now, get those hip boots out.
Here is the County-wide view, which I have put into graph form. The data were presented by City Controller, Jeff Spalding, to the Admin & Finance Committee earlier this month.
1) This chart shows the assessed value of homes in Marion County along the bottom axis. The left axis and the blue bars show the number of homes that fit each assessed value category. The right axis and red line shows the percentage of the homestead credit by which property tax bills would increase if the homestead credit were eliminated. Now these are totals for all of Marion County and the percentage is using the aggregated numbers that include those who have hit the tax caps and those who have not.
Those with lower valued homes will have to pay a higher percentage of the homestead credit they now enjoy, because the tax caps hit higher value homes first. Those who already hit the tax caps, would see little to no change in their tax bill because the tax cap credit would simply increase by the amount now coming from the homestead credit.
For further complication, please note that the homestead credit is a percentage of the value of the home. So, those with higher value homes get larger homestead credits. But, even with that, given the large number of homes valued less than $150,000, the majority of the tax increase will be borne by those homeowners. Throughout Marion County, tax bills would increase by $4.4 million if the homestead credit were eliminated. $3.4 million of that total would be from increases in property tax bills of those with homes valued at less than $150,000.
2) This chart shows the tax increases possible in $10 increments along the bottom axis. The left axis and blue bars shows the average value of the home that would see each tax increase. The right axis and red line show the number of homes that would see each tax increase.
About 38% of all homeowners would see little or no tax increase because they already hit the tax caps (first two blue bars). Those homes valued higher, hit the tax caps first, and few actually will see the $100 tax bill increase. 46,397 homeowners would see a tax increase between $10 and $20, their average home value is $103,227, and together they would pay an additional $2,031,602 if the homestead credit were eliminated. 99 homeowners would see a tax increase greater than $100, their average home value is $368,674, and together they would pay an additional $14,388.
So, eliminating the homestead credit has little to do with rich folks paying their due. The tax increases will tend to hit those with lower value homes. If you live in a higher tax area, then you'd escape a tax increase for a home value lower than someone living in a lower tax area. 2012 tax rates vary from 4.88 in Beech Grove to 1.95 in parts of Washington Township, so you can see the high level of variability involved in which homeowners would get hit with tax increases if the homestead credit were eliminated. But, the best generalization is that those in lower property tax areas will see a greater increase in their property tax bills if the homestead credit is eliminated.
There are a goodly number of the variables involved in who would see a tax increase, not to mention the additional variables involved in how much each school district gets hit with circuit breaker penalties if the homestead credit is eliminated. It is easy to want someone to give us simplified cause and effect summaries. Unfortunately, the homestead credit elimination isn't easily captured in a simple statement. There are many variables, many pluses (depending upon where you live and what the value of your home is) and many negatives (depending upon which taxing unit gets income tax revenues in addition to property tax revenues - and how much of each).
The Councillors are right to be cautious. Let's face it, even the Controller labels it a tax increase. What it is not is class warfare.
For those readers who do not want to don the hip boots and wade through the numbers and increasing variables set out below, the short version is this:
Generally speaking, eliminating the homestead credit will increase the property tax bills of those homeowners living in lower tax areas more than those living in higher tax areas.
Now, get those hip boots out.
Here is the County-wide view, which I have put into graph form. The data were presented by City Controller, Jeff Spalding, to the Admin & Finance Committee earlier this month.
1) This chart shows the assessed value of homes in Marion County along the bottom axis. The left axis and the blue bars show the number of homes that fit each assessed value category. The right axis and red line shows the percentage of the homestead credit by which property tax bills would increase if the homestead credit were eliminated. Now these are totals for all of Marion County and the percentage is using the aggregated numbers that include those who have hit the tax caps and those who have not.
Those with lower valued homes will have to pay a higher percentage of the homestead credit they now enjoy, because the tax caps hit higher value homes first. Those who already hit the tax caps, would see little to no change in their tax bill because the tax cap credit would simply increase by the amount now coming from the homestead credit.
For further complication, please note that the homestead credit is a percentage of the value of the home. So, those with higher value homes get larger homestead credits. But, even with that, given the large number of homes valued less than $150,000, the majority of the tax increase will be borne by those homeowners. Throughout Marion County, tax bills would increase by $4.4 million if the homestead credit were eliminated. $3.4 million of that total would be from increases in property tax bills of those with homes valued at less than $150,000.
2) This chart shows the tax increases possible in $10 increments along the bottom axis. The left axis and blue bars shows the average value of the home that would see each tax increase. The right axis and red line show the number of homes that would see each tax increase.
About 38% of all homeowners would see little or no tax increase because they already hit the tax caps (first two blue bars). Those homes valued higher, hit the tax caps first, and few actually will see the $100 tax bill increase. 46,397 homeowners would see a tax increase between $10 and $20, their average home value is $103,227, and together they would pay an additional $2,031,602 if the homestead credit were eliminated. 99 homeowners would see a tax increase greater than $100, their average home value is $368,674, and together they would pay an additional $14,388.
So, eliminating the homestead credit has little to do with rich folks paying their due. The tax increases will tend to hit those with lower value homes. If you live in a higher tax area, then you'd escape a tax increase for a home value lower than someone living in a lower tax area. 2012 tax rates vary from 4.88 in Beech Grove to 1.95 in parts of Washington Township, so you can see the high level of variability involved in which homeowners would get hit with tax increases if the homestead credit were eliminated. But, the best generalization is that those in lower property tax areas will see a greater increase in their property tax bills if the homestead credit is eliminated.
There are a goodly number of the variables involved in who would see a tax increase, not to mention the additional variables involved in how much each school district gets hit with circuit breaker penalties if the homestead credit is eliminated. It is easy to want someone to give us simplified cause and effect summaries. Unfortunately, the homestead credit elimination isn't easily captured in a simple statement. There are many variables, many pluses (depending upon where you live and what the value of your home is) and many negatives (depending upon which taxing unit gets income tax revenues in addition to property tax revenues - and how much of each).
The Councillors are right to be cautious. Let's face it, even the Controller labels it a tax increase. What it is not is class warfare.
homestead credit,
Friday, October 12, 2012
CIB Tapped For $15 Million PILOT
The Municipal Corporations committee of the City-County Council added a $15 million payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) obligation to the CIB's 2013 budget last night, by a party line 5-3 vote.
