Friday, January 29, 2010

Decatur School Board Votes at Worksession

A message has been sent out from Gary Pellico on behalf of the MSD Decatur Township School District. It seems the School Board actually voted on some budget restructuring items at last night's work session.

Here is the text of the message:

MSD School Board Moves on Administrative Fiscal Restructuring Plan

The MSD Decatur Township School Board began the process of fiscal restructuring at a special session last night approving a plan for the administrative cuts. Although the Superintendent had recommended a 20% reduction in his salary to lead the way, the board amended the recommendation to a 15% reduction. They then proceeded to accept the 5% reduction in administrative staff salary and capping insurance benefits. The board also voted to reduce five administrative positions effective for the 2010-2011 school year. These positions included 4 building level administrators and one central office administrator which results in two central office positions including the retirement of Dr. Jeff Baer.

In other action, the board voted to continue conversation about ways to make the Pavilion profitable and remain open to the public. They will look at plans and ideas presented during the community input session earlier in the week. The board also listened to an update on plans to have a district-wide celebration of unity and support in the spring. This event is being planned by the parent organizations and student council groups from schools throughout the district.

The board will meet in Executive Session on Thursday, February 4 to consider additional steps necessary for fiscal restructuring. This meeting will be held in the board room of the administrative offices at 6:00 p.m. Executive sessions are not open to the public. The next regular school board meeting will be held on Thursday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m.

My first reactions: Stinson supposedly wanted a 20% cut, but the Board said "NO - 15% is enough"???? What is wrong with that picture - let me count the ways. Exactly how does cutting Jeff Baer's position while simultaneously replacing Jeff Baer result in a loss of an Administration position??? Candice Baer already was leaving the district, so losing that position, created specifically for her to begin with, is no hard hit on the Administration. Yup, taking care of the Administrators first. These reductions are minor.


  1. i'm actually sick!!!! i'm ready to have them ALL removed!!!! anyone else feel the same????

  2. I don't think Candice was the central office position eliminated. I think it is Anna Cook????

  3. I feel the same as undaunted. They also got rid of Jeff Harvey.

  4. Undaunted you are so right and thankfully 3 of them are up for reelection in May. I guess any thing they do right now can be redone in June. And these cuts are a start but nowhere near where they need to be.

  5. If they want to find ways to keep the Pavilion open and still have to make cuts instead of letting more than 1 person go why dont they just eliminate Wayne Fisher? That would make up what they need to cut plus they will come out ahead in the end.
    I am a member of the Pavilion and I have probably only seen Wayne in there a hand full of times in the past month. It cant be that much of a loss to eliminate him.

  6. I just found out that they had the temerity to hold the meeting in the Southwest Pavilion Office Building (old Concentra Building).

  7. they have to make use of it somehow I guess!

  8. Was Milhon-Baer eliminated or not????

  9. Decatur township employees are aware of many situations that should be reported but are afraid to speak out because termination would follow. Why were decisions made at this work session when it was committed Wednesday that nothing would be done until February 11? This super and board do whatever they want because they know they can. Not one of them cares about our children; only themselves! Most of them have family members working in the township who are not in danger of being cut. This whole situation is like something out of a horror movie! Please township residents. We need change in May!

  10. Wayne Fisher does a great job juggling the school groups and the public groups. I think it would be a mistake to get rid of him.

  11. There has to be change no doubt! Every job has to be looked at and some of those jobs have to be combined and just like all over America the fat needs to be cut.

  12. Did anyone see the posting for the meeting on Thursday - was it posted as a work session or a regular board meeting????????

  13. anon 8:44 -- I understand that they sent in an announcement to the MD-Times, but perhaps not a legal notice. I could find no legal notice in either the Times or the Star.

    The announcement, which unfortunately did not get into the paper, said it was an executive session followed by a special meeting followed by a worksession.

    They did not post these meetings on the district website and from all anyone I have talked with knew, it was only a worksession.

    This is typical of how this Administration and School Board operate. Be as elusive as possible.

    We need some sunshine in the Decatur School District.

  14. I agree that only giving the superintendent a 15% pay cut when 20% was offered is ridiculous. Maybe the 20% was only offered to make it look like he wants to help save teachers. He probably did so with an agreement with the board that 20% wouldn't be passed. Regardless, the superintendent is still going to make more than $50,000 more a year than the next highest paid administrator.

  15. Does anyone know if it is legal for a school board to vote on something in a work session?

    Does anyone know if this meeting was posted at the superintendents office. The law (IC5-14-1.5-5) states that it is to be posted at least 48 hours ahead of time.

