Friday, August 6, 2010

Public Notice -- MSD Decatur Township

The required public notice for the MSD Decatur Township estimated budget and property tax levy has been published in the Mooresville-Decatur Times. Those of you who are interested in looking at the details will need to get out to the convenience or grocery stores to buy a copy today, as the Times comes out with a new edition tomorrow.

With an estimated budget for 2011 of $67,753,265, they list a maximum property tax levy of $26,786,842, up from $19,475,910 for this year.

The Board will hold a public hearing at 7:00 pm, August 17, 2010, at the Central Office, 5275 Kentucky Avenue. They expect the Board to adopt the budget on September 14.

Also listed are the actual tax collections for 2007 through this year, the proposed three year plan for the Capital Projects Fund, and the bus replacement plan through 2022. They note that they will be leasing 3 additional buses for 2011.

[edited to add: I uploaded a scan of this notice -- click here]

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