Monday, June 28, 2010

City-County Council to Meet Tonight

The Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council meets tonight. There are a few items that I find particularly interesting on the agenda.

Being introduced tonight include Prop 189, Sponsored by Councillor Cardwell, which would appropriate redevelopment grant dollars to the Indiana Convention and Visitors Association. According to Maury Plambeck, Director of the Department of Metropolitan Development, it is a grant from White Foundation, which has insisted that the money flow through the City to the ICVA. But, the grant is said to have been secured by the ICVA. Prop 189 is being assigned to the Metropolitan Development Committee, which next meets on July 12, at 5:30 pm in room 260.

Prop 196, sponsored by Councillor Evans, the digest of which is as follows:

urges the State of Arizona to repeal SB 1070, that no other state enact similar law, that the U.S. Congress consinder [sic] and act expeditiously to enact comprehensive immigration reform, and that the City and County neither hold nor attend official meetings in the State of Arizona, nor enter into any new contract for goods or services with vendors situated in Arizona until the new Arizona immigration law is repealed

Prop 196 is being referred to the Rules committee which next meets on July 6, at 5:30 pm in room 260.

Prop 197 is the proposal to approve the sale of the water and sewer utilities. Unfortunately, the exhibits referred to in the proposal which are purported to contain the details of the sale, are blank in the online version. I will edit this post to include a link as soon as I have one to these all important details. Prop 197 is being assigned to the newly created 'Utility Transfer Oversight Committee'. Melissa Thompson, Clerk of the Council Office, tells me that the committee will meet on July 6, after the Rules committee meeting ends. The committee will also meet on July 19, beginning at 5:30 pm in room 260. Ms. Thompson further informs me that the committee members have not yet been assigned.

Of the Proposals set for a final vote tonight, only Prop 167 seems to have engendered any negative votes in committee. Minutes of the June 8 meeting of the Administration & Finance committee indicate that the point of contention was about the process of Council approval of leases, with Councillor Malone saying voting for the proposal is "just to vote on what has already been completed". Councillors Malone and Lewis both voted against the proposal, while Councillors Pfisterer, Cockrum, Day, and Sanders all voted for it.


  1. I hope that every American, regardless of where he lives, will stop and examine his conscience about this and other related incidents. This Nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. All of us ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated, but this is not the case.

    I know the proponents of this law say that the majority approves of this law, but the majority is not always right. Would women or non-whites have the vote if we listen to the majority of the day, would the non-whites have equal rights (and equal access to churches, housing, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, schools, colleges and yes water fountains) if we listen to the majority of the day? We all know the answer, a resounding, NO!

    Today we are committed to a worldwide struggle to promote and protect the rights of all who wish to be free. In a time of domestic crisis men of good will and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics and do what is right, not what is just popular with the majority. Some men comprehend discrimination by never have experiencing it in their lives, but the majority will only understand after it happens to them.

  2. If the illegal hispanics were not using our SS#'s, claiming exempt on their taxes, getting free food stamps, free housing and if they didn't commit so much crime maybe this wouldn't be needed?

    Sorry, I worked in payroll far too long to see the same people come in every year with a new name and SS#, claim exempt then go back to Mexico where they were "Rich". If I was not a white, married, homeowner and wasn't denied government help when my husband and I both lost our jobs (and were told if were black or hispanic and not married we'd get help) then maybe my view would not be so harsh?

  3. 6:18 Well said!

    12:47 Yes, I agree. If you had not been lucky enough to be born the "correct" color, you might have compassion.