    Does anyone know if the board made a motion and voted to notify employees that their positions were might be eliminated in December? The agenda for the December 2009 meeting is not on the Decatur website. The law is they have to do this before January 1.

  16. anon 1:10 -- In addition to the work session they made mention of, they also held an executive session and special meeting of the Board on Thursday, January 28. I don't know if they posted notice of it at the Central Office or not. But, they do not appear to have given public notice via legal notice in any newspaper - which may also be required. To complicate matters, they also held the meeting in a place different than their Board Room - they actually held it in the Southwest Pavilion Office Building (formerly known as the Concentra Building).

    If folks have copies of the teachers' contract, please let us know when notice of possible layoffs must be made. Is it in December or early Spring?

  17. anon 1:10 -- There are no agendas posted for 2009 or earlier. The minutes for the Dec. 2009 are erroneously posted in the link to the minutes for the Jan. 2010 meeting.

  18. Thank you.

    It looks like there are problems. They have a responsibility to check the media postings - mistakes get made or mail lost BUT it is their responsibility to check for these postings.

    They must have hid their decision to nonrenew contracts within the staff report but that is very shady. Do they know that there can be law suits when these things occur and it can cause them to spend a lot of money on lawyers and to settle claims if they lose??

    Maybe it must storm before the sun shines in Decatur.

  19. Candy Baer says they don't have to tell teachers until the end of May.

    I don't have copy of teacher contract but my friend says you can contact Lisa Cook or Jayne Kirk to get one sent electronically.

    Was Candy Baer one of those positions eliminated?

  20. The positions they voted to "eliminate" were administration positions. The administrators were all notified via "pink slip" before Christmas break. Administrators have to legally be notified before January 1 of terminations. However, certified staff (teachers) notification is not until May 1.

  21. anon 3:12 -- All I know is that the information Gary Pellico sent around and which I copied here, says about administrator cuts: "These positions included 4 building level administrators and one central office administrator which results in two central office positions including the retirement of Dr. Jeff Baer." But, that's nuts, about Jeff Baer's position making two central office cuts - because he is being replace by a fellow from Perry Township schools; therefore his position is not being cut. Candice Baer was already leaving the district, so it is likely her position being cut in the central office.

    So, the central office administrative staff will suffer only one lost position. My guess is it is the gratuitous loss of Candice Baer's positions since she was leaving anyway.

    The other 4 administrators would be Principals or Asst. Principals - but no specifics have been released. anon 11:46 says that one is Jeff Harvey from the DILC. Rumor has it that some of the Director positions (aka Asst. Principals) at the High School will be eliminated. Another rumor has Joe Preda moving over to the Central Office. But, we still await the specifics.

    This information could easily have been posted on the district website. EASILY.

  22. anon 3:16 -- Your information makes sense. The troubling aspect is that according to that scenario, they would have decided on the administrator cuts in December and then just held this dog and pony show for the rest of us.

    I'm going to go throw up now.

  23. This is public information so maybe someone can contact the district on Monday and find out who was eliminated. Candy Baer has said she will have her job next year. I heard that they eliminated both athletic directors at the high school. Maybe Doc Rather will be the AD. Maybe Pellico will replace Mr. Harvey. Who knows?

  24. anon 4:42 -- sounds we need to know which positions were eliminated AND if they will then suffle folks around the remaining positions.

  25. I am being told that all administrators were given a pink slip in December. The ones who will be let go were notified yesterday (Friday). It looks like there may be some suffling of the remaining administrators into the remaining positions; but I have no idea how much suffling there will be.

  26. Agree, they may shuffle positions but since the board did not tell them prior to Feb. 1 those who are moved will be paid whatever they were paid this year (less 5%) so IF Pellico becomes a principal then he will be paid $128,735 (less 5%) as compared to an elementary principal ($114,985 less 5%). An AD at $139,026 (less 5%) is a very expensive AD. I am sick also.

  27. anon 6:31 - good points. I don't know if they indeed told everyone whether they had a new assignment, or not. If they did, then they met the Feb 1 deadline. But, saving administrator salaries has always been a goal, so why would they bother meeting that date? If someone finds out for sure, let us know.

    By AD, do you mean athletic director? If so, the rumor I am hearing is that a certain grandson is looking good for that spot - meaning the position won't really go away.

    My understanding was that the 4 builing level positions that were cut on Thursday night were all Principals or Asst. Principals. I don't think athletic director is under an administrator's contract. If I am correct, those changes will come with the teacher roster changes.

  28. They're supposedly going to tell teachers the results of shuffling (not layoffs) before Spring Break. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

    They need to get rid of all these academic "coaches" that act as administrators but are supposedly teachers but don't have any students. Another level of bureaucracy.