You can watch the entire hearing by visiting the WCTY archives.
You can expect that unelected Mayor Vaughn (sitting in for Mayor Greg Ballard who is on a four year world tour) did not like the outcome. And you can expect that any action taken by the CIB in response to the PILOT, will be action dictated by Vaughn.
There was much legal wrangling during the meeting between Councillor Bob Lutz, Council Counsel Fred Biesecker, and CIB Attorney Toby McClamrock. The bones of contention revolved around a) whether adding a paragraph requiring the PILOT was an additional appropriation (which is not allowed under state law), b) whether an assessed value made after March 1 can be used to levy taxes in 2013, or if they must wait until 2014, and c) whether ordinary tax procedures apply to PILOTs anyway. McClamrock hoisted the flag of - we may not pay it anyway - to see who saluted, but no responses were made from either side of the aisle.
On the actual meat of the reasons for this PILOT, Councillor Brian Mahern kept bringing it back to the fact that the Mayor's proposed budget would let police and fire numbers drop even further. He said there are already 100 fewer police than at the time of the merger and by not holding recruit classes, the numbers would drop even further. He noted as well, that the CIB relies heavily upon IFD and IMPD services for the many events that are held in their facilities.
While Councillor Lutz primarily discussed the legal aspects, Councillor Cardwell brought up all the trickle down taxes that he said were due to the CIB, indicating that was more than enough help to the City.
Ann Lathrop mentioned "I feel your pain" and later said she had a fiduciary responsibility to the CIB "not to run it into bankruptcy". Oh pah-leez on both counts.
The CIB has had more than enough cash to give $10 million for each of the last three years to the Pacers and at the same time increase its year end 2009 cash balance from $26 million to a year end 2012 cash balance expected to be $76 million. They also have so much money that they are proposing that all of an anticipated $4 million gained from the sale of one of its buildings be simply given to the ICVA - over and above the $9 million the CIB usually gives them.
Unfortunately for the CIB, their believability index runs near the empty mark for much of the public and some elected officials as well.
Is this PILOT the perfect solution? No. But the Mayor isn't offering any solutions at all to the drop in IFD and IMPD counts that would be caused by having no recruit classes. I'm very glad that someone is stepping up to the plate and getting some solutions in place.
In the age of tax caps, the city does have to rethink some of its own self inflicted revenue hits - especially not sunsetting TIF districts that are no longer in debt. They should rethink the airport keeping hundreds of acres of land, that it does not need for aviation purposes, off the tax rolls. With the Great Recession still upon us, the city budget has to make it through a few more years with services intact. This year's challenges include the recruit classes.
The CIB is given special treatment each year because they are key to the ever sacred cow - sports. IndyGo is running on bare bones and told to dig to dangerous levels in their cum fund to survive. The Library has had to cut employees and hours over the last few years. Its not asking all that much for the CIB to help out here.
The budget goes to the full Council Monday night. Come January 10, 2013, when the PILOT is due, we'll see if the CIB pays up, or if Vaughn has them fight it out in court.
You can watch the entire hearing by visiting the WCTY archives.
You can expect that unelected Mayor Vaughn (sitting in for Mayor Greg Ballard who is on a four year world tour) did not like the outcome. And you can expect that any action taken by the CIB in response to the PILOT, will be action dictated by Vaughn.
There was much legal wrangling during the meeting between Councillor Bob Lutz, Council Counsel Fred Biesecker, and CIB Attorney Toby McClamrock. The bones of contention revolved around a) whether adding a paragraph requiring the PILOT was an additional appropriation (which is not allowed under state law), b) whether an assessed value made after March 1 can be used to levy taxes in 2013, or if they must wait until 2014, and c) whether ordinary tax procedures apply to PILOTs anyway. McClamrock hoisted the flag of - we may not pay it anyway - to see who saluted, but no responses were made from either side of the aisle.
On the actual meat of the reasons for this PILOT, Councillor Brian Mahern kept bringing it back to the fact that the Mayor's proposed budget would let police and fire numbers drop even further. He said there are already 100 fewer police than at the time of the merger and by not holding recruit classes, the numbers would drop even further. He noted as well, that the CIB relies heavily upon IFD and IMPD services for the many events that are held in their facilities.
While Councillor Lutz primarily discussed the legal aspects, Councillor Cardwell brought up all the trickle down taxes that he said were due to the CIB, indicating that was more than enough help to the City.
Ann Lathrop mentioned "I feel your pain" and later said she had a fiduciary responsibility to the CIB "not to run it into bankruptcy". Oh pah-leez on both counts.
The CIB has had more than enough cash to give $10 million for each of the last three years to the Pacers and at the same time increase its year end 2009 cash balance from $26 million to a year end 2012 cash balance expected to be $76 million. They also have so much money that they are proposing that all of an anticipated $4 million gained from the sale of one of its buildings be simply given to the ICVA - over and above the $9 million the CIB usually gives them.
Unfortunately for the CIB, their believability index runs near the empty mark for much of the public and some elected officials as well.
Is this PILOT the perfect solution? No. But the Mayor isn't offering any solutions at all to the drop in IFD and IMPD counts that would be caused by having no recruit classes. I'm very glad that someone is stepping up to the plate and getting some solutions in place.
In the age of tax caps, the city does have to rethink some of its own self inflicted revenue hits - especially not sunsetting TIF districts that are no longer in debt. They should rethink the airport keeping hundreds of acres of land, that it does not need for aviation purposes, off the tax rolls. With the Great Recession still upon us, the city budget has to make it through a few more years with services intact. This year's challenges include the recruit classes.
The CIB is given special treatment each year because they are key to the ever sacred cow - sports. IndyGo is running on bare bones and told to dig to dangerous levels in their cum fund to survive. The Library has had to cut employees and hours over the last few years. Its not asking all that much for the CIB to help out here.
The budget goes to the full Council Monday night. Come January 10, 2013, when the PILOT is due, we'll see if the CIB pays up, or if Vaughn has them fight it out in court.
2013 city-county budget,
ann lathrop,
bob lutz,
brian mahern,
jeff cardwell
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Plot Thickens
Public notice just went out that an additional meeting of the Admin & Finance committee of the City-County Council will be held at 5:30 pm, Monday evening. This would be just prior to the full Council meeting where the budget must be adopted.
