Monday, April 5, 2010

Upcoming Dates to Mark on Your Calendar

A couple of dates for Decaturites, and Marion County residents as well, to note.

Today, Monday, April 5, is the last day to register to vote in the May 4 Primary and School Board elections. You can call voter registration at 327-5040 to check if you are on their rolls at your current address and under your current name (newly married ladies take note). If you are not on their list, they can tell you the best way to get registered TODAY. Wherever you register to vote, do keep your receipt and bring it with you on Election Day in case there are any difficulties locating your name in the books. You may also have to bring certain documents with you to prove you live at the address shown, if you are a first time voter at your current address. So, be sure to ask voter registration about that, as well, when you call them.

Today is also the first day for early voting at City Hall. They will be open for voting in the Clerk's Office, on the first floor of the City-County Building, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Beginning with the week of April 26 they will extend hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. They will also offer weekend voting hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, April 24 & 25 and May 1 & 2. Early voting will end on Monday, May 3 promptly at noon.

If you want to vote by mail, you will need to send in an 'absentee ballot application', which you can obtain online by clicking here. Upon receipt of your application, the Election office will send you a ballot in the mail. You have until April 26 to get your 'absentee ballot application' into the Election office. You must return the actual ballot by by election day, May 4. (In neither case will postmarks on the days of the deadlines work for you. The application and the ballot must actually be in the Election office by the deadline.)

Tuesday, April 13 is the date of the next Decatur School Board meeting. I am told it will begin at 7:00 pm in the Community Room of the Decatur Intermediate Learning Center, on Mann Road. No agenda is yet posted on the District website, but Teacher layoffs must be finalized that night.

Monday, April 26, is Candidate's Night at the Decatur Township Civic Council. This meeting will begin at 7:00 pm in the Large Group Instruction Room of the Decatur Middle School. All candidates running for seats on the Decatur School Board have been invited. Written questions are taken from the floor. So, come to ask questions or to (finally) hear answers from those running to represent you on the School Board.

Of course, Election Day is May 4, and all the polling locations will be open for voting. Once the list of these sites are posted, I'll make a link so you can check to see where you would go to vote.


  1. Make SURE you go to the April 13th School Board meeting! Here's a quote straight out of the minutes from the 3/16 meeting...

    "RIF letters were delivered to teachers Friday, March 12, 2010. School Board action will take place at April 13, 2010 meeting."

    Notice how they kind of slipped that one in? Who wants to bet that when they DO post the agenda for the 4/13 meeting, there won't be an agenda item that says "Board action will take place dealing with the RIFFED teachers"?

    This is the most slippery Administration and School Board that there ever was. WAKE UP DECATUR TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS AND SEE WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING TO OUR KIDS!

    Go to the meeting! Tell everyone. Crowd the Central Office building. Make them notice you. Also, remember if you wish to speak you MUST SIGN UP!


  2. Anon 4:09: The MSD school board website has this note on it's webpage:


    Make sure you don't go to the wrong place! Looks like they moved it.

  3. anon 4:09 -- the meeting is in the Community Room of the DILC on Mann Road, just as anon 4:20 noted.

  4. Why did they move it? What is DILC.

  5. anon 4:26 - I received word from a resident that they had requested a move to a large room; a request they made to Dale Henson, President of the School Board.

    I suspect that is why it was moved. As for the choice of new location, I have no information.

  6. DILC is Decatur Intermediate Learning Center, 5650 Mann Rd (Epler & Mann). Housed the Blue Academy and the Gold Academy for the last 5 years. Next year they'll be converted to 1-6 schools.

  7. Well - not converted. They're not going to lower any toilets or counters or add playground equipment for the little ones.

  8. Next Tuesday. Go to the Board meeting. Sign up to speak. Speak the FACTS. Students are depending on the parents and citizens.

  9. Search for / use #DecTwpSch on twitter for frequent updates on Decatur Township Schools in the news, important info, etc.

  10. More Inhumane Treatment TO Employees From The Tag Team OF Susan Adams and Jeff Baer who were driving around together checking where all busses were between runs

    Schoolbus drivers have been told they can no longer go anywhere but on school property between runs. Supposedly they had a complaint from someone about wasting taxpayer money by allowing them to eat,drink,and smoke on school time.

    The schools are locked and drivers cannot get in to go to restrooms. Drivers have to drive all the way back to the bus garage to use restroom{those that are lucky enough to have time } The rest are out of luck. I guess they will have to use trash cans on busses.

    Driving back to bus garage and then back to begin next run will cost Twp. much more money for diesel fuel. .

    Drivers have been told several different reasons that this has been implemented,..1.Pat Andrews complained about drivers
    2.The lady running for schoolboard complained
    3.Rosie just decided to do this now and had been thinking about doing it for a long time.

    Probably the real reason is drivers had meeting with Natalie Coffey this week at Carson Park after work in morning on own time and in private vehicles. Administration found out and GOD knows they are happy with the schoolboard they have and GOD help any employee who are taxpayers in this Twp. and support anyone else.

    Adams has told custodians they are not allowed to watch t.v. on their lunch time now.She just took away the paid 1/2 hour lunch they had. She shouldn't be able to tell them what they can do on their unpaid lunch.

    This cold hearted ,power hungry, money hungry witch has to go!

  11. Anon 12:15: Go to the School Board meeting on the 13th. Sign up to speak and ask if any of these allegations are true. Odds are they're not. I can't believe these without proof. Sorry.

  12. anon 12:15 - I believe you.

    I can tell you for sure that neither Natalie or me has complained about where busses park between runs so that the drivers can use a bathroom.

    I hope that this Township remembers who lives with us and who does not. The bus drivers deserve far better than how this Administration treats them. But, it is likely just as you have said - they want to stop you from influencing the community to vote against the incumbents.

  13. Maybe the letter should be posted that the bus drivers got so people will believe it. Also did anybody hear about the couple having sex in one of the boys bathrooms at the HS today?

  14. The one the drivers got in their mailboxes.
