Friday, July 1, 2011

Indiana State Legislature To Study School Superintendents' Salaries

Good news for those who believe that public tax money has been used to bloat and overpay administrator salaries in our public school districts.  Kara Kenney, of WTHR, is reporting that Legislators will hold a summer study committee to look into the issue.  "This summer, a bipartisan legislative committee will study pay and benefit packages for the state's 291 school superintendents" Kenney reported.

Here is some more of her report:
State Sen. Jim Banks, R-Columbia City, requested the evaluation after 6News' coverage of former Wayne Township Superintendent Terry Thompson's $1 million retirement package.
"I'm alarmed to watch your stories about superintendents making a $1 million severance package when they leave a school system," Banks said. "It's startling as a taxpayer."
Banks said he believes administrator salaries have become bloated, all while teachers are being laid off and programs are cut.
"The superintendent receives a nice package in one district, and the district next door demands to be paid as well as the other superintendents," Banks said. "I think it's caused inflation of salaries around the state, and that's why I think we need to look into the issue."
and base salaries without perks and benefits of some superintendents:
Indianapolis Public Schools Superintendent Eugene White makes the most statewide, earning $272,940 for a district of more than 33,000 students.
The superintendent of Greater Clark County Schools ranks second, making $225,500 in a district with just over 10,000 students.

Donald Stinson of Decatur Township Schools ranked eighth, with a base salary of $189,287 for a district with about 6,400 students.
The WRTV website provides a link to a list of superintendent salaries across the state.


  1. The base salary is just the starting point, add in annuities, life insurance, health insurance, long term disability insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, buying additional years service on pensions, car leases, extended vacations and education allowances and there is easily 25-50k more in total benefits.

  2. Were you also one of the people that DUI Don Stinson deliberately snubbed while doing his community service at the Relay For Life? He wouldn't even look at me as he went by. :)

  3. Is it certain that participation in Relay For Life "counts" as community service????? Can Kara Kenney investigate this???