The sole agenda item is that committee's portion of the budget - which include all of the actual funds held by the City as well as the individual budgets for the Mayor's office, Council office, and County offices and the like.
The sole agenda item is that committee's portion of the budget - which include all of the actual funds held by the City as well as the individual budgets for the Mayor's office, Council office, and County offices and the like.
2013 city-county budget,
Thank Goodness Jon Murray Is Back
Jon Murray, City Hall beat reporter for the Indy Star, is back from vacation. And, its about time, I tell you. Now we can get some real information about what's going on behind the scenes with the budget.
I've not been able to post about the last couple of night's meetings, and will catch up with that after I tell you what Murray is reporting about tonight's important CIB budget meeting.
The Democrats haven't collapsed after all - as seemed at last night's Public Safety committee meeting. They are still eyeballing the CIB for payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT), and in addition, are lusting after some of the $80 million Rebuild Indy stabilization fund.
Murray reports:
I was disheartened after last night's budget amendments didn't contain any contractual raises for IFD and IMPD, nor funding for any recruit classes either. While Murray doesn't note the raises, at least he let us know that the Democrats leading the Council are all for keeping the IFD and IMPD head counts from dropping further.
The CIB budget hearing will be held in room 107 of the city-county building, beginning at 5:30. The DPW budget will be discussed at the same time in room 260.
Now, if we can only talk Murray into coordinating his time off with slow need-to-know news weeks....
I've not been able to post about the last couple of night's meetings, and will catch up with that after I tell you what Murray is reporting about tonight's important CIB budget meeting.
The Democrats haven't collapsed after all - as seemed at last night's Public Safety committee meeting. They are still eyeballing the CIB for payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT), and in addition, are lusting after some of the $80 million Rebuild Indy stabilization fund.
Murray reports:
Already, moves by the council — including a successful bid by a committee Tuesday, with help from Republicans, to save a property tax credit targeted for elimination — have rattled the Ballard administration.The image that has been developing in my head is one of a leaky boat with a captain who is using the spare wood to build a tiki bar. That kind of sums up what I see the Ballard administration doing by creating TIFs to capture known private investment (aka Mass Ave TIF) instead of letting the coming property taxes flow to the schools and city alike, by not sunsetting TIFs, by the airport holding on to land that should be turned over to the tax rolls. I think Ballard/Vaughn's game plan is to allow deterioration of police and fire numbers in order to get the public to back new taxes.
Thursday, another committee could vote to extract a $10 million to $15 million payment from the city’s sports and convention board.
Council Democrats’ aim: to sock away money to help pay for recruit classes of 50 police officers and 30 firefighters next year as the city contends with declining ranks.
The latest estimates pin the cost at $4.2 million for the police officers and $500,000 for the firefighters. (The Indianapolis Fire Department is seeking a federal grant to cover most of its cost.)
Council President Maggie Lewis said that besides the CIB payment, Democrats also are eying about $13 million that remains in the city’s rainy day fund, as well as a stabilization fund that contains $80 million. Ballard created that fund last year using money from the utilities sale to help maintain the city’s AAA credit rating.
I was disheartened after last night's budget amendments didn't contain any contractual raises for IFD and IMPD, nor funding for any recruit classes either. While Murray doesn't note the raises, at least he let us know that the Democrats leading the Council are all for keeping the IFD and IMPD head counts from dropping further.
The CIB budget hearing will be held in room 107 of the city-county building, beginning at 5:30. The DPW budget will be discussed at the same time in room 260.
Now, if we can only talk Murray into coordinating his time off with slow need-to-know news weeks....
city-county council,
jon murray
Friday, October 5, 2012
Big Week Coming Up for Council As Democrats Try to Modify Ballard's Budget
The budget is different this year. With divided government, the Democrats are reworking Mayor Ballard's budget so that their priorities are imprinted on 2013. The full Council must adopt a final budget at their October 15 meeting - so next week is it for all of the budget segments to get out of committee.
At this point, all of the municipal corporation budgets are out except for the 2013 CIB budget. [edited to add: the CIB budget will be taken up on Thursday evening, 5:30 pm, in room 107 of the city-county building]A special meeting of that committee will be called, but so far no notice has been sent out. The Parks budget passed out of committee last night. All the rest remain.
Here is the schedule as of right now:
Monday, October 8 - Metropolitan & Economic Development committee
budgets for Dept. Metropolitan Development and for Dept. Code Enforcement
also on the agenda are Prop 274 (urges the Metropolitan Development Commission to adopt the recommendations of the Council's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Study Commission), Prop 275 (urges the Indiana General Assembly to adopt certain recommendations of the Council's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Study Commission), and Prop 347 (which would approve $20 million of bonds from the downtown TIF to 'assist in the financing of the One America Garage')
Tuesday, October 9 - Admin & Finance committee
budgets for Office of Mayor, Office of Finance & Management, Office of Corporation Counsel, Office of Minority & Women Business Devel, Office of Audit & Performance, Election Board, Voter Registration, County Recorder, County Surveyor, Council, County Assessor, County Treasurer, Coutny Auditor, Noble of IN, MC Fair Board, MC Cooperative Extension, Regional Health & Mental Health Centers, WCTY, and Information Services Agency
also on the agenda is Prop 287 (to eliminate the local homestead credit from property tax bills)
Wednesday, October 10 - Public Safety & Criminal Justice committee
budgets for MC Prosecutor, MC Public Defender, Community Corrections, Circuit & Superior Court, County Clerk, County Sheriff, County Coroner, Forensic Services Agency, Dept of Public Safety (homeland security, animal care, impd, ifd, iems)
Thursday, October 11 - Public Works committee
budget for the Dept Public Works
also on the agenda is Prop 315 (amends the Code to limit the number of citations for exceeding the
At this point, all of the municipal corporation budgets are out except for the 2013 CIB budget. [edited to add: the CIB budget will be taken up on Thursday evening, 5:30 pm, in room 107 of the city-county building]
Here is the schedule as of right now:
Monday, October 8 - Metropolitan & Economic Development committee
budgets for Dept. Metropolitan Development and for Dept. Code Enforcement
also on the agenda are Prop 274 (urges the Metropolitan Development Commission to adopt the recommendations of the Council's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Study Commission), Prop 275 (urges the Indiana General Assembly to adopt certain recommendations of the Council's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Study Commission), and Prop 347 (which would approve $20 million of bonds from the downtown TIF to 'assist in the financing of the One America Garage')
Tuesday, October 9 - Admin & Finance committee
budgets for Office of Mayor, Office of Finance & Management, Office of Corporation Counsel, Office of Minority & Women Business Devel, Office of Audit & Performance, Election Board, Voter Registration, County Recorder, County Surveyor, Council, County Assessor, County Treasurer, Coutny Auditor, Noble of IN, MC Fair Board, MC Cooperative Extension, Regional Health & Mental Health Centers, WCTY, and Information Services Agency
also on the agenda is Prop 287 (to eliminate the local homestead credit from property tax bills)
Wednesday, October 10 - Public Safety & Criminal Justice committee
budgets for MC Prosecutor, MC Public Defender, Community Corrections, Circuit & Superior Court, County Clerk, County Sheriff, County Coroner, Forensic Services Agency, Dept of Public Safety (homeland security, animal care, impd, ifd, iems)
Thursday, October 11 - Public Works committee
budget for the Dept Public Works
also on the agenda is Prop 315 (amends the Code to limit the number of citations for exceeding the
to deny a violation and request an administrative hearing by electronic mail or United State mail)
All of these meetings begin at 5:30 and are held in room 260 of the city-county building.
