Friday, February 12, 2010

Many School Board Offices Still Await Candidates

I know that there have been comments about folks not running, as of yet, for Decatur's School Board. Well, for good or evil, that is not unusual in Marion County. According to information on the County Clerk's Election Board web pages regarding offices on the ballot and who had filed to be a candidate as of yesterday, Thursday, February 11, 2010, I report the following races:

Beech Grove City Schools -- 3 At-Large positions open -- no candidates
Decatur Township School Board -- 3 district positions open -- no candidates
Franklin Township School Board -- 2 district, 1 at-large positions open -- no candidates
IPS -- 1 district 1 position open -- no candidates
/// 1 district 5 position open -- 1 candidate
/// 1 at-large position open -- 1 candidate
/// 0 district 3 position open -- 1 candidate (? oops)
Lawrence Township School Board -- 1 district 2 position open -- 1 candidate
/// 1 at-large position open -- 4 candidates
Perry Township School Board -- 3 district 1 positions open -- 2 candidates
Pike Township School Board -- 3 at-large positions open -- 4 candidates
Warren Township School Board -- 3 district 1 positions open -- 3 candidates
Washington Township School Board -- 2 district seats open -- 2 candidates
Wayne Township School Board -- 4 at-large positions open -- 1 candidate

I refer you back to my blog entry "How to Run for School Board" for a map of Decatur's School Board Districts, a link to the other school districts in Marion County, and where to get forms. The forms must be in by noon Friday, February 19 - one week from today. If you get them in before that time, they will call you should you end up without 10 qualifying signatures. That way you still have a chance to get the last signatures needed. The closer you press the deadline, the more you need to have a full set of qualifying signatures -- so get 20 just in case.


  1. During my classes for an administrative license we were repeatedly told that the school board hires the superintendent and therefore they must agree with his decisions....just look at what happened at the school board meeting last night in Decatur....the board simply handed all the decisions back to Stinson. It just seems like a thankless job and those who dare to oppose are then ostracised.

  2. anon 7:09 -- that might be what they try to teach the newbie administrators. But, it does not jibe with state law that leaves the final decision on many key issues up to the board.

    Don't use our Stepford Board as your barometer. They should be the poster child for more oversight, not none.

  3. Anon,

    Who cares if you're "ostracized" on the Board? Your boss is the voters not the Superintendent.
