Thursday, April 29, 2010

Don Stinson Finalist in Superintendent Search in Baldwin County, Alabama

The commenters on this blog are a font of information. As most of you know by now, the comments have included links to news items from Alabama. Here are some additional ones.

From Local 15 News (NBC), posted yesterday:
The superintendent search for Baldwin County has now been narrowed down to 6 finalists. BWP and Associates, the superintendent search firm working for Baldwin County, received 31 applications from 14 states.

They then list the 6 finalists, including Don Stinson of MSD Decatur Township. The Board hopes to have the new Superintendent working there by July 1.

From the Baldwin County Public Schools website, applications were due by April 19. They are looking for the following qualifications:
Qualifications The Baldwin County Board of Education is interested in attracting a proven educational leader who possesses a good balance of academic preparation combined with depth of administrative and teaching experience. The candidate will need to be a dynamic, energetic individual who has demonstrated collaborative leadership and is effective in building and maintaining strong community support for public education. The successful candidate will be:
An Educational Leader with Integrity
A Skilled Instructional
A Problem Solver
An Effective Communicator
An Effective
Collaborative Leader
Effective Manager of Public School Finance

Baldwin County Schools, with an enrollment of 28,000 students, has only two Assistant Superintendents, according to their website.

From the Mobile Press-Register (click here), posted just 6 hours ago, interviews will be held on May 10, 11, and 13. They say further:

The full board will interview each candidate separately, officials said, in closed sessions. Before each candidate is interviewed, Roberts said, a public reception will give county residents, media and others interested a chance to speak with each one.

After the last interview, board members will vote to narrow the list to the top two or three. On May 24 and 25, Roberts said, finalists will return for interviews. On May 27 and 28, individual members of the board will make site visits to where the candidates currently work.

On June 1, Roberts said, board members will vote to select their new superintendent.
The new superintendent's salary and contract will be negotiated, board members said. Former Superintendent Faron Hollinger's salary was $147,125.

Hollinger left the 27,000-student system in December, more than a year before his contract ended, after Baldwin County Public Schools plunged into the worst financial crisis in its history, according to some. With state and local revenue declining by more than $61 million in a two-year time frame, the system cut hundreds of jobs and closed two schools with additional cuts on the horizon.

The article goes on to mention brief information about the 6 finalists, with Don Stinson's information as:
Donald Stinson, superintendent, Municipal School District of Decatur Township, Indianapolis; system enrollment: 7,000; salary, $280,000; education specialist, Indiana University.

I know we all wish Don Stinson the best for his interviews.

Thanks to the world's best commenters for yet another local news scoop. You know who you are.


  1. I wish him the best with his upcoming interview! Hopefully, he will get the job and we will be able to get a fresh new start. It would be so nice to hire a new superintendent who does NOT have any ties to Decatur Township. I think this would cut down tremendously on all of the politics within the administration and the school board!

  2. Good riddance, Don! Now you can go lie to the Alabamans and get from them what you really deserve. Too bad it's not the Alabama State Prison. Please, township residents, don't let this cloud your thinking about voting Tuesday. He has lied and cheated to everyone, even letting the board give him $40,000 in January to stay 4 more years and all the while he has been seeking other employment, thinking no one would find out. Let's vote for change Tuesday and get our schools back.

  3. Don , didn't you say you wanted a new 4 year contract so you could help our Township out of this fiscal mess? LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!

    COWARD, the rats are leaving a sinking ship!!!




  7. O.M.G.! I am so afraid Stinson won't get this job...





  8. Now, now. Let's all think good thoughts so that Don gets the job.

  9. I was shocked to see his salary compared to the other 5 finalists. His is almost double some of the other salaries!!

  10. Are you kidding....he will never get that job....have you read the qualifications of the other candidates....I would be embarrassed if I were outstanding merits....only in our dreams

  11. I missed the channel 6 news....what a on?

  12. Message to Adams, Sullivan,Pellico and our illustrius schoolboard:

    Stinson and Baer have hung your butts out to dry!
    Your crap is hanging in the wind!

    They are cutting out before things get even hotter and:


    YOU !!!

  13. Let's all keep our eyes on "the best school board in years." They need Don and he needs them. They will be trying to slide another $40,000 into his compensation to stay. Notice there is a $60,000 discrepancy between his current salary on the Alabama website and what was reported here. They need to know what a lying, cheating, slithering snake they are considering.

  14. Now folks, if they Google 'don stinson', you really don't want them to find these comments do you?????

    Let's support Don.