edited to add:
Thursday, October 11 - Muni Corps committee
budget for the CIB
this meeting will be at 5:30 and held in room 107 of the city-county building
edited to add:
Thursday, October 11 - Muni Corps committee
budget for the CIB
this meeting will be at 5:30 and held in room 107 of the city-county building
2013 city-county budget
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Muni Corps Committee Trims Airport Budget
As I mentioned in my last blog entry, this phase of the budget season is usually dry and boring. What with split government this year, we are seeing an attempt by the Democrats to change Mayor Ballard's introduced budget in significant ways. But, still I was expecting the Muni Corps committee meeting to be dry and perfunctory. Figuring I'd save myself a needless trip and parking fee, I emailed Chairman Monroe Gray and asked if there were going to be any amendments introduced. Yes, he thought Councillor Lutz would be putting forth something.
Councillor Bob Lutz is a Republican, so what's up? Could he be fiddling with the Airport's budget? The airport got an earful from the public and a polite note of disagreement from the Councillors when they presented their budget in committee last week. A key spark was the fact that the Airport Board had just decided to begin an appeal of Judge Keele's ruling against them in their lawsuit that tried to stop a Fast Park facility from being built in Ameriplex.
Well, they got more than that this time.
Lutz offered an amendment to cut their budget by $100,000; the cost of the appeal. In a $161 million budget, they won't be left wounded or anything. Through this cut, the Council would be sending a message that the continuation of this lawsuit is frowned upon.
Lutz and Councillor Jason Holliday share the airport in their districts. Lutz on the Wayne side and Holliday on the Decatur.
Between them they laid out some of the history of the airport/Ameriplex/Fast Park story that I had not heard discussed in public before. And it is telling. Both the developer and Ameriplex approached the airport as soon as they thought there might be a good match in locating a Fast Park facility within the industrial park. They wouldn't go any further if the airport had a problem with it. The airport didn't have a problem. The Mayor's office didn't have a problem.
Fast forward to when plans were coming to fruition. Indy Park Ride & Fly - an off airport parking facility that moved out of Marion County and into Plainfield when the new terminal opened - had hired an attorney who went door to door in the abutting neighborhood. That attorney is now representing the airport in its lawsuit.
Lets face it, this lawsuit doesn't have merit. Never did. The airport is simply using its deep pockets to make it too expensive and too prolonged for Fast Park and Ameriplex to continue. They want to drive a legitimate business out of Decatur Township. They don't want the competition. This governmental entity wants to kill off competitors in a free market.
Long story short, the committee voted 4-3 to amend the airport's budget by $100,000. Voting with the Decatur community were Councillors Lutz, Holiday, Cardwell, and Mahern. Voting against were Councillors Gray, Talley, and Osili.
They also voted to send it to the full Council with a do-pass recommendation. I could see Gray vote no, but could not tell who else may have joined him.
This is an important vote for Decatur Township. We overwhelmingly want the Fast Park to be built. It is not your granddad's parking facility; rather it is so green that it can teach the airport a thing or two about being environmentally responsible. It would be located outside the TIF and bring much needed tax dollars to our schools and help move us toward a more balanced tax base. It will spark the development of much need commercial property that will benefit the community at large and help Ameriplex attract more high salary tenants to the Purdue Research Park.
I want to thank Councillors Bob Lutz, Jason Holliday, Jeff Cardwell, and Brian Mahern for standing up with us and standing up for us. Your support means a lot to us.
For those who are interested, I've embedded that part of the committee meeting from the WCTY archives below - it runs almost half an hour:
Councillor Bob Lutz is a Republican, so what's up? Could he be fiddling with the Airport's budget? The airport got an earful from the public and a polite note of disagreement from the Councillors when they presented their budget in committee last week. A key spark was the fact that the Airport Board had just decided to begin an appeal of Judge Keele's ruling against them in their lawsuit that tried to stop a Fast Park facility from being built in Ameriplex.
Well, they got more than that this time.
Lutz offered an amendment to cut their budget by $100,000; the cost of the appeal. In a $161 million budget, they won't be left wounded or anything. Through this cut, the Council would be sending a message that the continuation of this lawsuit is frowned upon.
Lutz and Councillor Jason Holliday share the airport in their districts. Lutz on the Wayne side and Holliday on the Decatur.
Between them they laid out some of the history of the airport/Ameriplex/Fast Park story that I had not heard discussed in public before. And it is telling. Both the developer and Ameriplex approached the airport as soon as they thought there might be a good match in locating a Fast Park facility within the industrial park. They wouldn't go any further if the airport had a problem with it. The airport didn't have a problem. The Mayor's office didn't have a problem.
Fast forward to when plans were coming to fruition. Indy Park Ride & Fly - an off airport parking facility that moved out of Marion County and into Plainfield when the new terminal opened - had hired an attorney who went door to door in the abutting neighborhood. That attorney is now representing the airport in its lawsuit.
