Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don Welsh Leaving For Chicago

The IBJ is reporting that ICVA executive director, Don Welsh, is leaving Indy for a similar post in Chicago. Welsh came here in 2008, from Seattle. A search for his replacement is to begin immediately. Michael Browning, Chairman of the ICVA Board of Directors, is quoted as saying:

“With Indianapolis’ strong tourism product, including the expanding convention center and the coup of hosting the [2012] Super Bowl, we know this position will be extremely sought-after by numerous top-level executives both in Indianapolis and across the country,” Browning said.

Not in the report, but true none the less - During this past year, Welsh was able to secure millions more taxpayer funding for the ICVA, even as the public library was forced to cut its budget and curtail their hours.


  1. I love how he can take all this insider in information he has on Indy and go directly to Chicago to compete against us.

  2. Interesting that ICVA's Welsh never advertised his former position as President of the now defunct NBA Continental Basketball League on his resume as he pushed for a taxpayer bailout of the Pacers.

    It appears his job is done in our city.

    Crains Chicago Business reports he now plans to push Sports in Chicago with the creation of a "formal professional sports association".

    Watch out Chicago taxpayers, it appears you are about to get mugged by wealth sports team owners.