  15. I watched channel 6 news at 7 and it didn't look good for Stinson and our school district.

    If Stinson and Pellico would stop playing cute games in their attempt to hide from interviews and deny public imformation to the news media,

    Maybe they wouldn't hammer them every time they do something stupid.

    Don't mess with the media. Especially a certain female member of the media


    I heard you will be able to purchase your very own "PAT ANDREWS VOO DOO DOLL" at administration building, complete with a years supply of pins to stick in her.


  17. There should be plenty of applicants with all of the teaching, secretarial, security, maintenance people. Applications will be taken tomorrow at CO

  18. Alabama is a good place for Don Stinson.

  19. Whoever left the previous comment about making the VOO DOO Doll of Pat Andrews - you are SICK!!! I am praying and hoping you are not an employee of Decatur Township schools (especially an employee who works directly with our children)! You truly need to GROW UP and if want to leave twisted comments on here then you need to take ownership by stating your name with your comments. Or are you too embarassed? I know I would be. I am beyond the childish games that you are playing!

  20. Oh, I'm sure he wanted a new 4-year contract...just not here!

    Now we know how he could afford to take a pay cut...

  21. Anon 8:25 said: Whoever left the previous comment about making the VOO DOO Doll of Pat Andrews - you are SICK!!!

    Hmmm...I thought it was meant to be sarcasm. Was I wrong?

  22. The way other individuals act or treat you is thier Karma; the way you act or treat others is your Karma.

    Mr Stinson if you are a the selected cadidate for the Alabama job, you shall be missed. The mean spirited individuals on this blog shall have consequences to pay for thier mean ways.

  23. Pat Andrews - I don't know you and I thank God for that.

  24. Yes,it was definitely sarcasm. Pat is my HERO. I am greatful for all she is doing on this blog!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Pat Andrews - I don't know you and I thank God for that. April 29, 2010 11:10 PM

    Ignorance is bliss. That's why the school board smiles so much.

  26. Did Stinson volunteer to take the pay cut so he would be more affordable at another district?

  27. anon april 29 7:32 - channel 6 ran with this: "The Superintendent of the Decatur School District is up for a job in Alabama. Don Stinson is one of six finalists for the Baldwin County Public School District in Mobile Alabama. The District tells 6News they hope to interview finalists in a few weeks and have someone in place by July 1st. Several recent 6News Watchdog stories have revealed financial problems within the Decatur School District, including several audits that found mismanagement of money. Decatur Schools has 7,000 students. Baldwin County - 28,000 students."

  28. anon april 29 8:25 and 8:46 -- I took your comments as jest and got a chuckle out of them.

    anon april 29 10:32 -- thanks for sticking up for me when you thought they were deriding me. I appreciate it.

    anon 5:40 -- You are way too kind. This blog may have my name on it, but it is those of you who post comments and go your own direction with them, that are the heros. You have chosen not to remain silent, and that is what is making the differnce. My hat is off to all of you.

  29. Anon said: Mr Stinson if you are a the selected cadidate for the Alabama job, you shall be missed. The mean spirited individuals on this blog shall have consequences to pay for thier mean ways. 11:09 PM

    Hi Debbie!

  30. I wish Mr. Stinson the very best in Al. I think you will be very well suited for them. Thank you for all that you have done and see ya :)

  31. Great example of the "good ole boys network." Stinson will blame the blog if he doesn't get the job. Interesting that he is available to discuss this with tv but not the "robbery" of taxpayers. He'll take his Indiana Retirement of over $90,000 and the Alabama pay and then make almost as much as he does now. Alabama is probably used to handling snakes. Would not wish this on anybody. The board needs to handle its own problems.

  32. is reporting that Decatur is calling back 13 of the 61 riffed teachers. Anyone know who those 13 teachers are? Football coach, assistant football coach????? Does board just approve who is riffed and not who is called back? Was there another special board meeting?? Interesting that all of this news is coming the week of the election???

  33. anon 3:30 - I did get a list of the 13 teachers who were recalled. I'll make a post of the names, but I haven't had any time to crosscheck it versus the seniority list. There has been no Board action on the recall.

  34. Let me have one of those dolls!!! I'll stick every pin in it and hope she ^&@%%@.

    Pat Andrews needs to get a life.

  35. Anonymous 4:46 said...
    Let me have one of those dolls!!! I'll stick every pin in it and hope she ^&@%%@. Pat Andrews needs to get a life.'re spending a lot of time and energy on someone with no life. Maybe you should get one first.

    I am grateful to the people who spend a portion of their valuable time rooting out deception. Alabama doesn't have a monopoly
    on snakes - and snakes don't like the light!