Lets face it, this lawsuit doesn't have merit. Never did. The airport is simply using its deep pockets to make it too expensive and too prolonged for Fast Park and Ameriplex to continue. They want to drive a legitimate business out of Decatur Township. They don't want the competition. This governmental entity wants to kill off competitors in a free market.
Long story short, the committee voted 4-3 to amend the airport's budget by $100,000. Voting with the Decatur community were Councillors Lutz, Holiday, Cardwell, and Mahern. Voting against were Councillors Gray, Talley, and Osili.
They also voted to send it to the full Council with a do-pass recommendation. I could see Gray vote no, but could not tell who else may have joined him.
This is an important vote for Decatur Township. We overwhelmingly want the Fast Park to be built. It is not your granddad's parking facility; rather it is so green that it can teach the airport a thing or two about being environmentally responsible. It would be located outside the TIF and bring much needed tax dollars to our schools and help move us toward a more balanced tax base. It will spark the development of much need commercial property that will benefit the community at large and help Ameriplex attract more high salary tenants to the Purdue Research Park.
I want to thank Councillors Bob Lutz, Jason Holliday, Jeff Cardwell, and Brian Mahern for standing up with us and standing up for us. Your support means a lot to us.
For those who are interested, I've embedded that part of the committee meeting from the WCTY archives below - it runs almost half an hour:
Budget Season Getting Really Interesting - CIB Budget Delayed
Usually this part of budget season is dull and boring. We're in the wrap-up phase after all the departments and agencies responsibilities and budget numbers have been discussed and after the big public hearing before the full Council. About now, in the old days, there would be technical amendments to fix transposed numbers and whatnot - sometimes undoing the consumption of one group by another - but normally routine passage of the introduced budgets by the committees.
This year, due expressly to split government, we have real review of the budget and the Democrats are reworking the budget in significant ways. They made it clear over the last month or so of committee hearings, that they would try to reinstate IMPD and IFD contractual raises and recruit classes.
I have heard discomfort from Councillors on both sides of the aisle about Mayor Ballard's request that the homestead credit be eliminated - which sounds like, and is, a tax increase to many. Plus its elimination actually causes a $3.5 million loss in revenue to Marion County schools. So, the Ds are trying to dredge up an additional $8 million to substitute. Heads of the municipal corporations have reported to the Council that the Mayor will be offering a deal to them to soften the blow from the homestead credit elimination, but so far no such deal has been revealed to the public.
With that back drop, I still wasn't expecting for something to be afoot with the CIB budget, but it is. At their budget hearing in committee, they were chastised for not stepping in to aid the City in its time of need, when the City had stepped up when they needed a helping hand.
In the CIBs budget there was a golden egg for the ICVA. DMD is in the process of selling a building next to the old Conseco Fieldhouse (someone please remind me of the new name) and the proceeds will go to the ICVA. Something like $4.6 million is expected. This is over and above the $9 million they get annually from the CIB. The lion's share of the CIB revenue is from taxes of one kind or another.
The CIB is done with its $10 million a year 'loan' to the Pacers, so that's freeing up some cash.
Last night the Municipal Corporations committee of the Council met to make any final tweaks to the muni corp budgets. But Chairman Monroe Gray announced that the CIB budget would not be discussed. They are working on the numbers and they will call another committee meeting, hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. The entire budget must pass out of committee in time for the October 15 meeting of the full Council.
What's brewing with the CIB budget? Nobody is telling me anything. But something interesting is going on. Stay tuned.
This year, due expressly to split government, we have real review of the budget and the Democrats are reworking the budget in significant ways. They made it clear over the last month or so of committee hearings, that they would try to reinstate IMPD and IFD contractual raises and recruit classes.
I have heard discomfort from Councillors on both sides of the aisle about Mayor Ballard's request that the homestead credit be eliminated - which sounds like, and is, a tax increase to many. Plus its elimination actually causes a $3.5 million loss in revenue to Marion County schools. So, the Ds are trying to dredge up an additional $8 million to substitute. Heads of the municipal corporations have reported to the Council that the Mayor will be offering a deal to them to soften the blow from the homestead credit elimination, but so far no such deal has been revealed to the public.
With that back drop, I still wasn't expecting for something to be afoot with the CIB budget, but it is. At their budget hearing in committee, they were chastised for not stepping in to aid the City in its time of need, when the City had stepped up when they needed a helping hand.
In the CIBs budget there was a golden egg for the ICVA. DMD is in the process of selling a building next to the old Conseco Fieldhouse (someone please remind me of the new name) and the proceeds will go to the ICVA. Something like $4.6 million is expected. This is over and above the $9 million they get annually from the CIB. The lion's share of the CIB revenue is from taxes of one kind or another.
The CIB is done with its $10 million a year 'loan' to the Pacers, so that's freeing up some cash.
Last night the Municipal Corporations committee of the Council met to make any final tweaks to the muni corp budgets. But Chairman Monroe Gray announced that the CIB budget would not be discussed. They are working on the numbers and they will call another committee meeting, hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. The entire budget must pass out of committee in time for the October 15 meeting of the full Council.
What's brewing with the CIB budget? Nobody is telling me anything. But something interesting is going on. Stay tuned.
2013 city-county budget,
monroe gray
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Councillors Mahern and Adamson Stand Up for What is Right
Yesterday was a bad day for sense and sensibility in Indy government. The Council voted 25 to 2 to pass Prop 15, which expands the consolidated downtown TIF by more than a square mile.
The only two who had the strength of their convictions were Councillors Brian Mahern and Zach Adamson. Angela Mansfield appeared to be absent and Vernon Brown was excused from voting due to a conflict of interest.
By my count, at least 7 Councillors, bent their principles and voted in favor. (Others were always going to vote the party line, the public interest be damned.) Sure, their vote would not defeat the measure, but it would have sent a message that the ongoing community discussion on TIFs is necessary. That conversation will continue.
Councillor Vop Osili made promises to folks living in the Riverside and UNWA neighborhoods. The language he negotiated and inserted into Prop 15 fails to target those promises to those neighborhoods.
