Thursday, February 4, 2010

Councillor Plowman Involved in Police Probe

Vic Ryckaert of the Indianapolis Star is reporting that Councillor Lincoln Plowman, who represents Franklin Township area on the City-County Council, has turned in his badge, gun, and car while he is being investigated.

Here is the latest from the website:

Council member Plowman under investigation
An Indianapolis police commander who also serves on the City-County Council was placed on administrative leave while he is under an internal investigation, city leaders confirmed Wednesday.

Lincoln Plowman, an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department major and a Republican member of the council, turned in his gun, badge and car, said Public Safety Director Frank Straub.

Straub would not say what Plowman is being investigated for.

Efforts to reach Plowman were unsuccessful. His attorney, James Voyles, declined comment.

Plowman commands IMPD's support service branch, which oversees reserve officers. He was with the Marion County Sheriff's Department before the merger of the police and sheriff's departments in 2007.

Plowman was elected to the City-County Council in 2003. He represents the 25th District, which takes in Franklin Township.

Plowman became the council majority leader in 2007; he held that post until this year.

Gary Welsh is posting this on his Advance Indiana blog:

Exclusive: Another City-County Councilor Under Investigation
A well-placed source tells me FBI agents showed up at IMPD today to question City-County Councilor Lincoln Plowman, a high-ranking officer in the department. I'm told Plowman quickly lawyered up. Chief Michael Spears ordered Plowman suspended according to my source. He was forced to turn over his badge and gun and received a police escort home. Mayor Greg Ballard had originally promoted Plowman to head up IMPD's Investigations division. Plowman was quietly removed from that position without explanation a short time later. Plowman holds the rank of Major in the administration division. I'll update you as I learn more on this developing story.
UPDATE: FOX 59 News' Russ McQuaid just confirmed from an IMPD spokesperson that Plowman has been placed on administration leave because of an FBI investigation. He says the FBI would neither confirm nor deny an ongoing investigation of Plowman.

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