  36. HEI 4:06 Thank you.

  37. Interesting report on channel 6 last night. Looks like now that the heat's being turned up, some of the professional vultures in our school administration are preparing to take wing and try to find another school district to fleece. Preferably far enough away that no one will know them. Hopefully someone there will be gullible enough to swallow their song-and-dance and give them a fat-cat contract to rob from their kids education money.

    Kudos to Stinson and Pellico for getting the kids and parents in Decatur Township another slap in the mouth from the news media last night. The Channel 6 female repoter tried last January to get Stinson to answer questions about discrepancies in the state board of accounts audit report. I overheard Stinson, ever the slick talker, telling her "I don't know what you're talking about" over and over again when both he and the reporter knew he was lying. Stinson's snakle-oil salesman trick of using Pellico to block attempts by newsmedia and the taxpayers to access public info was really cute, too. You got us reported to the State's public access office. I hope Stinson and his boy Pellico enjoyed their fun because they've once again made Decatur look like a laughingstock. My only solace was that it was Stinson's face being smeared on the nightly news. Lies...DAMN lies...and Don Stinson.


  38. The only people who don't appreciate the time and dedication by Pat Andrews are those who have been charmed by his smooth talk and drink from Don's well. If any of them would look at him and his buddies for what they have stolen from our kids and the bleak future of education at Decatur, they would realize someone besides the state is to blame. Why don't any of them live in Decatur and send their kids to our schools? Who do you think supplied figures to the state that Pat obtained and posted? They were signed off on by someone in our CO. Obviously, just like the board members, papers were slid in front of someone and signed without reading. What Pat is trying to accomplish is to let every taxpayer know the sad state of affairs our schools are facing and how they came about. She should sleep well every night knowing that she is providing true and correct info to educate voters so change can be initiated Tuesday. Pat, thank you!

  39. One member of SCHOOLBOARD playing dirty.

    Natalie Coffey recieves Derogatory unsigned letter in her mailbox.

    Member didn't have far to walk to put letter in Natalies' mailbox.

  40. To: April 30, 2010 6:24 PM

    That's what they do. They've had a good leader.

  41. I say let him go. But I am a bit concerned about what else he might be trying to run from besides the fiscal debt. As for we only know what we see. I'm sure there are some hidden secrets somewhere that makes him want to move on after asking for more money. His leaving though will do a lot more for this township and the children than him staying. It's bad enough with this mess that it has effected the education of my children by teachers not teaching because of possibly losing their jobs. To top it off we are even getting an un-experience new athletic director. Thank god college is paid for.

  42. To those of you who enjoyed the voo doo doll crap, I once thought like you. But, over the years I realized why we should have people like Pat Andrews on our side. When she was on the board she questioned things and nobody liked it. When the next time to vote came around the district did everything to have her replaced. It worked but look where we are now because no one on this school board has the balls to question Stinson. I can agree to disagree but hatred for someone and wishing bodily harm is going way to far and crossing the line. I truly hope the persons who enjoyed this don't have children, because what you do and believe affect them.

  43. Thank heavens we have someone like Pat Andrews who stands up for what she believes in!!!Bad things have been going on for a long time in Decatur Township and no one has had the guts to come forward and expose them!!! You have to give credit when credit is due and she definately deserves a pat on the back for all of the hard work and research she has done...Hopefully we can get some people on the school board who are not "suck ups" and are truly interested in the welfare of our children.. Good job Pat!!!

  44. as an ex student of decatur central i can tell you first hand the quality of teachers is terrible, when the school had to make cuts they made it to the teachers who were fresh out of school and on their way to actually teaching the children. You have 5 principals, you should only need 1 and a few of the principals have no right being principals. Honestly it seems decautur enjoys kicking out students and not helping them to graduate or giving them any opportunities to help them get back on the track to graduate, Don Stinson makes me laugh everytime i here him talk because as a student i could see through his bull shit, he has done nothing to help the special needs children and even his own principals have told several special needs children they can go to high school till they are 25 years old, how is that fair for them, if the teachers aren't adjusting the curriculum to help these students be successful in todays world, then the school refuses to accept that it has a high teenage pregnancy rate, with this you would expect a school to try and promote safe sex and also to help students who are pregnant graduate, all this should be a no brainer for a school district. But alas here is Stinson making all this money while were laying of teachers, 5 principals in 1 building is overkill, not to mention you have to pay for all 5 of them you. Get Stinson and this terrible school board out of here, there is no point in letting them ruin our district and steal while doing it.