Councillor Joe Simpson refused to amend the Mass Ave portion of the TIF to exclude 2 of the several parcels that are already slated for private investment. This extension of the consolidated downtown TIF is merely being created as a slush fund for the Ballard administration, and Simpson is fine with that. He and they are stealing revenue that would have gone to help teach the children of IPS, stealing revenue that would have gone to deliver poor relief in Center Township, stealing revenue that would have gone to IMPD, IFD, IndyGo, Health & Hospitals, Parks, and the libraries - and spending it on development that could and would have happened without the TIF.
I sincerely hope that a dye was not cast last night. I hope we merely walked down the wrong path on a course that we can change before it is too late. TIFs have consequences. They are not free money. At some point, we will cross a line that harms Indy's economy and the services we pay taxes for.
Councillors will feel the urge to get in line to get a TIF for their area, too. By my count, the two that passed last night are just the first of 8. I don't know where the line of economic harm is. Perhaps it isn't even a bright line, but rather a gradual loss of services and quality of life for most of Indy's residents until drastic cuts in public safety and education become routine, and we do the best we can to wait out the 25 year lifespan of the TIFs.
The issue of TIFs is a hard one. I have been happy to see the community trying to get on top of it, digest it, and decide upon it. The conversation began in earnest about a year ago as key people in key groups began to understand there is no free ride with TIFs. And the conversation will continue.
Today I want to thank Councillors Mahern and Adamson for standing up for Indy, even when the powers that be tried to make them bow. We need elected officials with spines and principles and who will fight for what is right and best for Indianapolis and its people.
The public good suffered a blow last night, but the fight continues.
The only two who had the strength of their convictions were Councillors Brian Mahern and Zach Adamson. Angela Mansfield appeared to be absent and Vernon Brown was excused from voting due to a conflict of interest.
By my count, at least 7 Councillors, bent their principles and voted in favor. (Others were always going to vote the party line, the public interest be damned.) Sure, their vote would not defeat the measure, but it would have sent a message that the ongoing community discussion on TIFs is necessary. That conversation will continue.
Councillor Vop Osili made promises to folks living in the Riverside and UNWA neighborhoods. The language he negotiated and inserted into Prop 15 fails to target those promises to those neighborhoods.
Councillor Joe Simpson refused to amend the Mass Ave portion of the TIF to exclude 2 of the several parcels that are already slated for private investment. This extension of the consolidated downtown TIF is merely being created as a slush fund for the Ballard administration, and Simpson is fine with that. He and they are stealing revenue that would have gone to help teach the children of IPS, stealing revenue that would have gone to deliver poor relief in Center Township, stealing revenue that would have gone to IMPD, IFD, IndyGo, Health & Hospitals, Parks, and the libraries - and spending it on development that could and would have happened without the TIF.
I sincerely hope that a dye was not cast last night. I hope we merely walked down the wrong path on a course that we can change before it is too late. TIFs have consequences. They are not free money. At some point, we will cross a line that harms Indy's economy and the services we pay taxes for.
Councillors will feel the urge to get in line to get a TIF for their area, too. By my count, the two that passed last night are just the first of 8. I don't know where the line of economic harm is. Perhaps it isn't even a bright line, but rather a gradual loss of services and quality of life for most of Indy's residents until drastic cuts in public safety and education become routine, and we do the best we can to wait out the 25 year lifespan of the TIFs.
The issue of TIFs is a hard one. I have been happy to see the community trying to get on top of it, digest it, and decide upon it. The conversation began in earnest about a year ago as key people in key groups began to understand there is no free ride with TIFs. And the conversation will continue.
Today I want to thank Councillors Mahern and Adamson for standing up for Indy, even when the powers that be tried to make them bow. We need elected officials with spines and principles and who will fight for what is right and best for Indianapolis and its people.
The public good suffered a blow last night, but the fight continues.
Monday, October 1, 2012
The Case Against Prop 15
Tonight the Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council is poised to vote on Prop 15 - which would expand the consolidated downtown TIF district in two directions for a total addition of 1.1 square miles.
There are three components :
A) 112 acre easterly expansion, less than half of which runs along Mass Ave (see "What's Wrong With This Picture - The Proposed Mass Ave TIF" for maps of the proposed TIF) all supposedly needed for the development of 0.8 acres.
B) 604 acre westerly expansion (see "Proposed Bush Stadium TIF - Google Aerial View" for maps of the proposed TIF) all supposedly needed for the development of a couple of block area.
C) Also pasted on top of the expansion TIFs are three programs - a $2 million microloan, a $10 million microloan, and a $1.5 million job training program - to be funded by the TIFs. It must be noted here that TIF funds may only legally be spent on projects within the TIF boundaries and these programs run significantly beyond boundaries.
These are the reason that come readily to mind as to why Prop 15 should be defeated.
1) Prop 15 is dead --- Council rules require that any proposal that is tabled for more than 6 months be removed from the list of pending proposals. This is exactly what happened to Prop 16, another TIF proposal, which had been introduced and tabled on exactly the same dates as Prop 15.
2) There is a lawsuit pending against the Council for taking any action on Prop 15 because it is dead. It should give any member of the public pause as to why the Council did not simply follow its own rules and reintroduce the proposal under a new number. It would only be two weeks from now, before it would be back to the full Council. Likely, they did not want the TIF Study Commission recommendations (Prop 316) to beat it into law. This brings me to 3)....
3) The TIF Study Commission recommendations (Prop 316) (see "Finally, TIF Study Commission Recommendations At Committee"), which would require full disclosure of the underlying finances of the proposed projects and the abilty of the TIF to generate adequate revenue to make payments on any debt incurred. The way I have been framing the need for information is so that the Council and the public could see for themselves - Why a TIF? Why this location? Why this project? Why this footprint? Clearly, the rush on Prop 15 is because there is a concerted effort to avoid full disclosure.
4) The Mass Ave area is thriving, if not downright booming, and has at least 3 large projects already slated for 2013 and 2014 - needing no public dollars. (Well, suddenly the developers are supposedly telling Deron Kintner, deputy mayor for economic development and director of the bond bank, they think they might need public dollars after all. Believe him if it makes you feel better. Many Councillors, who know for a fact that Kintner has previously lied to the Council and to the press, will be citing his words when these TIFs don't work out well. But, I digress.) Creating a TIF here is ass backwards from how TIFs are supposed to be created. The intent is to create a TIF to fund a project to spark development with private dollars. Instead, the Mass Ave TIF is being created to cannibalize tax revenues from development made with private dollars. By all rights those tax revenues should be flowing to the schools, library, IndyGo, etc, instead of to a TIF fund. This is how you set up a thriving slush fund - not a beneficial TIF.
5) The Mass Ave TIF contains three 'nodes' - two along Mass Ave and one abutting the current consolidated downtown TIF. At least half of the 112 acres is contained in this mystery node. I have only heard one question asked in a public venue about this huge footprint. Councillor Zach Adamson (who ultimately was the lone, brave, vote against Prop 15 in committee) asked why that node was needed. Kintner's answer was that he could not divulge that information at this time.
6) One of the bids responding to the RFP put out by the City to solicite plans to relocate the Mass Ave fire station, actually offered $2 million to the City to buy the property and did not request any public dollars. This proposal was rejected. The three proposals still in the running curiously all ask for a TIF to be established and for public dollars to be invested in the project. Now, why would a developer care where public dollars came from? Really ! This is an example of exactly how stupid and gullible Kintner and the Vaughn/Grand/Ballard administration think the public and the Councillors are.
7) I have not heard one question asked as to why there must be 604 acres of TIF to support a couple of blocks of infrastructure improvements in the Bush Stadium area. This is the only project publicly acknowledged by the administration. Obviously, the Councillors have no answer to why this footprint is necessary and wise. Instead, they focused their attention on getting residents of the area to speak in favor of the TIF because their neighborhoods need help. Mark Fisher of Develop Indy worked to turn out the residents. While any caring human being wants to help, we have no gauge for whether or not this TIF is the answer, whether or not other public funds can address the issues, and where this area lands on a prioritized list of neighborhoods in need.
8) The language added to Prop 15 to satisfy some of the neighborhood leaders' interest in tearing down the old Bryant Heating & Cooling facility, is slipshod and may not be enforceable. Lets see if anyone introduces an amendment tonight to clear up the language, or if the Councillors are content to leave it in doubt.
9) There has been no financial data or analyses introduced that would justify why a TIF, why this location (although some need was demonstrated), what project much less why that project, and why this footprint for the proposed Bush Stadium area TIF.
10) The $2 million microloan and the $1.5 million job training programs would be made available to anyone within a 2 mile perimeter of the outline of the two-way expanded consolidated downtown TIF. The language is so poorly written that the recipients may not have to be low income, and/or may not have to have a business located in a low income neighborhood. Promises have been made to nearby neighborhoods and the Indianapolis religious community at large, that these programs are to help the residents within or abutting the TIF area. These promises are false promises - if you go by the agreement that has actually been reduced to writing.
11) Expending TIF funds, or swapping TIF dollars for other City dollars, to pay for the $2 million microloan and $1.5 million job training programs outside of the footprint of the TIF would be illegal.
12) The $10 million microloan program has no details except it would be funded by the TIF and spent throughout Indianapolis. Expending TIF funds, or swapping TIF dollars for other City dollars, to pay for the $10 million microloan program outside of the footprint of the TIF would be illegal. The City could use $10 million to fund raises for IMPD and IFD, and/or a recruit class for IMPD and IFD. Money the administration insists is not available. What will be sacrificed for this microloan program, if the law is actually followed and TIF funds are not used for the program?
13) There has been no consideration given to the question, how many TIFs are too many TIFs for Indianapolis and Marion County. Already 11% of all taxable property is contained in a Marion County TIF, 33% of all taxable property is contained in a Center Township TIF, and 22% of all taxable property is contained in an IPS district TIF. Prop 15 seeks to add another square mile of TIF to each of those jurisdictions. Prop 15 will cannibalize taxes that would have flown to the schools, library, IndyGo, Health & Hospitals, Townships, Fire, IMPD, Parks, as well as the City and County government. Prop 15 will decrease the tax revenues that flow to these units, as well.
For completeness sake, I recommend the following blog entries as well -- "TIF Fact #1 -- We've Been Bailing Out TIFs for Years", "TIF Fact #2 -- $490 million of property value was transferred from the base to the increment this year", "TIF Fact #3 -- TIFs Cause Higher Property Taxes For Everyone and Cause 41% of Circuit Breaker Penalties To The Taxing Units", "TIF Fact #4 -- TIFs Comprise 11% of All Taxable Property In Marion County - How Much More is Prudent?", "TIF Fact #5 -- 16 of 40 Marion County TIFs Have Seen Their Base Driven to Zero Value", "TIF Fact #6 -- 5 of 6 TIFs Comprising the Consolidated Downtown TIF Have Seen Their Base Driven to Zero Value", "TIF Fact #7 -- 33.3% of All Taxable Property in Center Township is Contained Within a TIF -- How Much is Prudent?", "TIF Fact #8 -- 20% of IPS Taxing District Contained Within a TIF -- How Much is Prudent?", "TIF Fact #9 -- Most TIF Districts Underperform County as a Whole" )
There are many excellent reasons for Prop 15 to be voted down tonight. But, instead, what we will witness is greed, ambition, threats of retaliation, blackmail, and willful ignorance drive the Council to pass this retched dreck.
There are three components :
A) 112 acre easterly expansion, less than half of which runs along Mass Ave (see "What's Wrong With This Picture - The Proposed Mass Ave TIF" for maps of the proposed TIF) all supposedly needed for the development of 0.8 acres.
B) 604 acre westerly expansion (see "Proposed Bush Stadium TIF - Google Aerial View" for maps of the proposed TIF) all supposedly needed for the development of a couple of block area.
C) Also pasted on top of the expansion TIFs are three programs - a $2 million microloan, a $10 million microloan, and a $1.5 million job training program - to be funded by the TIFs. It must be noted here that TIF funds may only legally be spent on projects within the TIF boundaries and these programs run significantly beyond boundaries.
These are the reason that come readily to mind as to why Prop 15 should be defeated.
1) Prop 15 is dead --- Council rules require that any proposal that is tabled for more than 6 months be removed from the list of pending proposals. This is exactly what happened to Prop 16, another TIF proposal, which had been introduced and tabled on exactly the same dates as Prop 15.
2) There is a lawsuit pending against the Council for taking any action on Prop 15 because it is dead. It should give any member of the public pause as to why the Council did not simply follow its own rules and reintroduce the proposal under a new number. It would only be two weeks from now, before it would be back to the full Council. Likely, they did not want the TIF Study Commission recommendations (Prop 316) to beat it into law. This brings me to 3)....
3) The TIF Study Commission recommendations (Prop 316) (see "Finally, TIF Study Commission Recommendations At Committee"), which would require full disclosure of the underlying finances of the proposed projects and the abilty of the TIF to generate adequate revenue to make payments on any debt incurred. The way I have been framing the need for information is so that the Council and the public could see for themselves - Why a TIF? Why this location? Why this project? Why this footprint? Clearly, the rush on Prop 15 is because there is a concerted effort to avoid full disclosure.
4) The Mass Ave area is thriving, if not downright booming, and has at least 3 large projects already slated for 2013 and 2014 - needing no public dollars. (Well, suddenly the developers are supposedly telling Deron Kintner, deputy mayor for economic development and director of the bond bank, they think they might need public dollars after all. Believe him if it makes you feel better. Many Councillors, who know for a fact that Kintner has previously lied to the Council and to the press, will be citing his words when these TIFs don't work out well. But, I digress.) Creating a TIF here is ass backwards from how TIFs are supposed to be created. The intent is to create a TIF to fund a project to spark development with private dollars. Instead, the Mass Ave TIF is being created to cannibalize tax revenues from development made with private dollars. By all rights those tax revenues should be flowing to the schools, library, IndyGo, etc, instead of to a TIF fund. This is how you set up a thriving slush fund - not a beneficial TIF.
5) The Mass Ave TIF contains three 'nodes' - two along Mass Ave and one abutting the current consolidated downtown TIF. At least half of the 112 acres is contained in this mystery node. I have only heard one question asked in a public venue about this huge footprint. Councillor Zach Adamson (who ultimately was the lone, brave, vote against Prop 15 in committee) asked why that node was needed. Kintner's answer was that he could not divulge that information at this time.
6) One of the bids responding to the RFP put out by the City to solicite plans to relocate the Mass Ave fire station, actually offered $2 million to the City to buy the property and did not request any public dollars. This proposal was rejected. The three proposals still in the running curiously all ask for a TIF to be established and for public dollars to be invested in the project. Now, why would a developer care where public dollars came from? Really ! This is an example of exactly how stupid and gullible Kintner and the Vaughn/Grand/Ballard administration think the public and the Councillors are.
7) I have not heard one question asked as to why there must be 604 acres of TIF to support a couple of blocks of infrastructure improvements in the Bush Stadium area. This is the only project publicly acknowledged by the administration. Obviously, the Councillors have no answer to why this footprint is necessary and wise. Instead, they focused their attention on getting residents of the area to speak in favor of the TIF because their neighborhoods need help. Mark Fisher of Develop Indy worked to turn out the residents. While any caring human being wants to help, we have no gauge for whether or not this TIF is the answer, whether or not other public funds can address the issues, and where this area lands on a prioritized list of neighborhoods in need.
8) The language added to Prop 15 to satisfy some of the neighborhood leaders' interest in tearing down the old Bryant Heating & Cooling facility, is slipshod and may not be enforceable. Lets see if anyone introduces an amendment tonight to clear up the language, or if the Councillors are content to leave it in doubt.
9) There has been no financial data or analyses introduced that would justify why a TIF, why this location (although some need was demonstrated), what project much less why that project, and why this footprint for the proposed Bush Stadium area TIF.
10) The $2 million microloan and the $1.5 million job training programs would be made available to anyone within a 2 mile perimeter of the outline of the two-way expanded consolidated downtown TIF. The language is so poorly written that the recipients may not have to be low income, and/or may not have to have a business located in a low income neighborhood. Promises have been made to nearby neighborhoods and the Indianapolis religious community at large, that these programs are to help the residents within or abutting the TIF area. These promises are false promises - if you go by the agreement that has actually been reduced to writing.
11) Expending TIF funds, or swapping TIF dollars for other City dollars, to pay for the $2 million microloan and $1.5 million job training programs outside of the footprint of the TIF would be illegal.
12) The $10 million microloan program has no details except it would be funded by the TIF and spent throughout Indianapolis. Expending TIF funds, or swapping TIF dollars for other City dollars, to pay for the $10 million microloan program outside of the footprint of the TIF would be illegal. The City could use $10 million to fund raises for IMPD and IFD, and/or a recruit class for IMPD and IFD. Money the administration insists is not available. What will be sacrificed for this microloan program, if the law is actually followed and TIF funds are not used for the program?
13) There has been no consideration given to the question, how many TIFs are too many TIFs for Indianapolis and Marion County. Already 11% of all taxable property is contained in a Marion County TIF, 33% of all taxable property is contained in a Center Township TIF, and 22% of all taxable property is contained in an IPS district TIF. Prop 15 seeks to add another square mile of TIF to each of those jurisdictions. Prop 15 will cannibalize taxes that would have flown to the schools, library, IndyGo, Health & Hospitals, Townships, Fire, IMPD, Parks, as well as the City and County government. Prop 15 will decrease the tax revenues that flow to these units, as well.
For completeness sake, I recommend the following blog entries as well -- "TIF Fact #1 -- We've Been Bailing Out TIFs for Years", "TIF Fact #2 -- $490 million of property value was transferred from the base to the increment this year", "TIF Fact #3 -- TIFs Cause Higher Property Taxes For Everyone and Cause 41% of Circuit Breaker Penalties To The Taxing Units", "TIF Fact #4 -- TIFs Comprise 11% of All Taxable Property In Marion County - How Much More is Prudent?", "TIF Fact #5 -- 16 of 40 Marion County TIFs Have Seen Their Base Driven to Zero Value", "TIF Fact #6 -- 5 of 6 TIFs Comprising the Consolidated Downtown TIF Have Seen Their Base Driven to Zero Value", "TIF Fact #7 -- 33.3% of All Taxable Property in Center Township is Contained Within a TIF -- How Much is Prudent?", "TIF Fact #8 -- 20% of IPS Taxing District Contained Within a TIF -- How Much is Prudent?", "TIF Fact #9 -- Most TIF Districts Underperform County as a Whole" )
There are many excellent reasons for Prop 15 to be voted down tonight. But, instead, what we will witness is greed, ambition, threats of retaliation, blackmail, and willful ignorance drive the Council to pass this retched dreck.
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